Hello from Russia

Audiobooks and consciousness

1 post in this topic

In the past I used to always multitask and listen to audiobooks\podcasts\lectures whenever I could. While in the gym, on the road or even while working some manual job and it helped me to consume a shitload of content. Not all of this content was the highest quality (spiritually-wise) but it led me to where I am right now.
Recently as I develop my consciousness I noticed how these audiobooks are making me lose touch with reality when I listen to them. They make me think and analyse the content of the book and I'm starting to get lost in its concepts, I'm not here in the NOW anymore. In a sence they make me go unconscious. Unless it is some kind of a metaphysical type of book that makes me deeply explore the realty of the present moment, for example, some Peter Ralston's book, or Echkart Tolle's, or some good Leo's video. But I can't listen to metaphysical books 24\7, I also need to read something on business, on marketing, on craft that I do, on science, history, politics and many other things.
And it feels really like a trade-off. I stopped listening to books in the gym and when doing other sports because otherwise It's hard for me to experience this perfect mind-body connection that is so essential in those activities. I would compare any physical activity without this connection to shallow sex. We all agree in general that sex is a pretty pleasant thing to do but shallow sex vs really good intimate sex is just night and day. Same with exercising. We all agree that exercising is very beneficial for us in general, even while doing it unconsciously but man... It's just night and day.
Same thing with music. I used to listen to music a lot, now it often times feels like a distraction. Now when I do listen music, I prefer to listen to something like this:

It gives me these nice relaxation wibes, unlike most of the pop\rock\rap songs we have nowadays. They are all mostly about stimulation. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it's nice to be stimulated by a nice song, to really "feel" into it but I find it pretty unhealthy to listen to this type of music 24\7 as many teenagers I see do and as I did when I was a little bit younger (I'm 20 now).
Same thing with phones but It's a whole another story.

So what do you guys think about all that above? Do you experience the same stuff with audio content and if so what do you do about it?

Edited by Hello from Russia

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