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How To Build Positive Motivation For Victims

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I really want to share this exercise, which is really more of an idea, that I’m going to start using in my life for building a strong positive drive.

But first I want to eleborate first on who this will REALLY benefit: those of you, who like myself, feel stuck, trapped, afraid, like a victim, more numb to current life circumstances, etc. This is really for you guys because I know where you’re at. I just created this amazing life purpose right now in my life with then help of the life purpose course. However, me being REALLY stuck in victim beliefs and fears and in comfort, I’ve grown sooo accustomed to just quitting, giving up on every goal and pursuit the moment I start it, and even when I start my effort really isn’t there because I just don’t have my heart in it because I don’t really see that I can do “that”. Not ‘I know I can do that’ or ‘I know I’m physically capable to technically do that.’ NO. No as in, getting in your experience that it’s possible for YOU PERSONALLY. However, it’s hard to even get to that point of really getting that insight that it’s possible because we’ve been conditioned and numbed to the circumstances of “ordinary life”. I totally get it. I know what it’s like to get a great life purpose that moves you and then the next day you’re back in your shitty job you hate surrounded by pettiness and next thing you know your caught up in it all over again. 

What I realize now for me in turning my life around is just how critical it is to really feel in your bones just your bones and heart how much you want something. I don’t know about you but when looking back when I was an early teenager when I found my 2nd real passion which was for running, I was so productive in it in my drive that it was literally insane. I didn’t fear running hard that much (except before the gun). I didn’t fear or dread running my guts out on the pavement, trail, or on the track. I wanted to do it so much and wanted the goals and dreams of this thing so much. 

I notice for myself now that the biggest reason (or at least one of the biggest) I struggle with productivity and overcoming lower self. When I introspect into that I notice it’s because there’s that doubt that I can get what I want to get done accomplished and even follow through on it. Now, I’m actually not a fan of doing things like affirmations or just visualizing the end because for me and I know for a lot of people they actually recognize all they’re just lying to themselves and creating more falsehoods and illusions. I actually feel worse when I do them. So what I propose is creating, or I should say re-creating, that want again because if we can really want something from a positive place strong enough, then that to me is a great place and oportunity to really start a powerful snowball effect.

So here’s the exercise...

  • Grab a piece paper, your journal, or your commonplace book
  • Before you even start writing, start to contemplate and just intuitively feel this desire to do the thing(s) that you know you need and more importantly, want to do. What is that? Is that to working on your life purpose? What about your enlightenment work and meditation? What is it for you?
  • Write down what you want in detail. Not the goals per say. But the vision itself. Feel how much you actually want it. Be articulate, detailed, draw if you want and feel drawn to (no pun intended). Feel giddy again. 
  • Do this everyday and follow this up with the actions you need to take to realize this but bring the energy you get from this into it. 

The Key: Don't force or be mechanical in this process. Don’t try to force a vision that may not quite be there. Cultivate the burning desire that’s there, not pretend or lie about it. So if your firey passion for life is only as hot as some damp coals whose fire is almost non existent. That’s okay. Just see a little deeper and feel the heat that you can. The keys are self-honesty, action, integrity, and honest inspiration, and the trust that this will create a massive fucking snowball if you work it.

Try this for 30-90 days everyday and let me know how this goes :) 


  • If journaling or writing is not your thing (which I totally get) and you do better and meditating on stuff like this or really feeling in your body or hear, do that instead. The point is not the writing. The point is that you build the want. 
  • Don’t just agree or disagree with this theory all because it it sounds good, right, bad, wrong, on par or not. DO IT. I’ll be doing it with you :) 

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