Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread

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4 minutes ago, Evil Raccoon said:

I didn’t know it was possible for a person to have colors from the spiral that are that far away from each other and seem so opposite (in this case red/green).Like how could someone molest kids and then sing Heal The World/We Are The World/Man In The Mirror and do humanitarian things and shit?

Of course it's possible.

MJ was an extreme case. He was seriously screwed up due to a long childhood of abuse. If anyone could pull it off, he could.

Never underestimate the ego-mind's ability to justify its selfish behaviors.

The ego-mind could easily justify singing Heal The World, and also have sex with children. In fact that's easy to rationalize as "Love". All sexual abuse is always justified in the mind of the abuser.

Of course MJ didn't see himself as an abuser. He saw himself as a lover.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I feel like the more “angelic” a person appears to be, the more fucked up this person truely is.

I'm not friendly.

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13 minutes ago, Member said:

About MJ being a molester, it doesn't surprises me and makes the conspiracy theorists look not so crazy.

Elijah Wood says pedophilia is a reality in Hollywood - source

But it seems that this phenomenon extends far beyond.... which is pretty fucked up

It's dumb because pedophilia is not an "elite" issue. It's a general issue across the entire spectrum of classes, races, groups, etc.

There are more poor pedophiles than rich ones. Simply because there are more poor people than rich people. But you don't hear about the poor pedophiles and they don't make for a juicy and outrageous conspiracy theory like rich people do. The ego-mind is looking for every excuse to hate rich people.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Animal rescue people:


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

It's dumb because pedophilia is not an "elite" problem. It's general issue across the entire spectrum of classes, races, etc.

There are more poor pedophiles than rich ones. Simply because there are more rich people than poor people. But you don't hear about the poor pedophiles and they don't make for a juicy and outrageous conspiracy theory like rich people do.

Agree that dysfunctional families are more prevalent in lower classes where most of the abuses happen BUT this doesn't make the situation less serious. I would suggest you to watch the first clip and then we can talk.

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@Member Of course sex trafficking is a problem and it should be investigated by police.

My point was about not creating a conspiracy theory about it. Creating a conspiracy theory around it actually hurts the cause as people start foaming at the mouth over it and start smearing people. Pedophilia is a serious accusation that requires serious police investigation and court trials. This is not an accusation that should just be thrown around lightly at one's ideological enemies, as right-wingers love to do.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course sex trafficking is a problem and it should be investigated by police. [...] Pedophilia is a serious accusation that requires serious police investigation and court trials.

It sounds cute but when we are dealing with high level of corruption, only the crowd can make a positive change. Police is many times involved and it's naive to think that they are always just and punish criminals. Honestly, I don't care much either but I don't want to live in a corrupt, dysfunctional society with crazy folks lurking around every corner.

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15 minutes ago, Member said:

with crazy folks lurking around every corner.

That's your paranoia.

Exactly the thing I was warning against.

The crowd is often more corrupt and stupid than the people it demonizes. The crowd will be hijacked by demogauges and devils to gain power. Exactly as Trump, the alt right, nazis, and facists have done.

We have police, a court system, and elections for this reason. That doesn't ever mean the system will be perfect in catching all criminals. Many criminals skate by. The solution to which is to elect better leaders who improve the systems.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

And you can't deny, MJ could fucking dance. 

Dedicating this one to Leo, we all wanna be where you are haha. xD

He kinda looks like a marionette in this dance, amazing talent and energy, the little kid mesmerizes me, OMG I just wanna give him a big fat hug, he's defo being orange here tho', with a hint of flower power. xD

Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

The crowd is often more corrupt and stupid than the people it demonizes. The crowd will be hijacked by demogauges and devils to gain power. Exactly as Trump, the alt right, nazis, and facists have done.

I understand your reasoning (and I used to think the same, ha) but the police and court system are represented by people as well, which many times are corrupt and can be easily manipulated by those with more influence. Believe it or not but these things happen and the police is often involved.

Edited by Member

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@Amandine I don’t necessarily wanna be where he is and I honestly don’t see the point.It would probably take me my whole life anyways.

Edited by Evil Raccoon

I'm not friendly.

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Here's stage green perspectives on gender. I put the last video because Ash realized they messed up.

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2 hours ago, Evil Raccoon said:

@Amandine I don’t necessarily wanna be where he is and I honestly don’t see the point.It would probably take me my whole life anyways.

Didn't you see his last trip report video? 

That was some party going on right there.

Doesn't it give you just a little bit of FOMO?

Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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Not really, I'm more preocuped with getting laid, success and other material shit like that.

It's still interresting to me tho.

I'm not friendly.

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There's some divination. Divination can be purple-blue, but I think these videos fit in green.

A video on crystals.

Here's part 1 of at least 5 parts on chaos magick.

Teal Swan going over spirit/totem/shadow totem animals, minerals, and plants. These are at least stage green. Might be some tier 2 things. I don't know.



Demonolatry is probably a stage green thing. There might be some orange or red. I can't say because I haven't experienced it. This person has shadows of stage blue and green.

I will try not to post this much at once again. I got really excited.

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31 minutes ago, Evil Raccoon said:


Not really, I'm more preocuped with getting laid, success and other material shit like that.

