
Improved Reading

7 posts in this topic

A wonderful good evening,


Today I came across something called IMPROVED READING. I found rarely informations about this technique, but it has lots of benefits like faster reading and a better information procession. 

So but how is it used properly and what are your experiences on this ? 


With love


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You don't mean Tai Lopez's technique on reading faster, or reading 5 books simultaniously, do you? Because his technique is questionable and there are high chances to miss out important information. Always when it comes to faster reading then I'm skeptical, because often amazing insights are in some random sentences that don't seem too special at once and that you easily can overread. They can be on any page, anywhere in the book. So I'd rather just read the entire book carefully and take my time.

So I googled a little bit and found out that faster reading is better for your brain to process the information and to not wander off in fantasy land. Sounds reasonable, but also counter-intuitive. @KeepPounding What have you found out about that technique? Share your knowledge with us. All I have found are payd courses lol

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@Lucifer  of course :)

Improved Reading is to read faster and more efficient. You don't read word for word you put words together to groups and generally only focus on verbs and nomes. That's the technique I find while researching.


  • Subvocalisation (talking the words in your head-based on that we learned reading in primary school like that) it stops you
  • Lack of fixation

Those problems leads to that your brain is under promoted and it easily gets distracted. Improved reading should be the solution to that


+ more time

+ more information in less time


That's all informations I know, but I also saw like you said not much information just course offers. I hoped somebody knows more and has some experience with it. In the internet everybody celebrates this technique but how exactly it used and how you can train this ability I don't know.


With love


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I have that technique and it is not at all as it seems. I don't know how I've developed it nor I can give you an advice on developing, I just found out that I can. I started reading and writing Latin letters when I was 4, and Cyrillic and English (as a foreign language) when I was 7. During school I was always reading something and now I study language+literature course so I have to also. I guess it came with time somehow. I think it is like you can read 1500 words in a minute. At least I can. I don't know if it is the same technique, but never mind.

What I wanted to say is, even if you can do something, it doesn't mean that it is the best way to do it. It is like a running, do you prefer jogging and paying attention on nature and your environment or you just sprint to achieve the goal? The question is what you enjoy more. I personally never use that technique, expect when I have to read something quickly or it is super boring, because my eyes hurt after that. There is an eye muscle which regulates moves of the eye, and when you're reading super fast, you need to move your iris the fastest you can, and after some time my eyes simply hurt. And I don't enjoy it at all since I'm focused on the goal. i.e. just to finish a book. And your brain needs to be turned on all the time, because if you lose a focus just for a minute, you've missed many pages already. But I have to admit, it is a good exercise for a focus and it can be useful at some situation, but in general, it is not like you'll have super human capacity and you'll read every book that exists (like reading courses present it) because you simply get tired. 

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@KeepPounding I haven't heard "Improved Reading" before, but rather Speed-Reading.

I have gotten into Speed-Reading where you eliminate subvocalization and overall gain more focus. And the comprehension increases as well since you are using certain memory techniques when you read these books. I haven't continued with speed-reading anymore unfortunately, but I'm going back to it later. However I am quite certain that it works if you put enough time/work into trying to achieve this.

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When you start reading set a time like an hour just for reading and outline The most important things from The book. The create a Word document where you put that information so when you want to remind yourself about the book you have it there 

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