Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread

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@Leo Gura I was just singing a bunch of songs with my friend and wondering where on the spiral some of them are. Thanks for the song.

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On 9/4/2018 at 2:56 AM, Taylor04 said:

Leo is an example of stage green. His analysis is distinctly fawning of green, and disliking of orange. He even ascribes some green attributes to yellow in his spiral dynamics video series, such as belief in warmism. (I suspect so he can pretend his greenness is a higher stage.) Belief in an invisible threat in the sky is tier 1 religion. Tier 2 is no longer superstitious. Yellow is NOT worried about its carbon footprint, because yellow has moved away from the psychological need for such beliefs. Green did not anticipate this (yellow) change, and thus leaves it out and pretends the rest of the spectrum subscribes to it because it is reality. Yellow understands the systemic solutions to for example environmental issues, and therefore does not support tier 1 social engineering. Green only understands social engineering, and therefore thinks all stages must be into it.

Greens tend to see orange as controlling everything, while in reality green has been the dominant meme in western culture for decades. It is typically green to overlook their own dominance, and see the last vestiges of orange power as evil right wingers running everything.

Also, it is typical for greens to not understand libertarianism and lump it in with "selfish" orange, as he does. Orange is not both capitalist AND libertarian. Orange is only capitalist, and yellow is libertarian. Greens dont understand that distinction because they lack the systemic thinking ability to understand why libertarianism isnt selfish, but just proposes solutions that rely on systemic effects they (the greens) cant understand.

And vegeterianism is green. Tier 2 is not malnourished.

Edit: And Leo's epistemology seems to be a (more reasonably articulated) version of stage green postmodernism.

@Taylor04 There is a lot to unpack here my friend. First, do you really think Leo is at stage green? His entire platform and life purpose revolves around gaining knowledge, exploring reality and truth, different perspectives and models of reality. Green is not so interested and obsessed with knowledge, wisdom and perspectives. YELLOW is however. Also, Leo is obviously more individualistic and masculine, again traits of stage yellow. Although I will apply some self awareness in saying the characterizing a person as being fully at one stage or another is not productive or very accurate. I think you would be hard pressed to find a single true libertarian at stage yellow, as it is precisely by gaining a more nuanced and broader perspective past "stealing is wrong, taxation is stealing so taxation is wrong" that you see the severe limits of libertarianism. I identified with libertarianism up until fairly recently so I understand the belief in it. Ok on to the next thing. global warming is, according to the vast majority of western scientists (who are at stage orange might i add) very real and already having major effects on the planet. Yes, green probably cares about it the most, but that doesn't make less of a real threat. I don't think libertarianism is selfish for the record, but I do recognize now that it is ineffective at meeting the needs of the majority of people. "And vegeterianism is green. Tier 2 is not malnourished." again, majority of stage orange doctors would disagree with you. It's not a factual statement. Leo isn't even vegetarian to my knowledge. Im curious which stages you would place yourself on. I encourage you to actually research some of this stuff rather than going on assumptions. In terms of green being the dominant meme in western society... i just don't know how you could think that. why are our political leaders at orange / blue entirely still? why do we have a capitolist, individualistic society that is obsessed with science and technology as well as consumerism and competition. why is this the case if western society is at green?

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"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Porn Stars are, for the most part at stage orange, but Nicole Aniston recently has shown herself as a stage green porn star talking about healing substances, practices like meditation and defending animal rights and doing sustainability activities.  
it's really good to see and hear these things that people, regardless of the work that they're doing are evolving up in the spiral dynamic, especially in the porn industry that we always witness pure stage orange perspectives and activities.
Nicole Aniston has had growth in her consciousness, and therefore, she has made different choices.

This interview is the latest video of her expressing her perception and knowledge. 


Edited by hamedsf

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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Have you thought of it this way? We, human beings, are not birds. We don't have "techniques" for mating. We're beyond that. Our main focus in life isn't the techniques in anything. I'm not just talking about mating. :P

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On 9/21/2019 at 6:02 AM, Pacific Sage said:


That is stage Blue.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

That is stage Blue.

