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Is Brazil on the right path?

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Brazil and some other countries of South America have a very socialist political perspective. Despite our current government being maybe Blue with shades of Red, we had Lula as our president for a long period of time. He's in prison now, but, I remember during his government things were much better. Poor people were able to go to universities and there were many policies to allow them to study abroad. You can study at public universities for free here in Brazil, but depending on how things are going on, we won't have it anymore.

When Dilma assumed her position as president, things got worse (I can't say if it was due to her enemies attacks or due to the excessive corruption of our political system). Now with Temer assuming as president, we're facing a political crisis. Most Brazilian people are not satisfied with our current government.

We are also facing problems with figures like Bolsonaro, who is a presidential candidate that thinks killing criminals is the solution for everything. He's fascist, agrees with torture, death sentence, is against homossexuals, is misogynist, seems to hate human rights and there are many people who support him. Maybe Bolsonaro's discourse is pretty much Red.

Brazilian people seems to be divided. From one side we see resented people who support Bolsonaro and, from the other side, we see people concerned about our social issues who want a more loving presidential candidate.

I'm worried that Bolsonaro may be our next president and I can't understand why it's happening. Do we still have Red and Blue lessons to learn? Why are our people so divided? Why there are people supporting a fascist presidential candidate?

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Ya'll are just developing up the Spiral. 

The transition from Blue to Orange is a rocky one.

And ya'll still have lots of Red corruption going on.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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51 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Ya'll are just developing up the Spiral. 

The transition from Blue to Orange is a rocky one.

And ya'll still have lots of Red corruption going on.

Thank you, Leo!

Mother Earth will suffer a little bit with this transition (considering that Orange is not so ecological).

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