Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread

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I'm sharing this music video in stage green because it shows male-on-male compassion, which is a rare thing nowadays. Clips are taken from the movie "Warrior." 

Fight scenes throughout are stage red/orange, end of the video is a metaphorical transcendence into green. 

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On 7/5/2023 at 9:28 AM, Bernardo Carleial said:

a very good example of how vMEME Orange transitions to vMEME Green

Great share.

I like how the two filmmakers are "huggers," very green-esque. 

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Not sure if this has been posted before.  Didn’t want to search all 100 pages.

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Dele Alli is a professional football player in England. Here, he opens up about his struggles with addiction, trauma as a child, and mental health issues. The opening up about mental health in our culture has been a shift from stage orange to green. It is much more accepted nowadays to talk about our problems and struggles, not to keep them buried and hidden away from people. We all have issues and weaknesses and insecurities, it is okay and normal. Stage green embraces this. 

Edited by Spiritual Warrior

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On 09/07/2023 at 6:09 PM, Raze said:


Hmm. Green... or retarded?

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Steve Irwin on consumerism and money. 

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Edited by Raze

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51 minutes ago, Raze said:


So how is this green exactly?  

I'd say the 1st and 3rd tweets have quite a bit of red in them.  Not only the tweets but the persons too.  They seem full of hate and pretty misandric.

Someone at stage green can definitely be triggered offcourse, But its highly unlikely they encourage abuse or suicide or say such vile things. 


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4 hours ago, MaxV said:

So how is this green exactly?  

I'd say the 1st and 3rd tweets have quite a bit of red in them.  Not only the tweets but the persons too.  They seem full of hate and pretty misandric.

Someone at stage green can definitely be triggered offcourse, But its highly unlikely they encourage abuse or suicide or say such vile things. 


Delete the tweet links when you quote a post, otherwise it makes the thread take way longer to load.

These are posts from people heavily influenced by belief systems emerging from stage green, bad behavior and callousness can exist at all stages. Ken Wilber is solid yellow and is known for insulting his critics. 


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Edited by Raze

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Do trans people even know that most cis people have never even seen a trans person in their lives?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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