
The phenomenon of fragmentation

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The images one projects about others always shows what self-image is being nourished/defended/reinforced, as the ego/self-image projects images out of its own movement that validates-sustains the very same movement.   This is how we learn through relationship.

Edited by robdl

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4 minutes ago, Faceless said:

The question is, are we aware of this divisive movement influenced by psychological becoming in all its subtle forms? 

Yep. That’s the question dudes ? 

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5 minutes ago, robdl said:

The images one projects about others always shows what self-image is being nourished/reinforced, as the ego/self-image projects images out of its own movement that validates-sustains the very same movement.   This is how we learn through relationship.

Well said...

It is quite easy to detect this movement of image projection. Indeed, some will read this thread and see first hand fragmentation in movement. As this too is an opportunity to learning in relationship. 

As the tittle states...PHENOMENON :)


Edited by Faceless

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Just keep on mental masturbating over words, thinking your own are the right ones and judging the words of others is feeding your own ego believing your own ideas about what's true and false. See it yet? lol

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31 minutes ago, robdl said:

If you tell someone to be "passively aware", they may unwittingly and subtly do so through the lens-fragment of effort-motive-intent.  Ego sneakily will use "passive awareness" for ego's purposes. 

@robdl I know this well. When my g-f gets pissed off I make it a point to just stay chill. She then tells me what a "Passive Agressive" person I am. If there's a next time she gets mad, I'll tell her "No, I'm passively aware". 

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52 minutes ago, Jack River said:

Fosho man, becoming or not becoming is fear in movement. Then there is no passive attention. It is positive or negative movement as faceless explains.  Psychological Time and this positive or negative movement is the same as the fragmented pattern. 


Can we observe this mechanical compulsion to become psychologically secure as that movement of FEAR in resistance to itself arises throughout the day? 


Edited by Faceless

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20 minutes ago, Faceless said:

Well said...

It is quite easy to detect this movement of image projection.


Indeed. The ego/self-image, as "knower", as "wise", identifies a threat to its permanence-continuity, and projects (defends-reacts) the other as "not knowing" or "unwise" -- thereby self-reinforcing/preserving the "knower" or "wise" self-image.  But the self-image and its projection is a unitary thought movement (Observer is the Observed), except the ego/self-image doesn't realize it.

Edited by robdl

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5 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

@robdl I know this well. When my g-f gets pissed off I make it a point to just stay chill. She then tells me what a "Passive Agressive" person I am. If there's a next time she gets mad, I'll tell her "No, I'm passively aware". 

:)Those girlfriend experiences can be great for learning heh? ?

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3 minutes ago, robdl said:

except the ego/self-image doesn't realize it.


Identification implies self-sustainment or to adhere to that specific image indeed. A defense mechanism. 

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6 minutes ago, Faceless said:

:)Those girlfriend experiences can be great for learning heh? ?

Hehe, one if not the best

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@cetus56 @robdl

I’m wondering how my son will turn out not being subject to rather common compulsion of one image in opposition to another. As in boyfriend-girlfriend/man and wife...

I don’t think he has ever witnessed such a disorderly experience. When I was younger it was but a routine. 

Edited by Faceless

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13 minutes ago, robdl said:

Hehe, one if not the best

Definitely ?

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4 minutes ago, Ingit said:

@Jack River yep I can see... they seems to wired a lot like our nerves.... 


Thought-self/fear-psychological seeking to end that fear...

all a material process of the organism. 

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14 hours ago, Ingit said:

@Jack River yep I can see... they seems to wired a lot like our nerves.... 


14 hours ago, Faceless said:


Thought-self/fear-psychological seeking to end that fear...

all a material process of the organism. 

Nice dudes ? 

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this thread partially is a really nice example on male chauvinism at work - hope what i‘m reading is the awareness of such.

it‘s not exactly sexy to watch a male group masturbation. 

conversation is always also political.


but chauvinism isn‘t exactly male emancipation. because it isn‘t exactly democratic to just have a yes or no voice @Jack River just to have a voice at all.


can you realize when you are doing that? can you realize how you influence a conversation with that? that you are not an observer while doing that, but a hand holding a *beep.

Edited by now is forever

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awarness of this fragmentation seems to get easier and easier. Before I wasn’t aware at all.  In the last few weeks I noticed a lot. But now I can detect it easier by not being confused about what is or is not divided attention. it’s kinda simple now. It’s simple because the more we can identify divided attention the more we realize how often it takes place in our daily life. Any way it crazy how being aware of this unawareness brings about awareness. :D

Edited by Jack River

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