Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@brugluiz He probably had plenty of Blue in him as well.

But Green is capable of killing people, just like any stage is. Especially when things get political. Political leaders have to make many tough choices which usually involve the death of people.

Take a look at what happened in Osho's ashram. They almost killed people even though their culture was very Green.

Thank you, Leo!

I still have to watch Wild Wild Country.

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Tolkien seems to be green. I read a lot of how he loved forests and trees (probably nature is what inspired him to write The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings).

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I'm reading An Actor Prepares (Brazilian Portuguese edition) by Constantin Stanislavski and it seems to be a bit of Green because it talks a little about the soul and spiritual work of an actor. The book also talks about using the profession of an actor/actress not to pursue fame and money, but do it because you love what you do.

Edited by brugluiz

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Stage green reacting to stage orange.
Stage green passion, heart and soul gets ruined by orange mass production, environmental destruction, pollution and material success.

(Skip to 14:30 if you want to skip to the main point.)
(From 31:00 - 34:00 some excellent comparison footage between green and orange activities.)

Edited by Kevin Gueug

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The Brazilian actor Wagner Moura seems to be Green. He was in the movie Elysium and has some socialist ideas (I don't think it's a lot of Blue socialism).

images (2).jpeg

Matt Damon seems to be very Green too:


Edited by brugluiz

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Stage Orange beauty blogger entering Stage Green territory here in this video.
She realizes the limits of consumerism and gains awareness on her emotions / using shopping as coping mechanism.

A public figure that comes to mind in regards to the topic of anti-consumerism is French author Pierre Rabhi, especially his book "The Power of Restraint". As he's a farmer and pioneer in agroecology, he has strong Green-oriented political ideas, so not everyone likes him. He has been getting media attention in the past few years in France so he's one of the figures in the country raising awareness. He may be unknown to you since not all of his books have been translated to English. Here's his Ted Talk named 'Is there Life before Death?' (there are English subtitles):


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Anna Akana is an entertaining and vulnerable Stage Green youtuber. She talks about compassion, empathy, vulnerability and other feminine values, mental health, depression, anxiety, suicide, LGBT, feminist stuff like rape culture, etc.
Her videos are well made and easy to digest for Orange people. I consider most of her videos to be "healthy Green".




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So in the Netherlands we have this festival called Psy-fi.
Its a psychedelic trance festival. or atleast the main genre is psy-trance. But there's alot of live music and other, more relaxing and chillstep/ambient like music too.  in terms of general spirit, you could say that the festival is somewhat like Burning Man. But alot smaller.

People come here from all over the world for a week to just enjoy life and beingness. Its like a community. You have some places with dj's and dancing. You've got some kind of market with people selling all kinds of supplies and clothing (all nature friendly). Most of the food you can buy is vegetarian/vegan too.

Its open 24/7 and there's a large campsite build around the festival terrain. You just place your tents (i had one made from cardboard!) wherever you want and be. People come and go and you make friends easily.

If you don't want to dance all days you can attend all kinds of lectures and workshops. The workshops mainly focused on meditation and yoga. And the lectures where about love, opening yourself up, Drug harm reduction, general information about drugs (Like Mdma psilocybine, weed and lsd), consciousness and more. Very interesting.

Talking about drugs. Like the festival name would almost give it away.. the drugs of choice are Mushrooms/truffles and weed. Mdma was quite plentiful too. 

You could even buy psychedelic truffles at the mainstage it self! and there was this local smartshop at the marketplace with people ready to help you through every step to have a good trip. And i haven't seen anyone having badtrips or mis behaving at all!  I've been to all kinds of weird festivals where shit hitted the fan. But here its all peace, harmony and looking out for eachother.

They even made a magic forest. This was a pretty big forest like place made for tripping. There where beautiful lights everywhere and they made it cozy at pretty much every spot so you could just sit down and relax. And everyone welcomed you when you joined.

I've visited the festival for 6 days in 2018 and i was mindblown. I wasn't aware of  spiral dynamics and such and if i look back now i still was kinda orangish/green. I was already experimenting with psychedelics and learning about all these things of consciousness, but the moment i set foot here i was kinda terrified. Because suddenly everyone around me was kinda like me. I felt quite scared at first, and it took me some days to really feel at home.

But boy when that happened it was amazing. 
i will definitely visit the party this year aswell but i will visit more lectures. There where some amazing guru's who i missed because i wanted to dance all day.

When i look back i still was to resistant for these new things. I was too insecure for all this love and kindness (It looked too good to be true. But now i know people genuinely are like this sometimes and it seems more and more people start to become like this.)

Here's the summary of 2017.




Edited by MaxV

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“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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