
This why you should never do psychedelics

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@Good-boy  I've  watched his videos before great insight on drugs.   As a psychedelic user I must say every individual will react to the experience differently. Of course you shouldn't dive into these sacred compounds without doing the proper research.  Also you must want it, and not expect everything to just be pleasant for you. Reality doesn't hold it self back for anyone. Therefore people who is doing it for wrong reasons or have lack of knowledge is in for a huge reality check. Ego death and psychedelics coexist greatly, you must  prepare yourself mentally for that.  ?

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He seems like a genuine fellow sharing his experience. He doesn't seem ideological, which can be a trap with psychedelic use. He acknowledges pros and cons and how the cons, for him, lead him to sobriety.

A few points that jumped out to me:

1. Many of the dangers he cited are relevant to novices that hadn't done their research. For example, taking too high of a dose and "bad" trips.

2. Some dangers he cited are for novices that got in over-their-head. Psychedelics can take a person to a nondual reality that is so foreign it is terrifying. Yet it doesn't need to be this way. A person can start with baby doses, get some glimpses, and work their way up. As well, a person who has decades of meditation and personal development experience will likely have a different experience than a high school kid looking to have some fun.

3. He spoke how psychedelics didn't really help *me*. They didn't help improve *his* life. From my view, I have a personality WITHIN consciousness. I try to understand and have a more well balanced personality by learning about personality structures, seeking energy of the personality etc. This is all personality development. Psychedelics are beyond the personality. Nonduality doesn't care about my personality and all it's seeking and neurosis. I don't use them to create a better personality. They dissolve the personality and all it's beliefs and mental constructs. I don't understand someone using psychedelics for self-seeking motives. It's just not my experience.

4. He says trips go really well or really bad. This is so overly simplistic I wouldn't know where to begin.

5. He states that psychedelics are distractions. Yes, they can be. This is something I've tried to be aware of with myself. I'd say I've gotten "off track" with psychedelics at times. In particular, when I overly rely on psychedelics are I use them too much for fun. In my view psychedelics *can be* distracting to varying degrees. It's not so simple as psychedelics *are* distractions. 

6. He states how he prefers other forms of spirituality like meditation. Again, it's not *all or nothing*. A person can have a daily practice of mediation, yoga and contemplative journal, attend a spiritual retreat once a month and have a spiritual psychedelic trip once every two months. I don't understand why so many people think psychedelics are all or nothing. They can be ONE component of a holistic spiritual life. Consider I spiritual program as a decathlon. The pole vault is just ONE event - there are other events like the long jump. Similarly, psychedelics are just ONE event in the spiritual decathlon. There are other events such as meditation and shamanic breathing. Imagine someone only training in the pole vault and complaining the pole vault sucks because their decathlon score was so low. Of course it was, they got zeros in all the other events!

7. He spoke about how much more empathetic he has become since quitting psychedelics. He suggests that psychedelics and empathy are exclusive. This is not my experience. I've experienced indescribable levels of empathy during trips. IME, empathy is a core feature of trips. Psychedelics dissolve the sense of a separate, finite self. That opens the door to a sense of oneness, unity and empathy for all.

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One core problem the thread title creates.

Thread Title: "This why you should never do psychedelics"

Video Title: "Why I will NEVER take psychedelics again"

See the difference here? He is talking about his own personal experience to explain why he will never do them again. So the over simplistic nature of how he is describing his points is from how his experiences go and isn't inherently trying to sum them up as that being applicable for everyone.


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@Shadowraix I agree with you about the title. The title is very ideological, yet I did not find the video to be particularly ideological

@see_on_see I agree, he has limited awareness outside his own perspective. Yet I do think he is genuine on his personal experience and he doesn't seem like he is trying to tell others how they should live their lives.


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He knows the  spiritual aspect of it as a idea.  He's not discarding it's use , he's a drug addict which means he uses the substance on egotistical level. So even if he has a glimpse into none duality he won't react like a enlighten person. His heart not in the right place, his attentions aren't set on truth. The title and the video itself contradicts itself ,because he once again knows the positive aspect  of psychedelics.  

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@Basegodmike My perspective is similar. He seems to view psychedelics relative to the self. I.e. psychedelics can be used by the self for fun or for personal development. Personally, I don't see psychedelics as a good tool for personal development, they are a better tool to dissolve and transcend the self. Imagine how someone would feel using psychedelics to improve their self only to find the psychedelics are dissolving their self. That would totally suck for the self.

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I made a comment to him that he hearted which showed to me he does recognize benefits for other people, he just didn't receive them when he used:

"Cg Kid Psychedelics can be like packing years of meditation in a half day experience. Then you come back to baseline and have to deal with all of your usual thoughts and egoic behavior. They are most definitely tools for recognizing and stopping self limiting behaviors of the ego, but that requires one to use the experiences from the psychedelic and cultivate and grow it even in a sober mindstate. A lot of people don't want to put in the hard work to retain the mindset they held under psychs."

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@Serotoninluv your exactly right, it's mind shattering.  Just like when  I was a  adolescent and did salvia . Which is very potent, I still identified with my ego at this point . You can just imagine my mind fuck when I became a  object, it's  just  not suited for the self. Unless you truly know  thy self. 

Edited by Basegodmike

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@see_on_see I can see that too. Most of the dangers he speaks of are not inherent to psychedelics. For example, mis-dosing. Well sure, an individual should do research and take precautions on dosage, yet it's not an inherent danger of psychedelics. As well, I don't think he fully grasps *why* his bad trip was so horrific. He view is that of the ego. Of course, the ego will find ego death horrifying. . . 

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