Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread

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Gary Vaynerchuck talking about how many guys would be more happier as stay at home dads and many women would be happier as the financial strength but societies norms are keeping people from their authentic traits. Do you think, this is an example of post modern, stage green thinking, that  often times people's identities do not fit the categories that society displays for us?

Thank you

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"John DID NOT DIE from eating a cheeseburger. He dosed correctly and his friends were in the room to help him."


Putting LSD next to heroin and the word "die" is absurd. The only thing that will die is your big fat ego.

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@Leo Gura, I guess that's why they wrote: "she'd had the substance tested". You could only harm yourself if it was NBOMe or some other phenethylamine.

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@Girzo More people die from lettuce than psychedelics. When was the last time you had your lettuce tested?

But I get your point.


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@Leo Gura Yeah I don't like that they put LSD and heroin in the same advertisement but atleast it's still a more evolved drug overdose prevention campaign than we find anywhere else in the world

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@Etherial Cat The emerging Stage Green society is still dealing with its Blue and Orange shadows. Backlashes like this are to be expected as even well-meaning people struggle with their own underdevelopment. A lot of the new Green energy probably had Orange or even Blue parents, which will obviously have left an imprint.

We’ll get there though. 

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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@Etherial Cat Prior to running for President, Trump was a Democrat. He supported gun legislation, has a strong anti-war bent to him and has said things off the cuff like "I love everybody", a very stage Green sentiment to have (and my gut tells me a least part of him truly believes that.) He seems pretty liberal when it comes to things like sexual identity and lifestyle choices, and in my estimation he doesn't have the psychology of a conservative.

The problem is that all of this is vastly overshadowed by his unhealthy Red and Orange, as well as some elements of Blue. The power dynamics of the toxic stage Red/Blue/Orange environments he puts himself in means that this Green shadow will never manifest in this lifetime. Had something different happened in his life - had he stumbled upon a hippie commune as a young man, or not been treated so poorly by his father, or something else to that degree - it's possible he may have developed this shadow more and ended up as just a usual, liberal NY socialite, instead of a toxic chauvinist president. Don't get me wrong, he still would've been deeply embedded in Red and Orange, as he is today, and controversy still would've followed him, but those aspects of him would've been tempered by a slighter deeper understanding of Green that could've made him less power-thirsty and narcissistic.

Edited by Apparition of Jack

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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This movie is pretty much about orange transforming into green

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Steve Cutts has multiple stage green artistic videos on his channel

Edited by SoothedByRain

We are all one spark, eyes full of wonder

“Take the lowest place, and you shall reach the highest.” 

“In the monastery of your heart, you have a temple where all Buddhas unite.” - Milarepa 

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A fantastic example of two people elaborating on the Green mindset vs the Orange mindset, especially towards the end of the video. 

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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Below is a recent political video. It is one of my favorite political ads. It is tripping with healthy substantive Green. The video was not produced by the Sanders campaign. The video was created by people that have been moved and inspired by Bernie. It has a high level of creativity, human connection, egalitarianism, multi-cultural, empathy and love. For me, the video is very moving. I really hope Bernie wins and this essence permeates through the consciousness of humanity.  


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This is hilarious. Green vs. Blue


“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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Serj Tankian is a powerful example of a stage Green musician. Former lead vocalist of System of a Down.

My favorite stage green quotes from the interview below:


Rainn: "Why do we hate?"

Serj: "Because we don't feel the interconnectivity of all things, otherwise it would just be us we are hating."

Rainn: "Do we need religion?"

Serj: "Organized, no. Disorganized, yes."


Edited by Time Boy

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23 minutes ago, Time Boy said:

Rainn: "Why do we hate?"

Serj: "Because we don't feel the interconnectivity of all things, otherwise it would just be us we are hating."


That even taps into a Turquoise way of thinking.

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I was checking if it had been sent before, but this thread is so long now... This a neat green, right?

I know what oranges will say, these singers were doing if for the money or the promotion. Stop right there, maybe that's just the orange lense.

Were they naive? Maybe, but this was more than 30 years ago. There is still a lot of poverty in Africa, but some places have developed a lot in the last 30 years too. Did they help? They did what they thought was best, inspiring people with a beautiful song and raise money to help, I can't criticise them for that. Africa has stages to go through yet, so the USA and Europe, which are not mainly green yet, like this song is.

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@tenta Nice!

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13 hours ago, tenta said:


723A54A0-F653-4A14-81A4-9D5CB0A35F39.jpeg it’s originally a french book, it probably exists in many languages. 

she also wrote a book called: „une maman c‘est come une maison“

Edited by remember

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