
The best way to treat sciatica

12 posts in this topic

I have lombar discal herniation and, this last year, I had problems with sciatica. It's getting better with time, but the healing process is pretty slow. At the moment, I'm not jogging due to that and just walking.

I'm wondering which is the best approach to treat sciatica. I've gone already to three different doctors and one of them even said I had to go to surgery (it was around January when my sciatica was pretty bad, so I decided to go to another doctor to have a second opinion). My last doctor said that a surgery wasn't needed yet and that maybe I can get better without it (it seems that just less than 10% of the cases need surgery).

I'm getting better but I still have some limitations. I was wondering what I can do to keep my physical conditioning. I just had the idea that swimming is a good option.

But what I struggling with is: which type of doctor can help me better? Despite the last doctor telling me I didn't need surgery, he had put me in many antiinflamatory medicines and muscle relaxants. He seems to have a very alopathic perspective (not that alopathy is bad at all). I would like to have a hollistic approach to this problem.

Does someone have any recommendation?

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28 minutes ago, Feel Good said:


Sorry to hear about this :(

Have you been to see a chiropractor or osteopath? 


Thank you for reading :)

Just read about osteopathy and it seems to be similar to physiotherapy. I've done physiotherapy, but my crisis got worse after some sessions, then I stopped it. Now my sciatica is better, so maybe I should do it again.

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26 minutes ago, Feel Good said:


I am wary of making too many advices. Because these area is tricky and needs an expert ~ and even some of them don't agree!

There are a lot of physical therapists (all kinds) on YouTube you can get advices from. But at the end of the day it's really pot luck.

I have had many issues with a lower back problem and have been given anti inflammatory drugs. Are the drugs really necessary ? Can you live without them or on a smaller dose maybe? 

Medical doctors like to hand out drugs like candy for various reasons. I won't go into all that, but I think the main reason is ignorance (like you stated before on your psychosis post ~ and thanks for that list of professionals you provided by the way :) ~ ) 

Trial and error and try things out with new professionals, keep seeking until you find one who can really understand your problem


Thank you, @Feel Good

You're also welcome :)

I want to try other professionals (because the voice of an expert is very important) and I'm gathering information to understand which kind of physician fits better.

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I have a chronic pain in my SI joint/sciatic nerve. No medical professional was capable of solving it, after much research, i came to a conclusion that it has to do with chronic inflammation (possible in my bowles, parasites, mucoid plaque or something) AND excess of kundalini energy in my lower chakras (blocked due to imbalances). I think the chakras imbalances (root, sacral and maybe solar plexus) causes the chronic inflammation. I am approaching it by both ends, with detox (water fast, enemas, raw foods, green juices etc) and meditations to balance my chakras. Hope this help. 
Sou brasileiro tbm, qualquer coisa manda pm.

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59 minutes ago, Recursoinominado said:

I have a chronic pain in my SI joint/sciatic nerve. No medical professional was capable of solving it, after much research, i came to a conclusion that it has to do with chronic inflammation (possible in my bowles, parasites, mucoid plaque or something) AND excess of kundalini energy in my lower chakras (blocked due to imbalances). I think the chakras imbalances (root, sacral and maybe solar plexus) causes the chronic inflammation. I am approaching it by both ends, with detox (water fast, enemas, raw foods, green juices etc) and meditations to balance my chakras. Hope this help. 
Sou brasileiro tbm, qualquer coisa manda pm.

Hi, @Recursoinominado!

Thank you for your answer! :)

Maybe my pain is chronic, but it's getting better with time. I'm curious if your practices are helping you. Is it working?

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The sciatica is just a symptom of the herniation and sciatic nerve compression, you want to treat the herniation locally. 

