
Most powerful meditation method i found

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Concentrate on the space where thoughts arises, if you see close enough you will found something like an invicable wall where thoughts arises, now really concertate on that wall and even be that wall,stay there the whole duration of your meditation...let me know if this works well like it worked for me...i could say this could make you enlightened the fastest way imo...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Amazing! Will try this! 

Another I came up with just now is;

“Where are you experiencing?”

Not the same as where are you located... this ones a bit different, it really quiets the mind for me.


Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Rilles Haha very interesting queastion it really mindfuck the mind if you have one ?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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What is concentrating? What wants to become? 

Edited by Jack River

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If you take this to the deepest level, you will observe that the space where all thought arises in your heart. I always choose to focus my creative power onto what I want to become, and in the heart I feel this beautiful unconditional love, and this makes it the obvious place to always be centred for me. 

@Outer I love Ramana Maharshi. Did you know that he was a unique teacher in this world. He taught us to always focus upon our hearts. He also woke up when he was 16 which might be the youngest in history.

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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@Outer I heard that as well. But he was in a state of total bliss for that period, and there was no desire to do anything arising in him but to just be. And when desire arose he got up and left. This is surrender. Something almost alien to my own mind.

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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9 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Concentrate on the space where thoughts arises, if you see close enough you will found something like an invicable wall where thoughts arises, now really concertate on that wall and even be that wall,stay there the whole duration of your meditation...let me know if this works well like it worked for me...i could say this could make you enlightened the fastest way imo...

Very nice.

I’ve used a variation of this. During meditation, a thought may arise that I engage with. For example, the thought “I need to pay my credit card bill”. I may engage with the thought and get immersed into thinking - when is the payment due. How much would the late fee be? And on and on. I can get engaged with any thought. Yet, other times, I’m aware of the thought arising and let it pass. I became fascinated by the question “at what point do I get engaged with a thought proces?” I got really curious and started waiting for a thought. And when a thought arose, I watched if the mind became engaged”. I looked for the “switch” between letting a thought go and engagement. It was as if I was observing with a microscope. Or, how a cat waits for a mouse to appear out of a cabinet. Waiting for the next thought, then what happens? 

When I waited and wanted to observe thoughts, I found out the thoughts became fewer and I became engaged much less often. 

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On 02/09/2018 at 4:52 PM, Rilles said:

Amazing! Will try this! 

Another I came up with just now is;

“Where are you experiencing?”

Not the same as where are you located... this ones a bit different, it really quiets the mind for me.


Can you please elaborate it? 

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@invinciblelight We usually say ”I am experiencing”. Without focusing on anything in particular, try to find where this experience is taking place. Is it a point? Or is it everywhere? Its supposed to be a bit Koan-like, get yourself to quiet down and look. :)

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Ding Ding! Congratulations! Youve reached ENLIGHTENMENT! You have the right be to a self-righteous douche to everyone on the forum! xD

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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On 9/2/2018 at 9:46 PM, Serotoninluv said:

When I waited and wanted to observe thoughts, I found out the thoughts became fewer and I became engaged much less often. 

@Serotoninluv  I noticed the exact same trend during meditation - as you closely observe where the thought is coming from and whether you will get attached to it, there is a sudden stillness in the mind. 

You see, the reason you want to be better, is the reason why you aren’t. Shall I put it like that?

We aren't better, because we want to be.

                                                                                                                                                 ~ Alan Watts

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