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Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread

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2 hours ago, Recursoinominado said:

What the fuck is wrong with those people?

It's cringy as hell but they are expressing valid outrage in unhealthy ways

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16 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

It's cringy as hell but they are expressing valid outrage in unhealthy ways

Speaking of cringe. . . A great Green video on various forms of cringe. 


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4 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

Ken Wilbur mentioned the phenomenon of 'mean Green', does this count?


That's how immature Green can act.

Keep in mind this kind of behavior usually comes from young people.

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13 hours ago, Forestluv said:

I'd much rather someone be upfront, transparent and honest with their dirty work. Toxic corporate elites hide behind nice suits and do their dirty work in the shadows. I'd put that a lower level on the scumbag scale.


I was wrong with calling them dirty. Dirty was not the right word to use and am not getting a good word for it. But i do think there acts as shown on video is childish and immature.  I only researched about rnc after your comment and seeing the video again.  i didnt know rnc people on suits where toxic corporate elites who does dirty work. (Did the couple who faced the protest deserved it?)  i only saw the video from my pov and for me those protestors where annoying and extreme. (I dont know amerikan politics. I just saw it like group of protestors taking videos of a couple and abusing them.  It felt to me like incidents happening in india where couples(not married) faces moral policing by vigilante group)

Edited by Harikrishnan

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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12 hours ago, Forestluv said:

I'd much rather someone be upfront, transparent and honest with their dirty work. Toxic corporate elites hide behind nice suits and do their dirty work in the shadows.

Why the hell  then they hide their faces and act only in crowds? 

Stop excusing this type of behavior, they were one step away from lynching those people.

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Just now, Recursoinominado said:


Stop excusing this type of behavior, they were one step away from lynching those people.

Exactly it felt to me like moral policing issues faced by couples in india. Same behaviour same energy. 

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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On 1/17/2020 at 4:08 PM, Forestluv said:

Below is a recent political video. It is one of my favorite political ads. It is tripping with healthy substantive Green. The video was not produced by the Sanders campaign. The video was created by people that have been moved and inspired by Bernie. It has a high level of creativity, human connection, egalitarianism, multi-cultural, empathy and love. For me, the video is very moving. I really hope Bernie wins and this essence permeates through the consciousness of humanity.  


Awwww I miss Bernie :( This video makes me nostalgic...like a dream world from another universe that never actually happened. Maybe AOC will run for Prez in 4 or 8 years... 

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"How a Pledge to Dismantle the Minneapolis Police Collapsed"

An example of how stage green proposals with a lot of support sometimes fail to take root.

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Ohhhh I hate Jordan Peterson so much. How can people listen to him? He is a pseudo intellectual hack.

He went on a debate with Zizek about Communism... when he never even read Capital by Karl Marx. That’s all you need to know about him.


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On 9/25/2020 at 11:54 AM, Recursoinominado said:

Why the hell  then they hide their faces and act only in crowds? 

Stop excusing this type of behavior, they were one step away from lynching those people.

I'm not talking about mask type of 'hiding'. I'm talking about toxic corporate and political power hiding in the shadows as their harm and try to hide the harm they cause - in the name of more power and profiteering. I don't think you are appreciating the power dynamic here. Penniless people with no power are not the biggest threat. The toxic plutocrats are far more dangerous. That's why they want us to focus on a harmless mentally unstable woman. Plutocrats love to pit poor people against poor people - then they are all distracted in a culture war. They don't fool me. I can see them. 

Imagine someone walks up to you, yell profanities and you walk away unharmed. You never see them again. It was an annoying encounter, yet no big deal. Now imagine a corrupt politician steals money that was to be used to improve the water system in your community. Now, everyone in the community is drinking toxic water and don't even know it because the politician was super sneaky about stealing the money, paid off other politicians and blackmailed politicians to keep quiet. Years later, you and many people in your community have neurological disorders from toxic water. Who would you be more upset with: the crazy lady who yelled a few curses at you, or the corrupt politician that stole your tax money, let you drink contaminated water and caused you neurological disorders? 

White collar Orange crime can be as violent as Red level crime - it's just a different expression. White collar crime is done in the shadows, that is one reason it is so ruthless. It's one of the problem's with toxic capitalism and plutocracy. And there harm isn't limited to the U.S. Neo-cons and Neoliberals support wars that harm foreign societies, including Latin America. The woman who seems crazy does not have much power to harm others through oppression, exploitation and warmongering. That damage has been carried out primarily by white men in corporate and politics. 

And it's poor form to create false equivalencies that steal the suffering from others. Those that were lynched, were innocent people that lacked power that were violently killed by racists with power. This businessman is nowhere near getting lynched in this video. The victims of lynchings were innocent black people that got brutalized by racist white people. White collar wealthy men with the power to exploit others are not the victims. (I don't know this specific man, I'm speaking in big picture terms).

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1 hour ago, Forestluv said:

This businessman is nowhere near getting lynched in this video.

You are delusional, thank God you or that woman don't have the power that you speak of, otherwise, you both could do some real harm. 

Edited by Recursoinominado

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@Recursoinominado Blue white washes history and steals the suffering of real victims to play pretend victim. Green tells a more accurate account of history. The man in the video above was nowhere near a real lynching. Below is what real lynchings look like. 


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5 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

The man in the video above was nowhere near a real lynching. Below is what real lynchings look like.

This lack of self-reflection and self-criticism is astounding.

All it takes is one in a crowd to be more daring for all others to follow.

"Nowhere near". "Look at history, forget the now".

The Self-deception is strong with this one.

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@Recursoinominado I'm not saying that there is no violence on the left - I'm saying that the man in the original video was not under threat of a lynching and you are misusing the term "lynching". You are re-contextualizing what I am writing into a different narrative.

We should not derail this thread. If you would like to continue the conversation, do so via PM with me. 

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8 hours ago, Akemrelax said:

Ohhhh I hate Jordan Peterson so much.

Careful. Don't become a devil in chasing down devils.

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