First of all, the inflammation is there for a reason. It IS NOT a bad thing. The inflammation is your second line immuno-defence mechanism because it means your body is vasodilating and increasing permeability of local capillaries to improve the healing. Antiinflammatories is the last thing you want to do in case of acute inflammation. The pain is there on purpose so that you don't move the area which slows down the healing. If taking them, at least make sure they are NSAIDs (meaning non-steroidal)

Try to chat to a naturopath or acupuncturer to see if there is anything to help the healing process. Or some herbs that improve lower circulation. I wouldn't put a lot of strain but mild swimming seems like a good idea as well as taking walks. Generlly the body knows what it is doing and can fix a lot of things provided that the fluid leakage from the herniated disc wasn't too significant or that the dislocation needs a manual adjustment.  



Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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Here's a beautiful insight into healing back pain :)



Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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On 05/09/2018 at 7:20 PM, brugluiz said:

Hi, @Recursoinominado!

Thank you for your answer! :)

Maybe my pain is chronic, but it's getting better with time. I'm curious if your practices are helping you. Is it working?

Yes! The detox i am doing for a few months now, far from perfect but i am way better from the pain (50~70%). Yesterday i did a guided meditation on my three lower chakras and my pain is WAY better(90%), too soon to say much about it but i have a feeling that this is it. I plan to do guided meditation on my chakras for the next months. 

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15 hours ago, Michael569 said:

The sciatica is just a symptom of the herniation and sciatic nerve compression, you want to treat the herniation locally. 

First of all, the inflammation is there for a reason. It IS NOT a bad thing. The inflammation is your second line immuno-defence mechanism because it means your body is vasodilating and increasing permeability of local capillaries to improve the healing. Antiinflammatories is the last thing you want to do in case of acute inflammation. The pain is there on purpose so that you don't move the area which slows down the healing. If taking them, at least make sure they are NSAIDs (meaning non-steroidal)

Try to chat to a naturopath or acupuncturer to see if there is anything to help the healing process. Or some herbs that improve lower circulation. I wouldn't put a lot of strain but mild swimming seems like a good idea as well as taking walks. Generlly the body knows what it is doing and can fix a lot of things provided that the fluid leakage from the herniated disc wasn't too significant or that the dislocation needs a manual adjustment.  



Thank you for explanation, @Michael569!

It makes sense. A therapist once told me if I'm feeling too much pain, it was the case of resting for some time. Go walking is pretty okay for me and swimming will probably help me by strengthening my muscles.

I tried accupuncture and a method called ventosa here in Brazil. The accupuncture, like a miracle, helped with my pain a lot. After one day, the pain was back again, but I think if I had regular sessions of accupuncture, I would have more benefits.

14 hours ago, Feel Good said:


I highly recommend you watch this video. Life changing! 


Thank you, @Feel Good! I will take a look at this video. Just have put it on my playlist.

4 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Here's a beautiful insight into healing back pain :)



Thank you, @Salvijus! It's very important to understand that alopathy is still valid for emergencies, but many cases can be treated with a less abrupt manner.

1 hour ago, Recursoinominado said:

Yes! The detox i am doing for a few months now, far from perfect but i am way better from the pain (50~70%). Yesterday i did a guided meditation on my three lower chakras and my pain is WAY better(90%), too soon to say much about it but i have a feeling that this is it. I plan to do guided meditation on my chakras for the next months. 

That's wonderful, @Recursoinominado! I hope you keep having progress. I heard from some people that they take benefits from these guided meditation that focus on chakras.

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@brugluiz This was a big problem for me years ago, laid up maybe 10 days / year, couldn’t walk, intense pain. Sugar & carbonation free diet, that backwards kick exercise motion (I’m sure they told you) cured it in about a month - 2. Never came back. In hindsight, I was working out nearly every other muscle, and the area I wasn’t, gave out. Sugar & carbs were causing inflamation, etc. Switching to raw foods, plant based (95%) probably had a lot to do with it too. Good luck man! 




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Belly meditation laid down on the bed. Learn to in-jack to heal 10x faster. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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Hey, guys! Just an update here:

My sciatica got a lot better. I'm practicing Pilates once a week and, when I don't practice Pilates, I go for a walk. I'm feeling more energetic due to NoFap, then it's helping me with physical exercises.

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