
Mooji Unmasked...

78 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, Gabriel Antonio said:

I have seen many times people in “spiritual” places who actually need psychiatric help. Ayahuasca ceremonies, evangelical churches, etc. I have seen reports of that even in Vipassana retreats.

Spiritual awakening is very easy to be confused with mental-illness. 

I have heard that said before... "Spiritual awakening is very easy to be confused with mental illness." 

I just don't know about this. I have had a lot of experience dealing with people with mental illness, in a professional setting, and I have never thought of any of them as having a genuine spiritual experiences. Not in the least.

Some  people with grandiose delusions (ie, during schizophrenia, manic psychosis) do rave on a lot about God or else think they are Jesus....but I don't know, this always just looks extremely disturbing to me. 

I know that having a legitimate spiritual experience could be a little destabilising, maybe, but I would think that it would be in a good way, like you could slip back into the experience of "regular self" at will.  It's not you literally lose your mind. 

I guess a lot of people would disagree. 

Edited by LaraGreenbridge

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this is lack of love

first of all why should people that you classify as having mental disabilities be excluded from spiritual communities and events?

and be sticked into hospitals? followings who's judgement?

do you know yourself fully? have you figured yourself fully? who you are? if you are spiritual you should know to be humble

 and you're going to say you actually know and fully understand the purpose of a "mentally disabled" person in this collective mass reality?


so what if someone takes the mic and speaks and share a peace of mind, someone that by your understanding of humanity you deem mentally disabled,  what is the problem with them having a voice even if in your eyes they are "distorted" people?

just because your mind can't stand to hear some incoherent stuff?

I know mooji, and his spirituality, his events are about love, there are concepts, but its mainly about love, healing, accepting yourself, giving space to who you are right now

it's not some sort of optimally super precisely designed and structured spiritual event in order that every single minute is full of productivity! full of profits in terms of juicy spiritual information! a spiritual event is not some corporate shareholder meeting!

so yeah it is normal for there to be space for everyone


have some love, give space for others to be, open your hearts


Edited by Arkandeus

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One lesson I have learned from meeting and following a number of gurus is that enlightenment or a higher state of spirituality does not automatically accord people with unblemished ethics or integrity.  I discovered that many of my spiritual heros had clay feet. Ashrams, in particular, have very questionable practices which, of course, may be due to the inadequacies of the managers.

Firstly, because the state of enlightenment (E) may have provided insights and wonderful experiences, they were not able to integrate these into everyday living and practicalities.  The person still must deal with the challenges of the body and mind. Also E can be experienced at different levels, and be intermittent. So, the breadth or depth of E, if one could refer to it in that way, will determine how thoroughly it may change the individual.

Edited by astrokeen

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"Mooji Unmasked"

Yet you provided no proof. Way to waste everyone's time.

Edited by Robert

The man who changes the world is the man who changes himself.

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4 hours ago, astrokeen said:

One lesson I have learned from meeting and following a number of gurus is that enlightenment or a higher state of spirituality does not automatically accord people with unblemished ethics or integrity.  I discovered that many of my spiritual heros had clay feet. Ashrams, in particular, have very questionable practices which, of course, may be due to the inadequacies of the managers.

Firstly, because the state of enlightenment (E) may have provided insights and wonderful experiences, they were not able to integrate these into everyday living and practicalities.  The person still must deal with the challenges of the body and mind. Also E can be experienced at different levels, and be intermittent. So, the breadth or depth of E, if one could refer to it in that way, will determine how thoroughly it may change the individual.

I think I understand dude. I have noticed this over the past month. Fear seems to be still moving and preventing lack of integrity like you said. I’m not saying anything about mooji, i just noticed this in gurus. Once we stop feeding into fear we can see when others still do. 

Edited by Jack River

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10 minutes ago, MarkusSweden said:

But mooji doesn't identify with "his" body, he is beyond that.

We don’t know that though right dude? 



10 minutes ago, MarkusSweden said:

again, the body has nothing to do with him since he is 100% enlightened and fully separated, just pure witnessing)

We don’t known if anyone else is enlightened Markus. But action deos tell the truth. 

