
Meditating with an image :o

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I try to meditate with my eyes open, so that I can keep myself alert and awake. But one thing I realised is that my view is just a wall, a blank space, and boring. To some people, this is good since it doesn't distract you but it makes me feel like I am trying to meditate, rather than just meditating and we all know how it feels to "try" to meditate.

So I changed my normal routine

IMAGES! Beautiful images of mountains, lakes, of nature in general. It's not intended to distract you from meditating but it's actually much easier to stare at nature than a wall. It's easier to get lost in an image!

Getting lost in meditation is the key!

 But I wouldn't recommend a slideshow or anything like that, since that can be distracting. Only an image you can just look at for hours on end, and not get bored. 

This is the image i meditate tomountain-wallpapers-for-android-For-Desktop-Wallpaper.jpg

It may be fake, or photoshopped but my God, it's beautiful. It really does silence your mind when you get into the staring. I use my laptop, put it right infront of me and just look at the nature.

What do you guys think?

Edited by B_Naz

You're not human, you're the universe

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Try it with vr goggles that you put on your smartphone....  There are apps that have scenic vr pics or 360 Panamas... With those, anytime you want a new view you rotate your sitting position.  Plus it teaches you to hold your head up and steady.  

Or find an app that let's you upload your own pictures, then you can specifically use ones that help different areas psychologically, like color therapy with a white or blue lily,  chakra colors, etc. 



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@starsofclay That's very smart, it's also much better than my currently setup with the laptop, I'll have a gander 

You're not human, you're the universe

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It might be easier to do this using a much simpler image, like a red triangle or white circle or the yin-yang.

Yes, these might bore you, but if you get bored easily then that's precisely what you must work through. Boredom is the ego-mind's resistance to truth and higher consciousness.

Boredom is not easy to work through, but therein lies the spiritual purification.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Sometimes I observe a candle during meditation. It helps relax my mind.

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@B_Naz make sure you get the kind that straps on to your head and doesn't have to be held up by hand. You may want to lay down if the goggles are too heavy but try to find the lightest you can



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You're not human, you're the universe

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