
How bad is alcohol ?

30 posts in this topic

I used to have a drink (beers) with co-workers for years, but over the past few months I'm really working on optimizing my health.

For social reasons, I may be tempted to do that again.

How bad is alcohol ?

For now I drink fizzy water, but still I think it's optimal to have 1 beer to be more comfortable and spontaneous in social situations.

I see alcohol as a nootropic.

I know the real solution is Kriya Yoga, btw.

Edited by Soulbass

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The question is : why would you drink alcohol?

I was also looking for this "how bad is alcohol" question. In the end, I understood that I was only looking for excuses, and it's actually useless (needing something to change your personnality is a given that there's a trap, for me). Just don't. Some people will look at you and point their finger if you don't drink in social situations (true story), just don't state it out loud, own it if asked about it, and don't get defensive.
I might also be too harsh on the question, saying to cut alcohol completely, and I'm certainly biased because I was close to alcoholism. The only thing I can say, is that the fact speak from themselves, and there is not one valid point in defense of alcohol.
The only downside for me is that it shatered some part of my identity : everyone where I live drinks, it's a given that when you meet someone or want to have fun, you drink socially, and one of "the goals" of those nights was to get wasted so you could enhance the experience. So there is/was some questionning : "If I'm not one of those people anymore, what am I?"
But yeah. Worth it and people ended up accepting it.

Edited by Fuku

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I love cravings of alcohol and sugar. They are my cues to grab a stick and beat my monkey mind until it calms back down.

Thing is, I don't even like those substances

EDIT: It would be awesome to learn how to tap into the confidence power that alcohol gives you, does anyone know if its possible? Because if it is, then it would be tremendous self-growth substance when used in a right mindset


Edited by Hansu

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Alcohol is one of the worst things for your body and brain also one of the best things to feed the negative/fearful/disconnected ego-self. The only way alcohol is good is if you only take pure stuff and a cap full or a small shot at most to disinfect, cleanse the body. This way it can be medicinal but getting to the point where you get tipsy or drunk is going to do a lot more harm than good.

Edited by pluto


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Tens of thousands of deaths every year, broken marriages, traumatic childhoods and destroyed dreams would tell you that alcohol is not the best substance to consume. 

There is a great value in using it to create herbal tinctures which is why some hard alcohol is believed to have "medicinal properties" like Jagermeister or any herbal liquor but that has nothing to do with the alcohol itself, it is merely it, being the catalyst stimulating the healing effect of those herbs. 

 The entire French Paradox is bonkers and drinking red wine every day has been proven to be untrue. The only other benefit I see is a temporary breakdown of social barriers but that just indicates the lack of deep work and personal development. 


Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
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3 hours ago, Michael569 said:

The only other benefit I see is a temporary breakdown of social barriers but that just indicates the lack of deep work and personal development. 


Can you elaborate on this? Im having problems with occasional social anxiety when im dealing with strangers or schoolmates, but with friends im always confident no matter what. Its almost like I cant be myself when im with my schoolmates unless get a buzz running, and it sucks

Any tips on what I should work on?

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6 hours ago, Hansu said:

Can you elaborate on this? Im having problems with occasional social anxiety when im dealing with strangers or schoolmates, but with friends im always confident no matter what. Its almost like I cant be myself when im with my schoolmates unless get a buzz running, and it sucks

Any tips on what I should work on?

Usually, any social anxiety is a negative belief or some sort of "demon" hidden on the inside. An experience in the past such as being ridiculed by a girl or being seen without pants on or being the "ugly kid" at school or even severe ones like being molested by a father or know what I mean. These may create a life-long avoidance of certain situations that could lead to it repeating itself and the person having to re-live the unpleasant experience. 