Hi @Leo Gura

Reasons why I thought it was green :

  • Desmond chooses not to kill anymore when he nearly kills his brother and then looks at the picture of the testament and then becomes religious but regardless of the reason he chooses non violence going forward.
  • Desmond saves a kid's life who was working on a car by quick witted first aid and rushing him to hospital.
  • Desmond on seeing his enemy suffer in pain gives him a shot of morphine to help relieve his condition regardless of how his actions had affected his friends in the army.
  • Desmond saves a lot more people than that was demanded of him even when he could have gotten down the ridge at any time.

Now that you have pointed out that it is Blue I can see why it is and I might have missed seeing it as blue initially.

  • Desmond believes in a black and white testament which is authoritarian in nature.
  • Desmond believes God will be in pain when a life is taken.
  • Desmond could have been blindly following the religious bible while not knowing the true nature of God even though it seems like he was in a way touched by God when he miraculously saved a lot of lives against all odds.

From yellow's point of view I can sense that the blue in Desmond gave rise to a good shade of Green. I am inclined to say he has more Green than Blue but after you pointed the blue in him and it being the source am unsure of the percentages of Blue and Green in Desmond but id like to conclude that there is both Blue and Green.


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This is a short film about transgenderism.

This is not real. It is a funded film.

I like the atmosphere.

Edited by CreamCat

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@Pacific Sage To me, this looks like a Blue-level internal conflict. One underlying Blue value is that killing is immoral (Thou Shall Not Kill). This is in conflict with Blue-level values of authority and obedience. . . To reach Orange, the protagonist would need to transcend his appeals to two authorities: One authority is an external god which says killing is immoral. The other authority is the military leaders saying killing is justified in war. When the protagonist transitions into Orange, he will transcend the authorities of both the external god and the military leader and realize his personal truth. He will realize he can construct his own moral framework that transcends that of a religious god or military leader. 

Someone at green would have a different orientation. They would see underlying religious dogma and military structure as the problem and want to deconstruct that. 

@CreamCat It's a good message of acceptance. Unfortunately for each instance of this type of acceptance there are 100 instances of rejection and stigmatization. Yet messages such as this video are important to help evolve social consciousness. It is essentially saying "This is what a real soldier looks like. This is what a real father looks like. This is what a real man looks like" to those at Blue. 

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12 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

It is essentially saying "This is what a real soldier looks like. This is what a real father looks like. This is what a real man looks like" to those at Blue.

"Real" is relative. I'd like to think of it as what a soldier, a father, or a man can be.

It's about exploring what you can be.

By the way, although acceptance and love are great, I would not advise going through physically taxing surgeries.

Going through surgeries so that one looks like the opposite sex puts a lot of stress on the body.

Acceptance of one's biological sex is physically healthier.

Edited by CreamCat

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Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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On 10/5/2019 at 0:15 AM, Serotoninluv said:

@Pacific Sage To me, this looks like a Blue-level internal conflict. One underlying Blue value is that killing is immoral (Thou Shall Not Kill). This is in conflict with Blue-level values of authority and obedience. . . To reach Orange, the protagonist would need to transcend his appeals to two authorities: One authority is an external god which says killing is immoral. The other authority is the military leaders saying killing is justified in war. When the protagonist transitions into Orange, he will transcend the authorities of both the external god and the military leader and realize his personal truth. He will realize he can construct his own moral framework that transcends that of a religious god or military leader. 

Someone at green would have a different orientation. They would see underlying religious dogma and military structure as the problem and want to deconstruct that. 


I see what you are saying. At Green it's more authentic than just following a rule. 

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.


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On 10/5/2019 at 0:07 AM, CreamCat said:

Going through surgeries so that one looks like the opposite sex puts a lot of stress on the body.

Acceptance of one's biological sex is physically healthier.

I wonder how it affects a person's mind.

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