
The phenomenon of fragmentation

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It’s freaking awsome isn’t it, to see that this is happening with us even being aware of it. It blew my mind brah. 

Edited by Jack River

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@now is forever  How do you know thag I like In north, Yes My home town is in Shimla in the himalayas... But IM now out of India, Im in Harbin China... studying in University,(going to be a doctor).... I would tell you my story 2 years back I was well OK... I used to be a deep need... My classmates used to keep me down sometimes I feel... i had sleeping problems with my roomates.. Gets agitated easily if someones disturbs me in my studies...cared about my health a lot... so sometimes would think and think That IM OK... during those hard time I dont know what happened I started thinking negatively... I feel pressurized... My mOm even dont understand me... the changes only happened when i entered my university and started to face people on my own... I felt my behaviour change... i felt how people used to make fun of me.. say something bad to me and that all where it started

?IngitScooby ?

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@Jack River yes It is constant... but isn’t it weird, that awareness & suffering are going together...how could?

?IngitScooby ?

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2 minutes ago, Ingit said:

but isn’t it weird, that awareness & suffering are going together

We can be aware of this conflict right. But is that awareness free to not feed fear by being caught in fear? If we can’t see all the ways fear are happening then we feed them as a habit. 

Edited by Jack River

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7 minutes ago, Ingit said:

@Jack River yes It is constant... but isn’t it weird, that awareness & suffering are going together...how could?

Suffering means we don’t see the whole of what causes suffering. Means there is no attention or awarness. Suffering only happens with lack of attention or awareness. 

Edited by Jack River

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?? awareness is free... I told you im aware.. idk whats happening then ! ?

?IngitScooby ?

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Conscious awareness leads to suffering. Attention to conscious awareness means suffering doesn’t feed itself. 

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4 minutes ago, Ingit said:

?? awareness is free... I told you im aware.. idk whats happening then ! ?

I feel what your saying dude lol 

awareness is attention to lack of attention. It’s that simple. And we will see that we start to try and control that outcome to pay attention. That is not attention or awareness. That is psychological time. Which is what makes for suffering and feeding more fear

Edited by Jack River

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14 minutes ago, Ingit said:

@now is forever  How do you know thag I like In north, Yes My home town is in Shimla in the himalayas... But IM now out of India, Im in Harbin China... studying in University,(going to be a doctor).... I would tell you my story 2 years back I was well OK... I used to be a deep need... My classmates used to keep me down sometimes I feel... i had sleeping problems with my roomates.. Gets agitated easily if someones disturbs me in my studies...cared about my health a lot... so sometimes would think and think That IM OK... during those hard time I dont know what happened I started thinking negatively... I feel pressurized... My mOm even dont understand me... the changes only happened when i entered my university and started to face people on my own... I felt my behaviour change... i felt how people used to make fun of me.. say something bad to me and that all where it started

i had a look at your profile - and stalked your hometown ...in that sense. 

chinese people can be tough - are those people who try to controll you still around you? or are they now just present in your psychological past?

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We get caught in chasing the abstraction of awareness. Same as psychological seeking. 

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3 minutes ago, Ingit said:

@Jack River means IM not fully aware yet !!! im continuing the loop of fragments !!! ??

Who is upset about it? Lol. Fun thing is to watch dude. It’s freakin fun to watchxD

the more you get upset the more you resist what is happening. This is feeding fear. Isn’t it amazing dude?

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@Jack River

4 minutes ago, Jack River said:

I feel what your saying dude lol 

awareness is attention to lack of attention. It’s that simple. And we will see that we start to try and control that outcome to pay attention. That is not attention or awareness. That is psychological time. Which is what makes for suffering and feeding more fear

Getting out of my head... ??? Im not getting... Awareness itself causes suffering you means to say this?? Dont you... and what we need to do is pay attention to the Awareness itself !!! That ends the Loop right????

?IngitScooby ?

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4 minutes ago, Ingit said:

Awareness itself causes suffering you means to say this??

Let’s stick with attention. Is that ok?  No attention and we suffer. If there is attention eto what causes suffering like fragmentation and what it initials then we don’t get caught in  that suffering. If we still suffer we don’t see what suffering intails yet. We are not being attentive to what causes suffering yet. 

Edited by Jack River

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Certain movements of fragmentation will not be noticed. Division hides its own movement. 

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7 minutes ago, Jack River said:

Let’s stick with attention. Is that ok?  No attention and we suffer. If there is attention eto what causes suffering like fragmentation and what it initials then we don’t get caught in  that suffering. If we still suffer we don’t see what suffering intails yet. We are not being attentive to what causes suffering yet. 

What. Does eto stands for? ?

?IngitScooby ?

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1 minute ago, Ingit said:

What. Does eto stands for? ?

xD I Meant to..sorry. I have very poor eyes from surfing my whole life  :S

Edited by Jack River

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What I’m saying is identification with thought is fear clinging to itself. And that leads to suffering. It’s always resisting what is happening now because now is new and identification fears new. Fragmentation is identification. And all movement within that division or fragmentation  feeds itself. 

Edited by Jack River

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