
Brains and Pure Consciousness

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This whole thing hit me in a flash while eating dinner. Those who will be reading it please bear with me. I would also like to know if the inquiry is heading to the right direction.

First there is the Absolute beyond being and non being, arising and subsiding, everything and nothing etc. Whatever is said about it, is not it.

Then comes brains and human perception. Out of infinite bytes let's say the brain renders only 2000 bytes per second and creates this dualistic perception of a solid, physical world. That is why the brains of a dog, an ant, a human produce completely different perception of the same Absolute because the rendering is different. That's why modification in Brain results in modification in perception.

BUT at no point, the Absolute is directly known as it is. So all brain produced perception is only a 'way' of seeing the Absolute that it itself is not!

So what is Enlightenment?

"Form is emptiness, emptiness is form. There is only one substance, not two."

The substance of absolute infinity and the substance of the 2000 bytes that your brain is processing, is one and the same. So if you know the only substance of this 2000 bytes, you know the only substance of infinity.

It is the ignorant ego mind that makes a distinct, independent, objective reality with unique substances like matter, energy etc. out of that 2000 bytes. That is the level of ignorance, myopia of the limited rational mind.

Brain does NOT produce pure Consciousness. Brain is INSIDE pure Consciousness and only a way to look at that Consciousness .

After some time a metaphor came to my mind to explain all of this beautifully. 

Take a video game with the size of 10GB data. Let's say it is the 5MB Application that runs the game. That App is NOT producing the 10GB data. That App is only one way to represent that 10GB data. That 10GB pure data is there independent of it being rendered or not. it doesn't give a fuck about how it is represented.

There is nothing inherent called ''a video game'' in that 10 GB pure data. It's the 5MB App that represents that 10GB data as a video game, as a beautiful illusion aka a FALSE appearance, something that 10GB pure data is inherently NOT!

In fact that 5MB App is INSIDE 10GB data. There is no independent App outside the data.

So I think you can already guess that the 10GB data is the Absolute and the 5MB app is the brain.

Can you unsee it once you see it?


Edited by Preetom

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4 minutes ago, Preetom said:

Can you unsee it once you see it?

this here shows me you deeply understand whatever it is you're describing here


i am also understanding what you're talking about ..


i like thinking the entire book being the whole and the single page one reads as the current experience occurring.

Love Is The Answer

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59 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

i like thinking the entire book being the whole and the single page one reads as the current experience occurring.

That's another beautiful metaphor. Thank you!

You can mingle with it more to understand the apparent relationship between one substance and the many appearances.

If you know the only substance of the current page you're reading, which is paper, then basically you know the substance of the entire book.

In fact there is nothing called 'a book', 'a story' inherent in paper. That is how paper 'appears' to you.

You could use the same paper as a 'fuel' to light a fire to warm yourself in a cold night. A rat could see 'food' in the paper and nibble on it.

But you see, things like book, story, fuel, food etc are NOT inherent in paper. They are only representations or appearances of paper.

Metaphorically speaking, in no case you're knowing the paper aka the Absolute directly. You're only knowing it's false appearances based on how you look.

This is exactly what I tried to convey with the video game metaphor.

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@Preetom the full description of that book metaphor also incorporated the AUTHOR


an author of the book knows the entire story, past, present, future etc


GOD is the AUTHOR of reality... knowing the "past" present/NOW and "future"


the readers of this infinte book of reality is the role each of us is playing right now... each of us being our ego-selfs which experience time


but yeah, i liked this anoalogy of how and why God/Absolute does not know time - just knows all


but reality is a lot more layers than this i am afraid. as the reader is the author is the book is the content is all of it :) 


4 minutes ago, Preetom said:

But you see, things like book, story, fuel, food etc are NOT inherent in paper. They are only representations or appearances of paper.

Metaphorically speaking, in no case you're knowing the paper aka the Absolute directly. You're only knowing it's false appearances based on how you look.

This is exactly what I tried to convey with the video game metaphor.

oh yes! and it was done so. beautifully :)


also. i like tom campbell's way of explaining it using a video game too

wherein he says think of each of us as the character in a video game, say world of warcraft. the character in the video game cannot ever turn around and look outside of the monitor/screen and see the human player . 


just like that the consiouness which is the driving force in each of us does not exist in this world which we are in, but is the video game player which exists meta-to our world 



 and once again, reality is a lot more than that cuz meta and our world are all blended in and are one :) 

Love Is The Answer

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15 minutes ago, Preetom said:

I would also like to know if the inquiry is heading to the right direction.

There is no right and wrong or true and false in nondual perception, our awareness in nondual observation transcends all these conceptualizations you've imagined and 'enlightenment' will cease to be something sought.

Yea, sure, stories are fun, they can be beautiful and inspiring but the ego lives in the story, it feeds on the story, it needs the story and it thinks it's own story is 'right' and 'truth'.

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43 minutes ago, SoonHei said:


And once again, reality is a lot more than that cuz meta and our world are all blended in and are one :) 

Yes exactly. There is only one substance not two. All metaphors are concessions that try to explain a part but cannot directly know the Totality ever.

41 minutes ago, SOUL said:

There is no right and wrong or true and false in nondual perception, our awareness in nondual observation transcends all these conceptualizations you've imagined and 'enlightenment' will cease to be something sought.

Yea, sure, stories are fun, they can be beautiful and inspiring but the ego lives in the story, it feeds on the story, it needs the story and it thinks it's own story is 'right' and 'truth'.

100% agreed. But some stories are needed to demolish the countless other bullshit stories. In turn, those stories themselves will be destroyed.

It's the dream waking up from dream so a special category of dream stories is necessary and doesn't hurt :P

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5 minutes ago, Preetom said:

But some stories are needed


18 minutes ago, SOUL said:

the ego lives in the story, it feeds on the story, it needs the story


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