How to be wise

Rating LOC’s of enlightened masters

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I am reading the book ‘1000’ by Ramaji. But when you look at the amount of enlightened people he rated (with exact numbers, eg 734 and 856), it makes you doubt whether this book is actually real or not. I mean, how can you give them exact numbers. He gave people like Muhammad and Lao-tzu 1000, but how can you be sure? All we have of those people are stories and books. Who here believes that this book is actually real? If so, explain how he gave those ratings.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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LOC-ratings are total nonsense and a major distraction for the ego. One should forget about them and dismiss them as quickly as possible I think. 

This is not to say that you could never ever describe or classify someone’s level of overall consciousness but there’s no way you could quantify it in any way. What about LOC 1001? Is that legit? Does it exist? Why is 1000 the limit? Are there things you can tick off on a list that you can or can’t do at a certain level? It’s just... it’s just nonsense, really, don’t waste your time on it. 

I think in the end it’s just another way/method to keep you chasing on and on after something that you can’t get. And only when you’ve given up the desire, the searching and the longing, only then you might be classified as someone with a LOC of 1000. But whatever, no one would ever really care about it anyway. Except the people who are cought up in it and treat it as just another egoic pursuit. 

Edited by DocHoliday

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As I've said, don't be so damned literalist about it.

It's a useful model when used properly, within limits. Once you start debating if someone is 755 or 756, you've stumbled in your own stupidity.

What you should be more concerned with are the general differences between the 600 range, 700 range, 800 range, 900 range, and so on.

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The only award you get is when you finally realize you're the only thing that exists and that you're talking to yourself.  And it's a bittersweet award that nobody wants (no Egoic self wants).  The Ego (Lures into Maya a.k.a. Thoughts and Experience) will do everything it can to draw you away from that insight.  But once you have it, you can't unsee it.  It's in there now even though your Awareness will still get distracted by Thought and Experience.  That's the power of an awakening experience.  But there's gotta be a takeaway there.  One of the things I've always been great at is implementing my insights, my takeaways, and I attribute my growth to that on the Path.  A lot of people have these great insights and never takeaway anything from them.  Enlightenment is about having an insight and then never being the same in some sense after it.  You gotta trust your own insights and run with them, but also don't cling tightly to them because you also expect that they will change.  Thinking that you've arrived in Enlightenment Work is a way to set yourself up for a real mindf*ck when you have another awakening, another profound realization or shift.  And I've had so many shifts now that I just don't assume anything.  But I walk my insights to death after I have them.  I milk them for all the juice they have.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Numbers or not, the Truth is still there. I think the author is having the purpose of who we can "trust" to what they're saying, if they have the right competence to talk about it or not. It is an ego defence to help the common person, but I also think it can be useful and critical of sources to what enlightenment is (through language) and what enlightenment is not. I think in the end everything just boils down to how well you can explain it

Jesus obviously could explain it in a good way at first but those words flew far away from the Truth he was preaching

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Muhammed Ali "I ain't got no beef with no Vietcong, ain't no Vietcong ever called me nig***". Maximum Enlightened. Not sure about the Master part being old cassius.

Score board stuff seems worse than dumb, makes me think of a quote from a book within a game (Deus Ex), "Jacobs Ladder". Where if you do 100 things wrong you can go to heaven, but a 101 sends you straight to hell.

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I mean, how can you give them exact numbers.

He has been at 1000 for ten years, I think, and has been psychic for decades.  And as Leo said, even if the number is off by 1, does it make any difference? It's still in a certain stage with certain observable characteristics.

It's funny how people on the forum are reacting to the map, like it's some kind of an ego trip or something.

I assure you nobody fully awakened is going around thinking "yeah, I'm at 1000, I'm better than you at 580."  

It's more like "when are you going to reach 1000 already?" Wake up, damn you! ;)

'Cause at 1000 it's painfully obvious what the other person is doing to prevent themselves from awakening and if anything it's frustrating.



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