
Leo makes mistakes (obviously)

22 posts in this topic

That is exactly what I also thought seeing him talking about books, but I already had this impression even before this video, that books are given more value then they actually offer, as if there would be no alternative.
I struggle to see why books offer more then videos, they simply don't from my perspective.
Watching videos of highly developed people, you not only have the verbal input but also see their expressions of any sorts and can feel their energy, if you are sensitive enough to it you can see who is full of shit simply by feeling their energy, that is actually what I think was the biggest factor in my developement using youtube videos, I could decipher the crap from the gold by those subtle non-verbal clues.
So if anything I think books are inferior in comparison to videos.
The best example for this is Osho in my opinion, watch his videos just understanding the verbal input and you won't get too far, but listen with your heart connect to all the input of the video and you have much much more.

Edited by LaucherJunge

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