I'd suggest first of all you work on figuring out what the deep issue is by starting to journal on a notepad or contemplate in your mind. Reserve a time of 30-60 minutes a couple times a week, put all distractions aside and focus 100% on this thing. I think Leo had a video called "uncovering your childhoow vows" that could also help you as well as the "contemplation" videos. Meditation is also gonna be helpful to calm your mind and help you dig a bit deeper in the past. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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22 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Usually, any social anxiety is a negative belief or some sort of "demon" hidden on the inside. An experience in the past such as being ridiculed by a girl or being seen without pants on or being the "ugly kid" at school or even severe ones like being molested by a father or know what I mean. These may create a life-long avoidance of certain situations that could lead to it repeating itself and the person having to re-live the unpleasant experience. 

I'd suggest first of all you work on figuring out what the deep issue is by starting to journal on a notepad or contemplate in your mind. Reserve a time of 30-60 minutes a couple times a week, put all distractions aside and focus 100% on this thing. I think Leo had a video called "uncovering your childhoow vows" that could also help you as well as the "contemplation" videos. Meditation is also gonna be helpful to calm your mind and help you dig a bit deeper in the past. 

Thanks for the detailed answer! Im going to try this contemplation technique as soon as possible. I have done some unintentional contemplating on relationship in my mind and had amazing results, but only now I thought about using it on other problems as well. Meditation has been great but in meditation my results have been kind of like sudden realizations of different kind of self-sabotaging actions and less of a laser-like problem solving. I trust this will work wonders, thanks!

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Alcohol is a tool. As all drugs are.

Tool is useful for some, not so much for others.

I'm not so much a beer person as I prefer liquor. I drink for the psychoactive effects.

Sure being more open on it is a sign of needed development work, but that doesn't mean its useless.

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For the sake of science, I'm trying alcohol-free beers and that's good !

Also :

Black chocolate /  Tahini = Magnesium

Passionflower supplements = GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid)

Magnesium + GABA are known to helps with social anxiety.

I had a crush on this girl.

Falling in love is still the best supplement, brain chemistry wise.

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As Nietzsche put it: "But this people has deliberately made itself stupid, for nearly a millennium: nowhere have the two great European narcotics, alcohol and Christianity, been abused more dissolutely"

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Numerous studies have been conducted that rank the harm of drugs to the individual and society. Per capita, alcohol consistently ranks as one of the most harmful drugs (psychedelics consistently rank among the least harmful drugs). 


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I had an insight that the only reason we use drugs/alcohol ect.. is subconsciously most aren't aware but they reminded of us how we felt like when we are still pure, young children vibing high and full of life and love/bliss. Years later when we found something that makes us happy and child-like again, i can see why it becomes extremely addictive.

We miss being ourselves so we use these substances to escape this dark world we have collectively bought into that helps us let go and be our free spirited selves again for a little while. The only problem is, we are not learning the lesson so we keep going back for more.




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Hi my name is Arcangelo and I am an alcoholic. I'll be 7 years sober this december. With the exception of 2 relapses last year which really reminded me why i quit.

Alcohol is very bad. Worst drug ever.

Is like playing with matches at a gas station. Do not fuck with your life kid. ( I am assuming you are a kid)

I started with a beer on social situations when i was underaged. (Just a little kid like you)

It ended with me drinking 10 beers a day 6 days a week. I couldn't drink 7 days a week because of the accumulated weekly hangover.

So for me it was seriously bad. I had a drinking problem. And yeah it ''helped'' being social, but i wasn't myself. I rather being an authentic anti-social, than a fake social butterfly.


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The F* yesterday I went to the bar with a friend, asking for a beer to see how it taste.

I haven't drinked alcohol since I've created this thread (6 weeks).

It felt like drinking detergent, horrible. I took 2 sips and ordered a fizzy water.

6 weeks is enough to change your diet and how your body response to the food (I mean your tastes).

I've done the same thing with cheese & salt.

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Alchohol is depressant. I think most people with borderline personality have tendency to be addicted to it. It calms them down when they go on high spectrum on their mood. They use it to create some sort of balance. I find alchohol very pricy and it take too long for its effect and it reduces the ability to eat. I like beer and JD but not too much 

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