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My First Yournal

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Hi All,

Someone told me taking the first step is worth more than the biggest plan, so here's my first attempt on keeping a public journal:

The night: I have watched a lot of youtube video's last night, also at 3:00 am, and at 6 in the morning. I have to replace this bad habit with something better. I now have removed m laptop from the bedroom, and placed some books. Tomorrow I will report it it has worked.

The day: I have made a long list of stuff to do, and  now I am doing the stuff that involves my computer. But I also play a lot of videogames in between (and even during) the tasks tat involve my computer. I have to stop that, and do a single task from start to finish, then play a game, and then do the next task from start to finish. Also, i have to do some stuff that's not computer related, if I'm not carefull, it's not getting done today.

Also, i don't take the time to eat properly. I grab something, and then eat it in front of my PC. Not the correct way to do it.

Looking back at what I have written, I'm not that satisfied with the current state of affairs. Time to change them :-)

Kind regards,


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OK, I have taken myself off the computer, and completed doing the dishes. It looks like a small thing, but it shows me it's very powerful to make myself accountable by showing my day to strangers. Now I only have to remove the need for an audience, and I'm one step closer.

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Next morning,
I have first attended a party of a friend of mine. Arrived late, because I wanted to finish the movie first. I honestly told my friend, instead of giving a fake reason. Had a great time talking to people i never met before, and was honored that they said it was nice to meet you on their way home. I watched some porn last night, but I managed to keep all the screens out of the bedroom. Watched some porn this morning. And went to the forum to write this.

Look like I have work to do to get porn out of my habits. I guess I can better go to bars instead of porn websites, I notice I don't dare doing that. Is that my fear of rejection? Is it that I don't want to pay for drinks? Am I afraid to look like a fool? There's no need for that, as I have proven to myself I can talk to perfect strangers, and they like me for it.

Kind regards,


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I have just spent a few hours on a project to run my DJ software under linux from a thumb drive. It didn't succeed, so I felt it like a personal failure. This is not needed, as I don't really need the project to succeed, I can do everything without it. So, there's no pressure, the only thing I don't like is that it has taken time.

Kind regards,


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Doing something else (vacium and mopping) actually was enough to fix my bad mood.

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