Revolutionary Think

Self Realization about the End Game

4 posts in this topic

In my last post I was discouraged at how long it'll take me to "cross the finish line" as in become enlightened and I basically won the game of existence the universe etc. The problem with that way of thinking is this and it has to do with video games. When I was younger I used to get a generic video game and beat it (as in get to the end and finish the final boss) in 3 days sometimes even 2. All my cousins where impressed, sometimes shocked and through there jealousy they told me that I had an addiction even though they would play the same amount but, not be able to beat the games as fast as me. As I grew older finishing video games became bitter sweet. There was that sense of accomplishment for beating them and then a sense of emptiness that there's nothing left to do after that. It's funny because it reminds me of a Futurama episode where professor Farnsworth was happy that he answered all the universes questions and came to that realization and then became depressed that no more questions were left. It also reminds me of some video games I play where I finish the video game and instead of getting a you won and an ending I get the same exact game over screen I would've got if I had run out of lives. 

Anyway I was so eager to beat these games that I rushed through some of them and didn't really get a chance to enjoy them that much (until I replayed them and did things differently but, that's beside the point. The point is if I concentrate too much on "finishing the game" I don't take time to enjoy certain parts of the game as much as I can and ironically when I've finally finished the game all I can think about is that I want there to be a few extra levels so I can keep enjoying it. That's why the infinity is important because it's never ending and you wont get that sense of emptiness after you finished the game (in this case this game doesn't finish). So I think that's what @Leo Gura was trying to tell me on that other post where I was going crazy over getting to the end and finishing the game of enlightenment. 

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On 9/7/2018 at 11:21 AM, Revolutionary Think said:

become enlightened and I basically won the game of existence the universe etc. 

Shadow work is never complete.

Enlightenment does not excuse anyone from shadow work - even though many people use accessing infinity to bypass having to deal with the conditioning in the psyche.

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@Revolutionary Think Take your time, but do not tarry.

What enlightenment will reveal is that all there is to do, all there's ever been to do, is to enjoy every damn moment.

It is like you spend so much effort climbing to the top of this giant mountain, only to discover every point along the way was already the top!

There's nothing but top!

But then why did I have to climb?

To learn that there's nothing but top!

In infinity, the beginning and end are the same.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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