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Waking Up to Meditate in the Middle of the Night

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Want to enjoy the deep, mystical sleep of our ancestors? Turn your lights off at dusk.

Has anyone tried anything like this?  It’s resonating very much with me.  I’ve tried it two nights, doing yoga and meditating briefly, 20-30 minutes, and each time had crazy dreams afterwards (although that’s not very unusual).  Nothing super transcendental, and I was a bit unfocused during these two attempts.  But it makes perfect sense that this would be highly effective, as melatonin is highest in the middle of the night, and mystical experiences seem to happen more naturally during this time.  And our ancestors were likely a lot more in touch with their "spiritual" side, having far less distractions and being more connected with nature.

The book Becoming Supernatural theorizes that performing certain yoga techniques (basically Kriya Supreme Fire, though not named as such in the book), especially in the middle of the night, can cause melatonin to be converted to more… exotic chemicals… (DMT) in your pineal gland, to cause one to have intense mystical, out of body, reality shattering, transcendental experiences.

I’m eager to give this a try.  Unfortunately, I’m a different person with different motivations in the middle of the night / early morning than before bed, so it may take some willpower to make this a habit.

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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Well yeah its common sense, you're already deeply relaxed and in that state so you tap in effortlessly. If you want to astral project or lucid dream this is the best way i have found. Waking up few hours earlier than you regularly would very early in the morning and laying on your back or whatever works for you with the intention to lucid dream or astral project.

Works for me almost every time. Astral Projecting will feel more like a DMT trip. It will feel generally much more real than physical reality where a lucid dream feels similar to physical reality yet you are completely aware you are dreaming so you know how to wake up and that you will and can wake up if you choose to ect.. You can learn a lot about the ego and what you feed yourself on a daily basis shapes the behavior of your actions in that state when you can do anything.

When i was in my teens almost every time i would lucid dream i would have sex with lots of women. It was so fun and orgasms were mind-blowing but as you become more in-tune with your higher-self the lucid dreams become of a greater, more universally loving nature where its more about expansion and exploring like the dreams you would have as a young child.

You'd be surprised how one can think he/she is all wise and enlightened yet still acts immaturely when you have direct access to do anything you want. Clear indication that there is a lot to be healed and worked on and that you are still controlled by the ego-mind in some ways.


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