Aaron p

Be aware or meditate?

7 posts in this topic

Ok so I'm starting to understand a little bit about all this enlightenment stuff and how it works. It's quite challenging. My problem is this, when I'm *out and about* im torn between two things. Half of me says "ok I need to be *aware* of everything" and half of me says "NO, trying to be aware will lead to more mental activity. I need to not think." 

And I honestly cannot tell which one I should follow. Should I be aware, or should I focus on stomach breathing (not thinking)? I'm sure it's a simple question but I'd appreciate the help

Edited by Aaron p

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For me, it would depend on where "out and about" is. If it's in town in public, I'd go for awareness practice (seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, etc). If I'm out in nature, I'd do breath focus. 

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A couple of things I'd like to point out. 

1.Being aware and not thinking aren't mutually exclusive. For instance you can be aware of everything in your awareness which includes thought.

2.Mental activity isn't the enemy and you trying to fight it will just cause more mental activity. I would suggest you being torn between just being aware and meditation is mental activity.

3. Finally focusing on your breath is the same as being aware just that you are narrowing what you focus on so imho I don't think it makes that much of a difference but don't quote me on that.

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Being aware is being out of the thinking mind. Awareness != Thinking.

Being aware is being present, instead of lost in thought. It is really different.

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@BuddhaTree Never said they where the same thing. I said that they aren't mutually exclusive. You can be aware but still have thoughts, actually that is the case for most of us, unless of course you are already deeply enlightened.

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@Aaron p a wise descision would be to find your answer from a master not from this forum.


Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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