
Used to be a word was enough to recognize the self...

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2 minutes ago, SOUL said:

Yes, daily experience and self observation isn't theory.

Yet, ego subtly convinces oneself that it's machinations isn't theory but is truth!

Then ego seeks the security of the self feeding loop in telling others if they don't theorize as it does they are enslaved and not free.


Fosho dude:D that’s why we are talking about feeding fear 

Edited by Jack River

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7 minutes ago, Nahm said:

All resolves in nonduality.  That’s just me though. 

U mean when fear doesn’t feed itlsf right @Nahm :D?

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@Nahm so from nondual awarness there is no feeding duality right? Like in daily living  

Edited by Jack River

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3 minutes ago, Nahm said:

“That”, is you, whatever that is. 

I know:DI mean is there freedom without this feeding fear in “your” life?

Edited by Jack River

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4 minutes ago, Nahm said:

There isn’t freedom or fear

So there is undivided awareness. No suffering and such. 

I get what you mean. Alone but not isolated. Fosho brah?. Cool way to put it. 

Edited by Jack River

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17 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Action is multiplicity, like experience.

Fosho man. Action followed by experience is divided action. Nice. Just recently saw that. 


18 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Sweet. Have fun! ? ? 

I will dude. Thank you. :D

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2 hours ago, SOUL said:

@Misagh You start out well enough in recognizing the machinations of ego can bring too much theory then allow yourself to get dragged into excessive theory machinations in the thread. Which winds up with one of the more machination theorizing posters on the board suggesting if you can't see in theory the way they do you must not have 'freedom' and are still enslaved.

There is a lesson here...hehe

Ooohh ?

It’s funny that the ones who talk thenmost about avoiding teory are the ones who talk the most theory. 


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23 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@cirkussmile It’s all magicination. ❤️

Nice man. To not be fooled by the magic trick is crucial dude?

Edited by Jack River

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6 hours ago, Misagh said:

@Joseph Maynor Help me out here xD

Becoming God means that all Experience and Thoughts must die, not just the Egoic self.  They all burn into the illusion of Maya a.k.a. Thought and Experience.  The only thing that actually exists is God Awareness a.k.a. the true Self right now.  I think the biggest trap in Enlightenment Work is refusing to face the fact that you are all alone in existence and that everything you care deeply about in Experience and Thought is a total illusion (dead).  Nobody wants to face that.  And actually what happens is you don't face it, it comes after you.  In other words, the awakening may occur to you sometime in the future, and then you won't be able to unsee it.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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