Image assumption dude. Does it fuel our own needs? 

Edited by Jack River

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10 hours ago, Arkandeus said:


just because your mind can't stand to hear some incoherent stuff?

My mind could not only stand it, it could also question it, use reason, identify the problem, generate possible answers as to why the incoherent stuff and apply the required knowledge to find out further information. 

I've  got nothing against people with mental illness. I felt compassion for the woman concerned. I still do. 

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5 hours ago, Robert said:

"Mooji Unmasked"

Yet you provided no proof. Way to waste everyone's time.

For me, on my own personal spiritual journey, I feel Mooji to be "unmasked". I used to think he had a lot to offer and now I don't. My initial post was more about what personally happened to me in my own life.

1. I was very interested in spiritually.

2. I found Mooji's teachings "profound".

3. I saw something that concerned me in a Mooji video, so I did some investigations.

4. Because what I then found out contradicted my initiall impression of Mooji- I felt the experience of having him be unmasked to my consciousness. 


A fascinating topic in itself.

What I am talking about are allegations against Moo-Young.  I am not saying there is proof.  I am saying to everyone there are multiple allegations against him from many sources.  

Just like with the scandal within the Catholic Church, where many, many victims have come forward, alleging abuse - well, what proof would they have? They are simply telling their own accounts of what happened.  And the Priests are telling a conflicting account, no doubt.

Who to believe? 

Tony Moo-Youngs victims are telling their accounts online.  If I read so many accounts alleging abuse about any individual whom I formally held in high regard, I would have my doubts about that person. Even if that person seemed nice. Even if he or she had plenty of defenders.



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39 minutes ago, LaraGreenbridge said:

My mind could not only stand it, it could also question it, use reason, identify the problem, generate possible answers as to why the incoherent stuff and apply the required knowledge to find out further information. 

I've  got nothing against people with mental illness. I felt compassion for the woman concerned. I still do. 

allright I shouldn't have judged you, it is great to hear that you have compassion for her, thats what matters, wonderful!

hearts open

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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43 minutes ago, Arkandeus said:

allright I shouldn't have judged you, it is great to hear that you have compassion for her, thats what matters, wonderful!

hearts open

Thank you. As it happens, my compassion is what led to to discover new information about Mooji. (New information to me, that is.)

And I am saying to everyone now "please be careful".  Be careful of this Mooji character.

My compassion has led me to contact several of the people who are making allegations against this man. I will communicate with them compassionately. 

I have also discovered the identity of the woman who I saw in the video, the one who I thought was mentally ill. She is no longer at the ashram. 

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14 minutes ago, LaraGreenbridge said:

Thank you. As it happens, my compassion is what led to to discover new information about Mooji. (New information to me, that is.)

And I am saying to everyone now "please be careful".  Be careful of this Mooji character.

My compassion has led me to contact several of the people who are making allegations against this man. I will communicate with them compassionately. 

I have also discovered the identity of the woman who I saw in the video, the one who I thought was mentally ill. She is no longer at the ashram. 

I'm really trying to understand your point of view


you've seen to have researched this extensively


Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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29 minutes ago, Arkandeus said:

I'm really trying to understand your point of view


you've seen to have researched this extensively


Yes, @Arkandeus, 'extensively' a good word to use.  

I am employed in research as a trade, it is no problem for me to research this. Like I said before, it is saving me future heartache, because I will not be wasting time and money going to Portugal to visit Mooji's ashram, in the hope of gaining genuine spiritual instruction. 

I will not be watching his videos online, when I could be spending that time meditating, for instance. So for me, it is very rewarding to try and get to the bottom of things.

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On 4 September 2018 at 6:19 PM, Feel Good said:

Thank you for posting @LaraGreenbridge and bringing this to people's attention. 

For me however, this account (the way it is communicated) seems very vindictive, blaming and pointing fingers. It is too emotional and really does sound disgruntled rather than genuinely angry at an injustice happening in ashram. 

It's hostile rather than a grievance. I can tell. It "seems" not genuine. 

I'm not saying it isn't genuine, I don't really know, but for my intuition it seems a little unintelligent. 

