
The phenomenon of fragmentation

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5 minutes ago, SOUL said:

Yes, thoughts have hijacked your experience.... I talk about being, awareness and consciousness, you talk about thought self ego fear.... what is the focus of your attention?  Not subtle it's so obvious. Hah


Speaking about Be-ing is fine if that’s what you want to do...but is it subtle?...i think not...

 It’s fairly easy to accumulate a couple of non-dual lines and throw them here on the forum.

It’s obvious when ‘we’ do this?

Edited by Faceless

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That can be as simple as conforming to some idea, concept, non-dual theory, and then regurgitating it in a thread. 

Thought loves to do this..it loves it ❤️:)

Edited by Faceless

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Do you know what the lizard brain is? The phenomenon of fragasaurus.....rawr!

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4 minutes ago, Faceless said:

That can be as simple as conforming to some idea, concept, non-dual theory, and then regurgitating it in a thread. 

Thought loves to do this..it loves it ❤️:)

All thought needs is a thinker/knower/self — even if the thinker is thinking/knowing/theorizing about nonduality. 

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Just now, robdl said:

All thought needs is a thinker/knower/self — even if the thinker is thinking/knowing/theorizing about nonduality. 

Very very Sneaky:ph34r:

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30 minutes ago, robdl said:

Thought clings-attaches-identifies. Some call this a sticky action, indeed. I have as well. 

Thought reacts to/within itself mechanically, as an identification-attachment process, as it seeks security in its own movement. 

This is all true and seen wholly. 

So you’re characterizing it as separate, conflicting perspectives but they’re unitary.

It’s one and the same.


@SOUL do you see that the stickyness-identification-clinginess of thought and the self-reacting/identifying movement of thought are one and the same thing? 

Thinking is a process-movement of reactive attachment-clinging. 

So thought is sticky but it’s also a self-reactive movement. They aren’t mutually exclusive. 

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The theorizing, knowing, and thinking sustains, nourishes, and perpetuates the thinker, knower, self. 

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What does a 'being' need? A be-er? Ok thanks I'll have one....it will help with all of this thought talk....

I will be-er about unity infinity.


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well to be fair, even an image loves to imitate BE-ing...it loves it :)

Thought is very subtle. It’s mechanical tendencies will invent invent invent...sneaky sneaky :ph34r:

Edited by Faceless

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4 minutes ago, Faceless said:

well to be fair, even an image loves to imitate BE-ing...it loves it :)

An image loves....?.....to imitate?

I am being... it may be a simulation or an illusion or a vision maybe a revelation, but I am being. Whatever it is.


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Oh yes..Thought loves to imitate, conform to patterns... mechanical indeed. 

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52 minutes ago, Faceless said:


Speaking about Be-ing is fine if that’s what you want to do...but is it subtle?...i think not...

 It’s fairly easy to accumulate a couple of non-dual lines and throw them here on the forum.

It’s obvious when ‘we’ do this?

Um... well yea being is totally obvious..... it is ubiquitous.... if one is an aware being. heh

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13 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

All there is is you talking to yourself.


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22 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

All there is is you talking to yourself.

That's an illusion of nothingness.


Edited by SOUL

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1 minute ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Illusions exist, it’s just that there’s nothing behind the scenes with an illusion.

Edits are illusions.....

raw....cough cough... r!


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to the point about different people having different subjective concepts/ideas about the nature of thought-self/ego — that is worth going into more. 

1. Thought is attachment-clinging. Let go of attachment to not suffer. 

2. Thought-self is a self-feeding loop.  

3. Thought is fragmented, as one thought-fragment takes the form of an “I”-fragment to judge/control/take possession of other thought fragments. Fragmentation is the false division between the thinker and thoughts when in fact thought-self is a unitary process.

4. Thought seeks security in its own movement. 

5. The ego is only interested in its own survival.

6. Thought is a movement away from what-is/the dynamic now.

7. There is no self: it’s an illusion. 

8. The observer is the observed. 

Are we understanding that these are all compatible and just different verbal expressions of the one thing, not conflicting beliefs/viewpoints?

That the one thing could be called a movement, loop, attachment, illusion, survival mechanism, fragmentation - without any contradiction? 

That the groking of all these expressions flows from the holistic insight?


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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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