
My first tears of joy.

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Prelude: I was in the bathroom, going to brush my teeth, and I got this mindblowing idea, this perfect strange loop that literally gave me tears when thinking about it. I cried tears. It was a very special experience, and I will tell you the vision I saw here. I think that the tears had something to do with my life purpose.

The optimal actualization of this piece of art is through animation.

  • The vision:
  • Minecraft is a game, which the substance of it is certain blocks. Minecraft is infinite, so eventually, a structure will be formed inside Minecraft that would spawn some kind of intelligence.
  • Endermans will spawn in random order, and in some sense, they will put together random blocks, and eventually create a structure that can think.
  • As anything is possible to construct with the blocks that build up Minecraft, then the infinity of Minecraft would allow such a thing existing, as it must.
  • This megastructure of blocks is intelligent, the structure has been spawned from the infinity of Minecraft, and though this, it becomes infinitely intelligent, it is, and becomes the building block of reality.
  • The structure uses the blocks of Minecraft combined with the infinite scale of Minecraft, to design strings, and to build infinite amounts of them, to form quarks which form protons and neutrons, eventually forming atoms, and the intelligence makes them move in a certain constant from and towards each other.
  • The structure of the quarks is made to have no errors, its a quark with the substance of Minecraft blocks.
  • The infinitely intelligent infinite computer will come up with the big bang, and in that instant, create the universe.
  • Billions of years will pass, stars are formed from the protons and neutrons, which from atoms and heavier elements... Eventually, the computer will form a planet called earth, and with another billion years, form a strange being called the human. The human has an intelligence of its own and will proceed to survive in this strange world, having no idea what's going on.
  • Thousands of years will pass, and the humans have managed to survive. And one human, with the name of Markus Persson, has an idea of a game that was to be called Minecraft. He actualized it on his computer, he designed the grass blocks, obsidian, he designed redstone and iron. He designed the creeper and the enderman and Steve, he gave the game X, Y, Z and time dimensions... Evenrually he released the Beta version of Minecraft.


  • Chapter 2:
  • One boy started to play the game, he was excited about his new purchase! He started off his first character in creative mode on his computer, he was spawned in a random place in the classic world or Minecraft, and he started to go through all the blocks and started getting ideas. He could only see a limited amount of blocks that the size of his monitor allowed him to, and his computer could only render (be conscious of) a limited amount of the Minecraft world, which allowed the game to function for the player.
  • The boy became curious, as he could fly, he wanted to see how high he could go, and he wanted to see how the world of Minecraft looked like below him simultaneously.
  • As the boy flew higher and higher, he started to see a certain pattern in the Minecraft world, and as he continued to fly, he began to see a structure, an amazing mindblowing and super advanced structure, which spanned in all directions, and as the Minecraft player flew higher and higher, the boy became more and more conscious of the intelligence at play, until finally, it snapped for him! The boy became something elise.
  • The boy became conscious of the purpose of the structure, he became conscious of how the blocks were making up infinite intelligence, which then figured out a way to use Minecraft to build the universe from scratch, the universe which eventually designed itself, and enabled itself to exist, and as the boy zoomed out, he slowly enabled the rendering of the intelligence of Minecraft to take form, enabling the universe to look at how it created itself, looking at itself, going back in time and creating itself, building itself, rendering itself...!
  • The boy looked at the screen, and he started to cry, he cried, cried and he couldn't stop. He fell in awe of the perfect most delicious strange loop ever.


  • What is the substance of reality? Minecraft blocks. The intelligence is made out of Minecraft blocks, but the infinity of the Minecraft world has given room for intelligence to spawn, which ultimately lead to it designing itself! It designed the substance of itself, alwhile being totally dependent on the substance of itself!


Edited by Igor82
Certain flaw corrections

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