However all accusation must be considered seriously and I urge others to keep an open mind about any spiritual community and especially moojis satsang in particular while this is in the limelight.

Don't accept but don't reject. Keep an open mind and remember by rejecting any accusation may well invalidate the victims if their grievances turn out to be genuine.

We don't want innocent victims being undermined for speaking up.

Thank you @Feel Good.

I agree that it can very very hard to tell if a written account of events is genuine or not. It's interesting that this account rang true for me, but not for you. 

You say it seems 'unintelligent', but I didn't get that impression. Perhaps the person who wrote it had more 'street smarts' than they did academic intelligence, but otherwise it sounded a credible account, to me. 

People will make up their own minds. 

For me, it's the tone of the allegation, the fact that the writer went into such details, that she sounded fearful. She avoided cliché. 

The fact that she is attempting to contact her former friend via this post, it seems like what one would do. 

She also goes on to make further statements in the same discussion on It's under a discussion entitled "Mooji a Cult".

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10 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Look at us all distracting ourselves speculating about the Other so we don’t have to face the reality of our own illusory lives.  Mooji doesn’t exist and is irrelevant to you as God Awareness, which the only thing that actually exists.

I agree. This all seems like a major distraction. The ego loves to manufacture personal drama to stay relevant and keep the focus off itself.

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52 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Look at us all distracting ourselves speculating about the Other so we don’t have to face the reality of our own illusory lives.  Mooji doesn’t exist and is irrelevant to you as God Awareness, which the only thing that actually exists.

Perhaps not totally irrelevant, @Joseph Maynor. If you are saying that Mooji doesn't exist and that therefore you and I don't exist and perhaps even this conversation doesn't exist... Then how can we call it irrelevant or otherwise? 

We would not bother typing a response, we would not even bother coming up with a word to describe the conversation! 

And yet I see quite a lot of responses here from non-existent people... People who must on some level have some interest in this little anomaly in the great cycle of illusionary existence that we all are participating in. 

Is all interest in all topics, even the topic spirituality itself, merely a distraction? I wonder. 

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48 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

I agree. This all seems like a major distraction. The ego loves to manufacture personal drama to stay relevant and keep the focus off itself.


Perhaps the ego does love to manufacture drama, @Serotoninluv. Certainly, in some cases. 

But, I for one don't regard allegations of misconduct as "drama". Drama is when someone speaks abruptly to you and you take offence and you manufacture a little story for yourself about how significant it is.... That is my idea of drama.

And I am not referring to anyone in particular.

Serious allegations are different. Alright, if these allegations don't exist and Mooji doesn't exist and I don't exist, then maybe we are not having a conversation at all. I am not sitting here typing this. You are not saying it's irrelevant. 

Or else maybe we are both players in the the great and wonderful unfolding that is consciousnesses and this conversation was destined to take place on the level of temporary physical being, in which people do indeed exist.

My focus here has always been on my own spiritual journey and how my journey has been effected by my findings on  Mooji. 



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23 minutes ago, LaraGreenbridge said:

Perhaps not totally irrelevant, @Joseph Maynor. If you are saying that Mooji doesn't exist and that therefore you and I don't exist and perhaps even this conversation doesn't exist... Then how can we call it irrelevant or otherwise? 

We would not bother typing a response, we would not even bother coming up with a word to describe the conversation! 

And yet I see quite a lot of responses here from non-existent people... People who must on some level have some interest in this little anomaly in the great cycle of illusionary existence that we all are participating in. 

Is all interest in all topics, even the topic spirituality itself, merely a distraction? I wonder. 

Joseph is offering a nondual perspective.  Nonduality is very diffucult to communicate with words. For those unfamiliar with nonduality it can appear ridiculous and absurd. I tried to say the same thing in traditional dualistic terminology.

I think you made your point about Mooji and the thread has turned into a cyclic distraction from doing self-actualuzation work. 

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It is worth making people generally aware that blindly following any guru is a recipe for trouble. Even if he happens to be a nice guru, the only reason you escape unscathed is because you got lucky.

Think and contemplate for yourself and you will never get abused by a guru.

The ones who end up abused are the ones who are sheep looking for easy answers and an idealized daddy figure to fawn over.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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