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What's love got to do with it?

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"What's love but a second hand emotion?"
To me, at best it's just a fun attachment available here in the dreamworld that means NOTHING like it's true meaning in the true world, and at worst it's why this dreamworld is such a nightmare. 
First, obviously, it's a fun emotion, maybe the best feeling we can have here, but in this dreamworld of duality it's always only one side of the coin. The other side is always some kind of pain due to attachment. 

And worse than that, love is what psychopaths/aliens have used forever to con us into not killing them. It's how they've ultimately taken over this world by making us believe we need to be loving people and loving people don't kill.
End of story. End of humanity. 

They get away with this by making us believe we're all human here. We're not. Psychopaths are NOT human. If you refuse to even think about aliens they got you. 

So, it seems very complicated but it's really very simple. I just explained love in a few sentences.

The thing is, after you wake up and SEE how hopeless it is here for humanity (without OUTSIDE intervention- yes aliens are our only hope) because "they" (the bad aliens/reptilians/psychopaths ruling)  own and control EVERYTHING and everyone in power to keep humanity their slaves, you stop trying to wake up the sleepers. Why wake them up to see that we're being experimented on, farmed, exterminated, and there's no hope?  Let them sleep and believe in love. Out of all the places to be in this worldwide genocide/dream turned nightmare  "in love" is the best place to be. If you don't believe we're being farmed and genocided by aliens you're not even awake in the dream.  Before you wake up from the dream you need to wake up in it. 

Everything we're told is lies. I can't think of one truth here. Jesus never existed.  The Romans created him. Look up Caesar's Messiah. Christianity's how they create the best NAZIS. Convert or die. MAYBE before they burned down the Library of Alexandria there was some truth here but there's none here now. History's all lies because current events are all lies. Most people know politics is all lies but they vote anyway! WTF? People are afraid of everything, even themselves because they listen to MSM, ALL of it owned by the ROTHSCHILDS. They think they need government or "professionals" to tell them what to think and do. If you're awake you can SEE that ALL the terrorist attacks were false flags done by our government. ALL of the bombings, shootings, trucks killing people, etc... all completely fake (didn't happen) or done by government patsies. Look up retired CIA Robert David Steele. He actually said it's ALL false flags, meaning the government did it all to keep us in FEAR and dependent on them.

Classical science is all lies but quantum physics is saying some truth.  They're proving "there is no out there out there". It's all dreamstuff that we believe is solid, so what is classical science but lies we're supposed to believe as truth?  The physical world doesn't exist. What difference does it make what shape the earth is if it's a hologram?  The sun is a transformer from another dimension. There's no fusion on the sun, no heat in space or the astronauts would burn up. You can't see the stars from space. It's all bullshit. Look up Eric Dollard for that info. We have no idea what the truth is because it's been carefully kept from us and we're pumped full of lies.   

Have a nice day!  Fall in love and stay there. 


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