
The Relationship Of Happiness And Ambition

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I consider myself to be a hippie, smoke pot before and after work really value relationships like family friendship female companionship... I spent most of my college years bunking with friends smoking up..I think thats what a hippie is. yesterday only i read the meaning of hippie on wiki..if I am a hippie I'm not even close to happiness.. Don't even remember when I last felt happy..but I guess I am just 20 percent green because most of my life I spent educating my self to earn money.. 

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"how the hell are we Americans supposed to make money AND be good at happiness?"

By investing in understanding like Leo does. Then use that wisdom and funds to make a better world.

Edited by Ajax

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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There've got to be something to be learned from hippies if they top the happiness chart. This is a list I came up with, but you're welcome to correct or add to it:


   - try to live as close to nature as they can

   - structure their lives as to minimize the amount of responsibility/ financial burden by having smaller families,  none or 'green' business ownership, mortgage free, etc

   - seem to be content with having little and leading somewhat simplistic life style

   - socialize mostly with those like-minded

   - don't stress/ sweat over small stuff

   - don't seem to care about what others think of them

   - seem not to be big on competing socially or professionally/ rat racing

   - maintain better health, holistically minded 

   - are more flexible, go-with-the-flow kind of attitude towards life

   - are more emotionally open, accepting, empathetic


This is interesting, because those are some of the characteristics that defy conformity to the status quo of the mainstream society. Also, what Leo talks about in



Edited by Natasha

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Hippies are great, but don't produce anything or move society forward as they are hippies

Edited by JevinR

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The bottom line is (according to this study) - ambition is opposite to genuine happiness. And hippies top the happiness chart because they don't pursue it. 

Edited by Natasha

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1 hour ago, Natasha said:

The bottom line is (according to this study) - ambition is opposite to genuine happiness. And hippies top the happiness chart because they don't pursue it. 

I like all those "hippie" values you posted above, i consider myself "semi-hippie" and can relate to many of the values you mentioned. Im sure hippies who has passion are very happy on average. The problem with a lot of hippies are thought that they are passive insted of passion.

Edited by Richard Alpert

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12 minutes ago, Richard Alpert said:

I like all those "hippie" values you posted above, i consider myself "semi-hippie" and can relate to many of the values you mentioned. Im sure hippies who has passion are very happy on average. The problem with a lot of hippies are thought that they are passive insted of passion.

Maybe their passion is to be free and live in the moment. I know one hippy who runs a 'green' home remodeling business and is very passionate about what he does/ creates every day. He also travels and learns foreign languages as a hobby. That's far from a passive life style.

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