Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread

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24 minutes ago, Spacious said:

Once a movements starts advancing narratives of power structure and systemic oppression, they are dominated by stage Red, as power exchanges have a zero sum group vs group mentality encoded into the dynamic.

@Spacious I would like to mention that Feminism was Green in its earliest stage but quickly regressed into Purple and Red.

Many first wave feminists were white supremacists and hated black men for gaining voting rights before white women did. Those white women contributed to racism. The second wave feminism was no better since it already had a strong scent of Red and Purple according to the movie, Red Pill. Without the internet, it was easier for the second wave to hide its colors and look virtuous.

Have you seen radical feminist groups that became the mainstream feminism in some countries? They are Purple and Red to the core. I've seen no other group that acts more like a tribe than those radical feminist groups. At one time, they were spreading magical rumors about soldiers using women as biological de-miners during world wars. They didn't have any evidence, but they said it was truth.

I can smell a strong scent of Yellow in your systemic thinking. I am Orange-Green transitioning into Green and Yellow. Once I see Yellow, it cannot be unseen.

I propose that Green is unstable as a social movement although Green can exist as a stage of individual growth.

Edited by CreamCat

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It would be way more useful to try to learn something from the guy. It would be unwise to just dismiss him as a some low breed of blue/orange, I mean you can do so, but by it you will just be practicing the habit of doing the same thing with the next person you disagree with. This Contrapoint channel did a great job of misrepresenting his views, and dragging one into a certain perspective. Let not the trigger guide you @Etherial Cat

Also this social/politics thingie is .... sticky,... watch out for that we must.

Edited by Clayman

"If you immediately know the candle-light is fire then the meal was cooked along time ago"

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Edited by Clayman

"If you immediately know the candle-light is fire then the meal was cooked along time ago"

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Let me note that Green has a serious Red(psychopath) infection problem. Often times, Green is not aware of psychopath infection, or Green doesn't want to admit that their movements have serious psychopath infections. Psychopathy is an evolutionary force. An Orange person called Pieter Hintjens told me what he experienced at EFF. EFF is Orange and Green. EFF almost collapsed due to psychopath infection. Later, EFF came up with rules designed to prevent psychopathy from going rampant. Orange has dealt with psychopath problems for quite a while although it is not very good at solving the problems. Orange also uses competition to outcompete ineffective corporations infected by psychopaths. Corporations severely infected by psychopaths cannot compete well in relatively free markets. Microsoft and Google are infected by psychopaths. They will be outcompeted by other companies although they are too big to fail anytime soon.

Factual feminists are Orange-Green and a rare breed of feminists. The mainstream feminists demonize factual feminists as misogynists. Factual feminists are aware of psychopath infection problems in feminism and detach themselves from the mainstream feminism.

I suspect Green people in feminist movements skipped Orange. That's why they are bad at dealing with internal psychopath infections. When I read FreeBSD Code of Conduct which was mostly based on Geek Feminism's proporsal, I see that FreeBSD CoC is not aware of psychopaths. Actually, It can easily be wielded by psychopaths as a weapon. Orange people(programmers) in FreeBSD community understand this and are slowly going to leave FreeBSD.

Blue is not safe from psychopathy, either. Perhaps, Yellow is the first layer well equipped to deal with psychopathy.

Edited by CreamCat

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Not only one of my favorite games but a great example of how green ideals can glom into cultish, collectivist mob mentality that, for all it's progressive ideals still had blinders on and committed actions that still had major aspects of Red and Orange in them. They made it so sexy that it was difficult for me to see this for awhile. Let me know if I've made any errors in judgement with posting this here.

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Edited by Soulbass

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On 7/5/2018 at 0:03 AM, Leo Gura said:

It's a tricky topic because in the ultimate big picture, EVERYTHING serves its purpose. Cenk's demonizing the right has its purpose. White people lynching black people has its purpose. Nazis killing Jews had its purpose. Racism, war, genocide, slavery, anti-Semitism, rape, murder, theft, corruption, harassment, abuse, tribalism, etc. It ALL serves a purpose. It's all totally inevitable and part of Infinity. This is the bitter pill that no ego wants to swallow because the ego loves to judge and be self-righteous and to create an environment which aids the ego's survival.

So if you're gonna say that demonization is moving us forward. Okay. But also realize, so did Nazi concentration camps.

It will take some deep enlightenment experiences to accept that. It will not make sense to the ego-mind. The ego-mind is too selfish to see it. And the ego-mind will try to use this fact to further its agenda by saying things like, "Well, I robbed that person, but it was totally inevitable, like Leo said. So I didn't do anything wrong."

Of course this is just ego being a sneaky manipulative snake. Which is also inevitable.

Reality cannot be other than exactly how it is. The challenge for ego is to surrender to what is.

By definition, anything that happens within reality, servers the ultimate purpose. There is nothing within reality which is "wrong" or "should be otherwise". You cannot optimize reality beyond what it is. It is already 100% optimal and anything that occurs is part of that opitmality unfolding. It just unfolds in counter-intuitive ways. Most people would not think that murder is optimal, but that's because they are not seeing the biggest picture. They are not thinking infinite moves ahead the way God does. So to them, stuff looks sub-optimal. But that is just ignorance. At higher levels of consciousness that will fall away and there will be total acceptance.

This is the #1 reason why nonduality cannot go mainstream. This truth is too brutal for people to accept.

Wow... amazing text ??? 




Ralph Smart (Infinite Waters) is the epitome of green. 

In this video, he talks about being a vegan, not fitting into an "orange" job, finding your tribe, accepting your weirdness. In other words, green stuff. 

He has also integrated the lessons of orange. He says in the video, "You can live in the 5th dimension, but you also have to master the 3D." 

Finally, he's not falling into the trap of fighting fire with fire. He says towards the end: "Even if you're annoyed at the world, instead of using that energy to attack the system, use that energy to create the New World." 

In some other videos, he does get triggered by animal cruelty though. He seems self-righteous for being a vegan, and he preaches about it hell of a lot. 

But other than that, his videos are great examples of healthy green. 

Edited by Gabriel Antonio

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Edited by Goliath

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On 7/6/2018 at 0:23 AM, Outer said:

It's hard man, it's hard. I would be EXACTLY like you, but for Hillary if she was president.

I would suggest Hillary is just as orange as Trump. 

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2 hours ago, stevegan928 said:

I would suggest Hillary is just as orange as Trump. 

It's a choise between rotten eggs and rotten fish. 

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I'm interested to hear your interpretations about Sasha Shulgin and whether he is more Orange leaning with his scientific translation of psychedelics research or whether he is doing it from a Green state of consciousness?

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Check out this great show with Laura Dern. Its basically about a break from orange to green but from a yellow writer at times. Because it shows the faults of green in her naivety to 'change' the world. Very funny to yellow?

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