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Energy awakening - advice pls

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Since the beginning of the year I have been experiencing some kind of shift of consciousness or at least that’s the term I can produce now. It propably started a bit earlier when I cleaned up my diet, started to consume supplements to decalcify my pineal gland (I had a theory that it would help my migraines). Anyway, then I started to watch a lot of videos about food, TED talks, psychology and I stumbled upon Leo. Then I started my meditation and after the first try I had a weird experience (I wrote about it here on the forum) and in fact it progressed I had my body vibrating in a strange way and then the energy (I suspect kundalini) was filling me up (I don’t think it is fully awake, there was no spectacular bliss or anything like this), I was feeling so big, like I had no boarders, but I had also troubles sleeping, brain fog, bit of nausea and I stopped with watching videos and meditation. I had a backlash and went back to my more regular life. Less Leo more Netflix :) Now it is back again, I am in my maniac stage and am watching his videos like crazy, the energy has taken over, is not as intense as after the vibration episode but quite constant. It got interesting after the shamanic Breathwork I tried, more intense. Now, my question is what I should do, persevere in meditation etc. or rather calm it down and integrate like the last time? What will happen if I continue? I have a family and job... My family does not know a thing and they would not understand. I am stage yellow mostly. Any advice?

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It's nice to se you here again. My advice is to let this energy flow freely through you, and the best way to centre yourself in your heart when it feels intense especially. Close you eyes and feels your hearts love for this moment of existence, feel the energy of unconditional love within you. 

Nothing will happen to you because you are an infinite, unlimited being. It sounds very exciting to me all of this energy, and it could be a gateway to higher levels of reality. But find out for yourself, and explore who you are, go on the journey. Here is a good meditation to help balance the energy: 

I have a similar situation too when I sleep in my back with this energy I feel in the spine. This helps me with it :) 

Lots of love ❤️Enjoy the greater feelings of love that life is taking you towards. 

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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@YaMayka Seems to be a lot of effort going on there. But effort can sometimes be an endless road. Even an illusion. The fact is that you are complete now and lack nothing. If you knew that in your heart to be true, then everything else will fall into place with no effort at all. Try it for just a week. Let your mantra be "I am perfectly complete now and lack absolutly nothing". See if that doesn't change everything. I'm not saying don't read or to stop listening to videos. But when you do, do it as if your just bringing them into full awareness as part of your pre-existing completeness. In other words, you are perfectly complete now. Your just filling in a few unread pages of the already completed book.

"In the practice of the way, every day something is dropped. Less and less do you need to force things until finally you arrive at the place of non action  where nothing is done and nothing is left undone"- Lao Tzu

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1 hour ago, YaMayka said:

Less Leo more Netflix

That sounds like the advice for the classic self-help Junkie. :D

"Hey are you tired of your constant addiction to Self-help? Well we have just the thing for you! Less Leo, More Netflix!"


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Thank you for your replies. 

@Solace It is indeed exiting and scary at the same time, I would feel better if I knew how to approach it best, to do it safely (I have no one to gide me). I am a bit worried that it might impact my life and health and at the other hand I wish it would just go on with it and give me some breake through or something. I also know that I have no time and place to just focus on the experience and I have to be there for my family. It is buzzing in me, I can focus my third eye (or something), I can feel-see the light-darkness-space (or something) when I do that but I don’t know how to pursue it. The other night I could feel my heart as if I was holding it in my hand. But I feel no wiser, no enlightenment comes what to do or how to be, so here I am, asking you. I feel like I am only at the beginning of the road and no sign is there.

@cetus56 I may as well try that, although I must admit, I don’t feel complete. I feel that still have so much things to work on, so many to improve... Only recently I started to be a bit more confident about myself, although I never had very law self esteem, I just thought even though I had stuff to share no one would listen. Maybe you could explain what you mean a bit more.

@Martin123 Today I am watching Netflix. But something that Leo recommended (documentary about Osho), what does that say? ;)

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@YaMayka ? Reminds me of a joke,


”Wait it’s not gay if you are the one doing the penetration!!! Well it certainly isn’t gay if you beat them up afterwards right?!”


like “it’s not mindless entertainment if it’s about spirituality!!”

have fun watching man.


edit: you’re female, I am so sorry I make this mistake all the time on the internet. 

Edited by Martin123

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26 minutes ago, YaMayka said:

I may as well try that, although I must admit, I don’t feel complete. I feel that still have so much things to work on, so many to improve... Only recently I started to be a bit more confident about myself, although I never had very law self esteem, I just thought even though I had stuff to share no one would listen. Maybe you could explain what you mean a bit more.

@YaMayka Nothing more I can explain here. Either you set a positive intention for yourself today or you do the work for as long as it takes and than come back to were we are now. That's fine too if that's what it takes.:)

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@YaMayka I feel @cetus56 advice will be life changing for you :) Because you truly are perfect, whole and complete in this moment. You are an entire universe dressed up as a human to have this experience of life. So affirm that. Say it to your heart if you can muster up the courage through out your day when you feel not the best. 

It may feel inauthentic at first because these words are foreign to your subconscious mind. So have patience, good things may take a few days or weeks to bear fruit, but from my direct experience, affirmations have great potential to anchor unconditional love, balance your energetic system, raise your vibration, and help you be a kinder and gentler personally naturally.


Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Well, I am trying that. I am still not sure if I should continue with the breathwork etc. I seem not to be able to stop with meditation and some spiritual videos, reading (not too excessive, I don't have much time). Other stuff seems to bore me now :-/ The energy is a bit calmer now, I got some synchronicities, dreams that I don't always (regrettably) remember clearly. I suppose it will resolve itself somehow one way or another. Any extra tips always welcome if you people have had such experiences. :) Thanks for your replies - much appreciated.

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