
My Girlfriend Is Ignoring Me, What Do I Do?

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I've been in a long-distance relationship with this girl for half a year now, hoping to meet up in September or next year depending on how college goes, we used to talk all the time but after I found some stuff out that seemed like she was lying to me about pretty things (not cheating) which i never mentioned which i thought that perhaps its for the best that I don't as they don't matter much anyway, then 4/5 months after I found out I told her that I knew about it for months but didn't say because I didn't want to ruin the relationship when I was having a bad day and her mood has totally switched since but I told her that I trust her and that we will make it work.

But now she doesn't even message me, but she shares posts on facebook and instagram when she says she's busy at work or doing college work, and barely replies to me anymore and if she does she's often not that loving towards me, i told her about this last week and said that its obviously what I said so i took all the blame for bringinging it up and saying it was bugging me, and that upset her even more when I thought I was being lied to but told her that I wanted to work on our relationship so we actually communicate and can finally actually be together this summer (because I'm leaving home) rather than just breaking up, i don't know what to do, whether to just ditch the relationship or to somehow make it work but it feels like I cant be in a relationship with someone that I'm unsure but I feel is lying to me and doesn't talk to me so often anymore. 

I can't take much more of it, I have to do something to fix the relationship or ditch it because my libido has been so low for months to the point I can't even get erections and I've just turned 18 this week and I'm getting pretty depressed and I cant take much more :/ .

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She is either seeing someone or is not that interested anymore. Let it go, my friend... it is not worth your unhappiness. You are just a kid, you have so much ahead of yourself.

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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Ignore her until she contacts you to see if she even cares to even see how you are, but don't message or pick up right away. Get back to them on YOUR TIME, not theirs

If she never gets back, dump her... Tell her its over

Tell her why and be honest, than say goodbye 



Edited by DizIzMikey

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Oh man, when it comes to long distance relationships, most people must learn the hard way. I suggest walk away and never look back, or you are in some serious trouble. Wait a minute...actually, no just stay there. Heartbreak is very good medicine for a boy to become a man. And there is no better way to learn than to through heartbreak. I just assume that you love her...or care about her. If you don't then you might as well just walk away.

If you love her then keep pursuing, let her break your heart, be depressed, learn from mistakes, then snap out of it, grow some balls, become a man and find a girl in your area that you can have a normal, healthy relationship with and not this bullshit tragedy aka long-distance relationship. There is no such thing as a long-distance relationship, it's called stupid bullshit. If you can't find a girl in your area to have a relationship with, or at least have fun, hang out and hook up then you must do some serious growing and learning my friend.

I speak from experience and I have been there too, got the shirt and rode all the ride. Long distance relationships suck and you should not be in one.

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Long distant relationships are a tricky issue. It takes dedication, honesty and both parties to have integrity in themselves and for the other person when agreeing to a long distant relationship. In all honesty life is way to short to be playing games and it is not your fault for expressing how you feel. No matter what type of relationship you are in, communication is key to ensuring both parties are heard and can freely say how they feel. If you both can't get past these petty little things, it is really not worth pursuing. You shouldn't have to chase someone who feels the same way for you as you do them.

She is saying a lot to you by ignoring you, she is showing you she is not interested, her priorities are social media and making excuse to you - no one wants a girlfriend like that, especially if you are after a serious relationship. You have goals you want to achieve and your own personal development to work on, don't let someone ignoring you bother you. Ask to talk about it once and for all and if it can't be done, its time to cut ties. You should know what your worth is and how much of a great guy you are, find a great girl who will do the same for you.


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Cheers for the advice guys, much appreciated :D

I agree that this is unhealthy bs that is not worth pursuing any longer as I've talked to her about it before and she never listened and I don't really feel that I like her at all anymore. plus this isn't my first long distance relationship if you can even call them relationships... even though it doesn't really fell like a relationship at all, just a load of meaningless commitments to something that 9 times out of 10 will never happen.

I guess I have to grow out of this crappy safety zone of long distance relationships and have real relationships and grow as a person :) 

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I believe there is someone out there for everyone. Head up, you will find an amazing girl one day.

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