
what is the start point ?

10 posts in this topic

Hey guys 

This is my first post 

I want to share with us my feeling about self actualization and discuss what the next or I'm still haven't started at all ?

I'm from Egypt

At the first time we as a country  hear about self devolpment with under the name of human devolpment by doctor Ibrahim el fiqy , I'm don't sure that you know him

After that it like as a bomb exploded 

Many many many expensive  courses claim that it can change your life completely , but unfortunately it doesn't , it was only random stuff what doesn't make any change

Then a lot of books claim that it is deep very deep and not only  random words but It was very selfish books

That what happened to us as a country but as me I have passed all of that but when I listen to first time for me to Leo  in the video of how you lie I understand that there was a lot a lot of things and dimensions I have never been to them from that time I live in a cycle between depression from there alot I have missed and I don't know if I can compensate it , from my study which I'm late in it, from my religion which I haven't doubt in it but there a lot of duties which I didn't do ,from my country which things go in it from worse to the worst , from my bad English which stopped me from  good communication,from my meaningless 19 years which I don't know how  all these years passed ?, from the long to do list  and finally from the question what should I do? Or Can I ? 

What is the most fundamental step? 

Sorry for any wrong word or phrase 

And I hope to listen from you :D


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Sorry if this reaction comes over as non-sense.

Why do you feel like you have to do anything? Is it because of your emotions controlling you? Do you feel like you HAVE to be happy? Do you feel like you have to be more knowledgeable so you can help people and there for feel more Happy? Do you want to become rich and leave Egypt so you can feel Happy?

See, i think the only things that drives us humans, is emotion and mostly Pleasure/Happiness.

Happiness, from the point that i see it. can be divided into 2 sections:

Instant Happiness or Conditional Happiness.

What i mean is: If you would go play a game right now, or watch Tv or anything you find enjoyable. You will get an instant rush of happiness, But if you decide to learn for example how to write code, so you can become a programmer and work at a good company to make money and support your family for example. I'm sure you will become happy. But only after all of these conditions are met. And the happiness that we get when we reach this Conditional Happiness tends to be far greater than the one we get from Instant happiness.

There are 2 things stopping us from getting to that Conditional Happiness, Pain and Instant Happiness.

Pain: it's obvious that to achieve anything big. You will have to do a lot of things you don't necessarily find fun. For example. There might be a lot of people who want to become as wise as @Leo Gura But they are not willing to do the work he has done. From reading books which is boring to a lot of people. To meditating ...etc.

Also if you are happy right. Why would you go for something that is far from you like Conditional Happiness? It kind of feels redundant doesn't it?

I truly have no advise for you. The only thing I'm trying to say is. You are driven by your emotions. And anything new and meaningful you are gonna try and do will be hard. Chose wisely i guess.

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Its never too late...u shuld be happy that you hv realised  it....more than half of our world's population is no wr closer to it..simply living without questioning...i think now once you r at this point wr you begin to be consious ,aware and mindful to start with..its important for you to gather momentum to it by simply commiting to master thyself and become self actulized  when u ask about fundamental is only to question and stay confused...stop making conclusions...if you conclude its death...when u r confused ur still looking for something...confusion is a better state of mind than conclusion... hence...just make sure you dont belive anything just learn to know...becz beliving comes from lack of knowing....knowing is dont belive you hv two hands  ...u know so dont believe..just experience n u will know...





Edited by Chaitali M

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First things first. The most important thing right now, in my oppinion, is that you realize that nothing is lost. You are only 19 years old! There is a whole life ahead of you! 

It doesn't matter what has been, it's important what is now.  And now you are aware that there is more to life that what seems to be.
And it doesn't matter where you are. You still have a good head on your shoulders, and as long as you have that, you can advance!

You have already made the most fundamental step and that is to realize that you can do more. You are here on the forum, after all, aren't you! 

I would suggest that you work on your confidence and optimism for a while, create a series of mini-wins. If you are in school, try to make your grades a bit better. Or try journaling here so that you can practice your English, if nothing else.

Give it some time, and trust that soon things will not be as dark. You will have more confidence and it will be a lot easier for you to decide on what to do next.

Remember, if you are not feeling happy and fullfiled, you are your own first priority! 

