Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread

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A fantastic example of Green (David Pakman) doing a takedown of Blue religiosity.

Key Memes: Secularism, Moral / Ethical Relativism, Scientific Progress, Rationality


You could argue this is Tier 2 thinking from Joe Rogan, but I'm not so sure. For me, it lacks the true Spiral Wizardly of a solidly Tier 2 take. But he does correctly identify some of the issues with Green / Orange rationalism.

Regardless, Pakman's take is essentially textbook Rational Green / Orange. He describes how secularism can work, religion is quaint and people can generate their own moral compass in life. 

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Let me know your thoughts on this one. 


I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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   Great example of a biased person using stage green values and relativism, and polyamorous relationships to organically farm drama and stir drama while also carefully sell narratives, slander and defame and misinform, but not enough that it's a legal issue. This person is actually more stage orange mostly with some blue and green values:

   Again it's interesting because if you look at the following factors:

Cognition development: Mostly linear with some non-linear pathways, more box and categorical thinking on the x-axis more so than on the y-axis. Speed and fast paced speech patterns linguistically shows his bias for words and music than images. Also due to Destiny proclaim neuro divergent brain and in the autism spectrum this effects his cognitive processes.

Morality development: self centric, ego centric circle of concern. More headspace activity, logical understanding and bias than heart space empathy, also higher sex gonad/libido drive manifested through heated argumentation and open relationship pursuits.

psychology and personality development: moderate in open mindedness and higher in close mindedness depending on situation, orderly and organized when thinking and arguing/debating but higher in chaos/disorganization in relationships, more introversion than extroversion, higher on disagreeableness and lower in agreeableness, higher neuroticism, higher narcissism, higher sociopathic traits, able to self induce apathy/psychopathic states. 

Ego development: Opportunist ego stage of development. Opportunist egos tend to capitalize on opportunities, and are similar to scammers, con artists, swindlers, grifters, fraudsters, hustlers, forgers, liars, sales people et cetera.

Ideological background and biases: Cuban/American bias and American exceptionalism, western values and western culture bias, catholic bias, music bias, money/transaction/finance bias, numbers and logic bias, online gaming bias, win at all costs bias, arguing/debating bias, Republican/conservative bias, liberal/Democracy bias, capitalism bias, categorical thinking bias, linear bias. These and many more form his confirmation biases and potential cognitive dissonances.

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Edited by Raze

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أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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A song in spanish (with Natalia Lafourcade, a pupular Mexican green singer) that talks about the recovery of values and spirituality identified in tribalistic traditions and communal societies. An example of the Pre-Trans Fallacy that green people tend to fall into.


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This is a very good example of vMEME Green beyond the stereotypical characters we commonly know of...


Meet Bunnie, an Asian Hacktivist, who started his career by hacking the Xbox for the first time, it was such an achievement, that Microsoft got in contact with him, he could have asked anything from them, and they would gladly accept, and what did he do?

He published it on the Internet, because he was a vMEME Green Idealist, and believed in the notion that the costumer should be granted all access/ownership to their products, without any secrecy by big tech companies.

Today he's working on his own project, which is an open source mobile phone, which all the system and technology will be provided by the public, 100% free from any device that can be used to spy users...

I recommend you guys to go watch this documentary, and see how many layers the vMEME Green can go😉👍

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Making fun of some Stage Green stereotypes:

His channel is a goldmine of these. 

Edited by aurum

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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