Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread

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On 12/9/2021 at 2:26 AM, Rilles said:


Some of these are how it should be.

Obviously a person with significant disability will have less power.

Obviously a better educated person will have more power.

Obviously English-speaking people will have more power in an English-speaking society.

Obviously rich people will have more power than poor.

Obviously illegal aliens will have less power than legal citizens.

Obviously mentally unstable people will have less power.

Obviously a sexually fit person will have more power than a fat person who eats junk and doesn't exercise.

These are some of the oversights of Green. Unequal things are not supposed to be equal.

The thing is, humans don't value all things and all people equally -- this is necessary for survival. Therefore power will naturally accumulate where value is biased towards. Even a poor person values money. And even a fat person values physical fitness (in their mate). And even a disabled person values ability.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Some of these are how it should be.

Obviously a person with significant disability will have less power.

Obviously a better educated person will have more power.

Obviously English-speaking people will have more power in an English-speaking society.

Obviously rich people will have more power than poor.

Obviously illegal aliens will have less power than legal citizens.

Obviously mentally unstable people will have less power.

Obviously a sexually fit person will have more power than a fat person who eats junk and doesn't exercise.

These are some of the oversights of Green. Unequal things are not supposed to be equal.

The thing is, humans don't value all things and all people equally -- this is necessary for survival. Therefore power will naturally accumulate where value is biased towards. Even a poor person values money. And even a fat person values physical fitness (in their mate). And even a disabled person values ability.

It's a hard pill to swallow but it's true.

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Some of these are how it should be.

Obviously a person with significant disability will have less power.

Obviously a better educated person will have more power.

Obviously English-speaking people will have more power in an English-speaking society.

Obviously rich people will have more power than poor.

Obviously illegal aliens will have less power than legal citizens.

Obviously mentally unstable people will have less power.

Obviously a sexually fit person will have more power than a fat person who eats junk and doesn't exercise.

These are some of the oversights of Green. Unequal things are not supposed to be equal.

The thing is, humans don't value all things and all people equally -- this is necessary for survival. Therefore power will naturally accumulate where value is biased towards. Even a poor person values money. And even a fat person values physical fitness (in their mate). And even a disabled person values ability.

this is sobering for someone in stage green such as myself. 

it's so hard to believe how much group think stage green engages in, even-though it likes to think otherwise. This hasn't been obvious to me until I started following your work. 

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TITLE: California Driver Leaves Car Door Open to Deter Thieves

Possible example of stage green problem solving. Lower stages tend to become paranoid when crime increases and increase security / punishments. Stage green transitioning areas may instead opt for more openness and negotiations to deter criminals. 

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This game is a very good example of how to apply a healthy vMEME Green design to a product in an overwhelmingly vMEME Orange market like the gaming industry... also pay attention to the set of values that this game director shares, and the importance he gives to the emotions and the experience of the game's environment(vMEME Green) rather than the traditional rewarding/achievement feedback system(vMEME Orange). He also designed the game to be non-combative, which it's very unusual(for a first-person game)...

That's a very good case study for all of you guys who want to work with game design!???

Note: there's an extended interview with him on this channel,  but I decided not to post it here because it's a bit lengthy and technical,  but I'm telling you guys just in case you'd like to know more about the knitty gritty stuff..??

Edited by Bernardo Carleial

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NYC appointed a stage green leaning DA who is planning criminal justice reform, another example of stage orange to green transition



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On 7/1/2018 at 3:57 PM, Rilles said:

Gabor Mate, this guy is the epitome of healthy Green, very inspiring.

Couldn't this be considered yellow too? He has a very deep and all-encompassing sort of perspective, seeing beneath the surface, focusing on addressing the root issue of trauma that leads to the addiction rather than getting too caught up with the addiction itself at the surface. To me this seems pretty yellow. I get that it is about psychotherapy and talking about the need for compassion and everything which makes it resonate with green, but I’m wondering if there is anything preventing this from being yellow?

"We are born of Love, Love is our mother" - Rumi

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Edited by Raze

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Edited by Raze

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On 8/1/2022 at 7:40 AM, Carl-Richard said:


I find it a little bit yellowish too...

Edited by Bernardo Carleial

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