It's still interresting to me tho.

Dance like MJ and you'll get laid in no time. 

Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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50 minutes ago, Amandine said:

Dance like MJ and you'll get laid in no time. 

Used to do that a lot when I was a teenager.

I'm not friendly.

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                           The enneatypes at stage Green

Type One: The Judge/The Objector. Type One, the Judge, acts as the Objector
in the Green level and objects to the “normal way” of being because he or she
believes in a more idealistic “right way.” Ones become the chaos engine—they
shake things up at the Green level. The Objector looks to uphold a cause that
reflects Green level values like diversity, justice, and preserving the environment.
Conflict within the chosen community must be avoided to maintain group
harmony, and the internal anger of Type One is turned to those outside the
group’s acceptable range of differences of opinions and ways of being (Ooten,
Unpublished; Ooten, 2010).

Type Two: The Provider/The Earth Mother/Father. Type Two, the Provider,
expresses the “need to be needed” in the Green level as sympathizing and giving
self away to take care of the needs of all, serving as the Earth Mother/Father.
The belief is that everyone needs care and sympathy, the Earth Mother/Father’s
version of compassion. The Earth Mother/Father believes that he or she has
a big enough heart to give the love he or she perceives the world needs. This
sacrifice of self is exhausting and diminishes the impact the Provider could make
on the world (Ooten, Unpublished; Ooten, 2010).

Type Three: The Doer/The Politician. The exploration of feelings becomes
acceptable at the Green level, and for Type Three doing is combined with an
image of caring. As Type Three, the Doer turns her interest into serving the
“common good” with her work as the Politician. Energy is applied to make the
world a better place through serving groups and populations that match her
ideas of a better world. Consensus-seeking often mires down progress (Ooten, Unpublished).

Type Four: The Idealist/The Connector. Type 4, The Idealist, at the Green
Level, acts as the Connector, connecting to the community and other individuals.
He values the need to connect and serve the community over connecting with
self, which perpetuates an illusion of abandonment. Much time and energy is
spent processing the range of feelings of others and sometimes of self. He shares
what is in his heart that he perceives will be valued by the community, while
keeping the darkness still locked inside (Ooten, Unpublished; Ooten, 2010).

Type Five: The Sage/The Professor. As Type Five, the Sage, becomes more
aware of others and develops a need for community, he becomes more accepting
of different ways of operating and being in the world, developing a “live and
let live” attitude and acting as the Professor. At this level, Type Five can begin
to recognize the presence of emotions and needs. The heart is considered,
pondered, and reflected upon (Ooten, Unpublished; Ooten, 2010).

Type Six: The Questioner/The Champion. As Type Six, the Questioner
becomes aware that “going it alone” doesn’t bring security, she turns to trusting
others. In allowing herself to trust others, she begins to learn to trust herself. She
finds connection with others through serving as the Champion for underdog
causes, the downtrodden, and the disenfranchised. In the egalitarian mindset of
Type Six in the Green level, she still does not trust authority figures, and she does
not trust herself as an authority (Ooten, Unpublished; Ooten, 2010).

Type Seven: The Adventurer/The Conceptualizer. Type Seven, the Adventurer,
in the Green level is the Conceptualizer who sees that pain not only limits self
but others as well. He envisions an egalitarian society where limitations in life
are eliminated for all. The Conceptualizer turns attention about limitations
outward and sympathizes with others, to avoid his own pain. There is a high
tolerance for many ways of being as long as those ways don’t enforce limitations
on the Adventurer’s way of life (Ooten, Unpublished; Ooten, 2010).

Type Eight: The Defender/The Protector. Recognizing that a solitary existence
doesn’t bring happiness, feelings of needing connection with others arise for
Type 8, the Defender. Connecting with others requires vulnerability. Energy
to avoid this inner vulnerability is channeled into being the Protector by
leading causes, protecting the weak and fighting for the disadvantaged (Ooten,
Unpublished; Ooten, 2010).

Type Nine: The Moderator/The Communalist. The Green level for Type Nine,
the Moderator, becomes a spiritual bypass where time is wasted in spiritual-like
pursuits that bring no real change. The Communalist will look like a part of the
community to avoid conflict yet doesn’t really connect or become involved. She
will appear to be moving along in life but is merely “narced out” on the spiritual
message of the day. Type Nine can become very comfortable in the consensusseeking
and status quo of the Green meme. The ego for Type Nine most wants
a communal existence with others that is conflict-free and easy to maintain,
yet avoidance of conflict can never bring true harmony (Ooten, Unpublished;Ooten, 2010)

From http://www.consciousdynamicsllc.com/home/levels_of_consciousness.html

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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On 05/08/2020 at 1:59 PM, Leo Gura said:

Animal rescue people:


What a lovely lady, surely she deserves more than Green, after all that's a freaking bat we're talking about. 

I dunno, those creatures scare the bejeezus out of me however cute you try and make them with fluffy white towels and banana treats, they're almost evil personified in my books, stuff that nightmares or bad trips are made of, probs watched too many Count Dracaula films in my day.

But damn, she ain't scared of nothing that lovely lady, bless her, we need more like her in this world! 

Bats do after all serve a purpose, at keeping insects and mosquitos at bay for one thing.

Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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