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Something strange happens (destructive dreams and shift of awareness?)

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So some background,

The past few months I was in the worst period mentally of my life. However I'm glad to say it gave me a lot of insight on how my brain works and gave me a look at the root of my problems.

I am glad that I learned from it and if I'm honest, I got my peace back almost completely. I felt so powerless because I had lost my peace of mind and I was in a monkey mind literally 24/7 for the last few months. Couldn't stop thinking for even a second and if I tried to start meditating the feelings (bad) were so powerful they completely took over control and I felt like their energy was too strong for me.


Now, I just went on a short holiday alone, and spent a lot of time in nature and also reflecting a bit (but more in a healthy way). Although I had my moments that I came back in a negative head space, I'd say 70% was mostly positive and it gave my back good energy and motivation.


On the train back to my hometown, something really strange happened.

I noticed, again, how my mind was wandering and focussing on uncertainties en negative things from my past. Then I decided to concentrate those feelings and let them stream through my body and let them "out", like as if they were leaving my body. Suddenly I felt this immense peaceful feeling in the center of my body and I couldn't stop smiling. Everything was suddenly so clear and so interesting. 

I don't know if I made myself believe that, but I know what I felt and it was something really soothing and calming. It was like a ball form that was forming and this ball contained just soothing and calming energy, and it was dissipating its energy through my body. And everything was "good" suddenly. It was as if I had taken some drugs.


Although, since then I have had really destructive dreams. In my dreams, some colleagues (not really friends but I don't have  anything against them) were getting executed (voluntarily!). I was the third one to he executed but after witnessing them getting executed while trying to tell them not to let them get executed, I decided I didn't wanna die and the dream ended.

Then, the girlfriend of my brother is a veterinarian, and she killed a cat during operation by letting a fart (lol)

Then, in my dream (this morning) I woke up at 08:30 due to alarm and fell back asleep. However, my dream continued that story and make me wake up and go down the stairs. Suddenly two people (don't know who they are) were outside of my house ringing the doorbell. I opened and they tried to enter. Didn't let them. They were getting aggressive and had to call police. Police didn't do shit and didnt see a problem. My dad came down and tried to make them to but the guy hit my dad's head hard. Then I kind of pushed them etc. Just some mess basically. Eventually they left.


Fourth dream, right after the previous one, I was on vacation to this beautiful home. We entered the beach and sudden a tsunami came. Was swimming and two different seas joined with a tree in the middle separating the two oceans. I climbed in the tree held on to it not to drown. I don't know what happened in the end (if the tree snapped or not)


It's strange because normally I don't have these destructive and aggressive dreams. Anyone who can sense something? Or just coincidence?

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Wow, @Tistepiste, that is so interesting. I have a lot of powerful dreams, too. I am always dreaming.

Apparently, when you dream of death, it signifies new beginnings. So it as nowhere near as bad as you might imagine! 

And then the thing with your Dad, apparently dreaming of your father can signify the dominant male energy in your own psyche. So you may want to kill off a little bit of your own male energy, or at least "police it", in waking life.

Dreams speak to us using metaphors.

I have dreams of a tsunami, or tidal waves, too! Water can signify emotion in dreams. So you can imagine a tsunami would signify a huge wave of emotion. Which kind of fits in with what you described in waking life. 

Sorry, I am no expert on dreams, just an amateur enthusiast. Hope this helps you.

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@LaraGreenbridge thank you a lot!

Climbing up the tree could signify me trying to keep my head above the water (figuratively). As in try to get back to "normal"

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Funnily enough, in dreams you are actually inhabiting a new body and are in another world. I'd say you focus on recognizing how awareness is not broken in either of the three states (awake, asleep, deep sleep), and is instead a contiguous presence, rather than analyzing your dreams and looking for deeper meaning. 

There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen! - Rumi

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Sleep: pure consciousness (everything).         Awake: pure illusion (Nothing)

So right as you’re waking up, the transition happens, or, the veil goes back on.

There’s a quick re-acclamation of identity, and we call that a dream.

When the day to day is realized as dream, there are no more dreams at night, no mind needing to resolve “two states”, as there are not states anymore. One state was ‘everything’ or ‘things/objects’ and a separate “me”, the other nothing. But they are the same. “ I “ am nothing. Nothing dreams. Nothing is the dreamer. Nothing is awake. Wakefulness is Nothingness. There is nothing to resolve, but a dream body/mind might is dreaming  ‘thinking’ (seeking enlightenment) and imposing there is something to resolve, something to realize. The imposing can not be resolved, there is not really an ‘imposer’ (identity), and there is not any ‘thing’ to impose upon, or use relatively, to identify a “you”. There is just You.



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15 hours ago, Tistepiste said:

@LaraGreenbridge thank you a lot!

Climbing up the tree could signify me trying to keep my head above the water (figuratively). As in try to get back to "normal"

You are most welcome, @Tistepiste. Trees are beautiful and important symbols. I am thinking now of the ancient "tree of life" and I wonder if this too, could be relevant to you. I think you are undergoing a life change., a very good one, I think. Good luck.

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@Nahm Thank you for your time to write me, however I understand what you are saying, I am not on that level yet to be able to see the world like that!


@Misagh Thanks for your feedback


@LaraGreenbridge Oh wow, interesting!! 

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