
High Consciousness vs Low Consciousness Activities

27 posts in this topic

High Consciousness :

* Enlightened sex through 5-MeO DMT in an astral plane

* High Quality activated almonds & avocadoes smoothie for breakfast

* Wake up at 2 AM every night to meditate for nothing

* Only 1-3 High Level friends with similar statistics

* Squat to take a shit

* Contemplate about the nature of nothingness every day

* Not kill any single living entity ( not even vile cockroaches ) + bonus GOD KARMA



Low Consciousness


* Fap while watching mom-son porn

* Eat crap food

* Talking with people in real life about '' real life issues ''

* Shit while sitting down

* Watch T.V and have friends & family for amusement/distraction from the present moment

* Have an identity ( I AM SUCH * ( INSERT i am a white person, i am a black male, i am a scientist etc )

* Kill animals/Humans/insects without second thought



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High consciousness.

Selfless activity or volunteering.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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1 hour ago, Devil said:

High Consciousness :

* Enlightened sex through 5-MeO DMT in an astral plane

* High Quality activated almonds & avocadoes smoothie for breakfast

* Wake up at 2 AM every night to meditate for nothing

* Only 1-3 High Level friends with similar statistics

* Squat to take a shit

* Contemplate about the nature of nothingness every day

* Not kill any single living entity ( not even vile cockroaches ) + bonus GOD KARMA



Low Consciousness


* Fap while watching mom-son porn

* Eat crap food

* Talking with people in real life about '' real life issues ''

* Shit while sitting down

* Watch T.V and have friends & family for amusement/distraction from the present moment

* Have an identity ( I AM SUCH * ( INSERT i am a white person, i am a black male, i am a scientist etc )

* Kill animals/Humans/insects without second thought



This list will be updated , you can add yours!


Why shit squatting? :D 

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haha yea i thought he was joking about the shit sqatting part :)

Some examples:

High conciousness:
Creating: painting, music, art etc
Being in the nature
Being fully focused on a task
Read a good book or listen to music
Growing plants/gardening

Low conciousness:
watching youtube video after youtube video until you end up watching something really weird
Playing video games
watching TV (generally)
Not accomplishing anything
Worrying about stuff / overthinking
ignoring stuff - not taking responsibility

In the end if i feel clear in my head with a light body /mind and feeling connected and one with the world ive been doing some high consiouss, and if I feel heavy and a cloudy/slow/tired head and disconnected ive been doing some low consiouss.

Edited by luckieluuke

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@Devil I see rules upon rules. A mind that is analysing, and rationalising what is meant to be intuitive, and of the heart. Love, not more thoughts, is the answer you are searching for my friend. We all had a time in our lives when we felt deeply loved, the last time might've been from our Mum's but regardless the memory never left us. Your heart know this. Don't worry so much about what is good and what is bad, transcend that right here and right now by feeling your heart and telling yourself the things you always wanted to say but haven't said like "I am beautiful". How does it feel when I say that, that you are beautiful? Because you are, you are the light of God, you exist, which means you are very beautiful.

It's okay, an entire universe loves you, you will find you way :) 

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Low consciousness:

Clinging to Thinking

Clinging to Experience

High consciousness:

Maintaining God Awareness 

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your classification is really weird.
What should we call someone who likes creating art , but fap while watching porn , who read books , but plays video games and watch cat videos on youtube ?
is he like a medium consciousness ?
By the way , isn't consciousness supposed to be something still , not changing ?
why is there people speaking about high consciousness and low consciousness while the only thing there is , is the same consciousness ?

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what about someone who wants to make art with porn ?
What about someone who wants to make art with video games , tv shows ...
What about someone who can paint a landscape with his own shit ? :D
I mean come on ... the world isn't black and white.

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@Hamilcar It might be weird to you, even thou I don´t understand why you find it weird.
Im simply saying that activities that makes me more present are those i mentionend and those that makes me disconnected and mindless are the other. I have no idea how you see that as weird and black and white thinking.
But to clear your confusion yes, If i Paint in the morning and watch Youtube in the evening I would probably feel medium level conscious. If i Meditated in the morning and painted in the evening I would feel more conscious. If i Fapped and watched porn the whole day I would feel less consiouss.

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1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Low consciousness:

Clinging to Thinking

Clinging to Experience

High consciousness:

Maintaining God Awareness 


Nailed it.

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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@Artaemis I love you too ❤️ I'm here for all of you guys, especially to feel unconditional love.

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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@Devil High consciousness = Choke jerking(If you do it right and find the balance point where you are close to unconsciousness, yet not so close that you risk hurting yourself, then you can fully and safety relax into present choke-jerking moment, that is extremely high consciousness I would say, almost as a path of its own towards enlightenment. 


Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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@luckieluuke what do you mean by saying " you feel less conscious" ?
Like there's a bit of your consciousness that evaporate into thin air ? lol
 I am always conscious , while watching porn I am conscious , while playing my guitar I am conscious ... I don't understand the "being less conscious or high conscious" dichotomy.

Have you tried hunting ?
hunting makes you very present in the moment , as you are about to kill.
is that high consciousness or low consciousness ?

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3 minutes ago, MarkusSweden said:

@Devil High consciousness = Choke jerking(If you do it right and find the balance point where you are close to unconsciousness, yet not so close that you risk hurting yourself, then you can fully and safety relax into present choke-jerking moment, that is extremely high consciousness I would say, almost as a path of its own towards enlightenment. 


try spiked whips for some high consciousness work



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High consciousness = loving awareness , god consciousness, and muhahahaha nonduality, so no more fucking low Conscious shaming. lol

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@Hamilcar OK yea i guess one can say there is only one consoiusness, everything is one, infinite bla bla bla boooooooooring. It is useful to use ideas even if they are not true in the ultimate sense. Let me put it this way, Sometimes I feel like a robot, my life just goes along and im not in the driver seat. I wake up, go to work, get home, do household chores, and drink some beers with friends. I go to bed then wake up and the loop continues. Suddenly a week have passed, a month. When my life is like this i do certein drinking beer and watching mindless TV.
But if i Meditate or do other sorts of activities I wake up from this life that my unconsious mind is running and I take back control, it´s like waking up from a dream and realize that you can do anything at any moment, the entire world opens up! this happens when you are concsious. That why I do these practices such as meditation.
I dont see how this can be so confusing? it´s really quite simple. And it´s not my intention to make you laugh at it.
Another wording could be "raising your awareness"?

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7 minutes ago, Artaemis said:

How long does this shift your level of consciousness for? Is it momentary or does it work for several days?  I don't really understand what you'd gain from something so dangerous when you can just naturally flow sexual energy. 

It's instant, permanent enlightment ;) Sorry, can't take this serious :D 

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58 minutes ago, Hamilcar said:


Have you tried hunting ?
hunting makes you very present in the moment , as you are about to kill.
is that high consciousness or low consciousness ?

Yes I would call that a high conscious activity because you need to be in the present moment. Then again if it´s alot of action, alot of stimulation it doens train your awareness in the same way. So lots of animals with a machine gun i would not call a very high consciouss activity. 
That´s why meditation is so powerful when you are simply aware of your breath. It´s the most simple thing.

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