I hope you have a great day! :)    

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19 hours ago, Draconis Chaser said:


First things first. The most important thing right now, in my oppinion, is that you realize that nothing is lost. You are only 19 years old! There is a whole life ahead of you! 

It doesn't matter what has been, it's important what is now.  And now you are aware that there is more to life that what seems to be.
And it doesn't matter where you are. You still have a good head on your shoulders, and as long as you have that, you can advance!

You have already made the most fundamental step and that is to realize that you can do more. You are here on the forum, after all, aren't you! 

I would suggest that you work on your confidence and optimism for a while, create a series of mini-wins. If you are in school, try to make your grades a bit better. Or try journaling here so that you can practice your English, if nothing else.

Give it some time, and trust that soon things will not be as dark. You will have more confidence and it will be a lot easier for you to decide on what to do next.

Remember, if you are not feeling happy and fullfiled, you are your own first priority! 

I hope you have a great day! :)    

Thanks a lot  , you made my day:)

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On 2/7/2016 at 9:25 PM, Chaitali M said:


Its never too late...u shuld be happy that you hv realised  it....more than half of our world's population is no wr closer to it..simply living without questioning...i think now once you r at this point wr you begin to be consious ,aware and mindful to start with..its important for you to gather momentum to it by simply commiting to master thyself and become self actulized  when u ask about fundamental is only to question and stay confused...stop making conclusions...if you conclude its death...when u r confused ur still looking for something...confusion is a better state of mind than conclusion... hence...just make sure you dont belive anything just learn to know...becz beliving comes from lack of knowing....knowing is dont belive you hv two hands  ...u know so dont believe..just experience n u will know...





You are right especially in the last phrase , thank you;)

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On 2/7/2016 at 8:15 PM, Barack Obama said:

Sorry if this reaction comes over as non-sense.

Why do you feel like you have to do anything? Is it because of your emotions controlling you? Do you feel like you HAVE to be happy? Do you feel like you have to be more knowledgeable so you can help people and there for feel more Happy? Do you want to become rich and leave Egypt so you can feel Happy?

See, i think the only things that drives us humans, is emotion and mostly Pleasure/Happiness.

Happiness, from the point that i see it. can be divided into 2 sections:

Instant Happiness or Conditional Happiness.

What i mean is: If you would go play a game right now, or watch Tv or anything you find enjoyable. You will get an instant rush of happiness, But if you decide to learn for example how to write code, so you can become a programmer and work at a good company to make money and support your family for example. I'm sure you will become happy. But only after all of these conditions are met. And the happiness that we get when we reach this Conditional Happiness tends to be far greater than the one we get from Instant happiness.

There are 2 things stopping us from getting to that Conditional Happiness, Pain and Instant Happiness.

Pain: it's obvious that to achieve anything big. You will have to do a lot of things you don't necessarily find fun. For example. There might be a lot of people who want to become as wise as @Leo Gura But they are not willing to do the work he has done. From reading books which is boring to a lot of people. To meditating ...etc.

Also if you are happy right. Why would you go for something that is far from you like Conditional Happiness? It kind of feels redundant doesn't it?

I truly have no advise for you. The only thing I'm trying to say is. You are driven by your emotions. And anything new and meaningful you are gonna try and do will be hard. Chose wisely i guess.

Aha I get this , pain is what stop us from getting the conditional happiness , your reply help me much , thanks alot

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The most fundamental step -- as I happen to talk about in this week's video -- is to commit to a slow, steady life-long study of this field: self-mastery.

Then you just make sure to stay calm, patient, and consistent with your studies.

And eventually, EVERYTHING will transform. But it will take some struggle at first and it will be slow-going at first.

Just stay calm and carry on.

You probably should avoid my deeper videos for now (like the enlightenment videos). Stick to the more practical stuff that will improve your current daily existence until you get deeper into it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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22 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The most fundamental step -- as I happen to talk about in this week's video -- is to commit to a slow, steady life-long study of this field: self-mastery.

I agree with Leo. Inch, by inch, life is a cinch. However, I would like to share something that sparked one of my first deep "ah ha!" moments and I think might help. I got this from Sadhguru. The realization is that a given moment in time cannot be changed. Because the particular moment cannot be changed the only logical, sane choice is to accept and embrace it. By doing so, you empower yourself to respond to that moment in a way of your choosing.

To elaborate, once again, there is nothing that can be done about any specific moment, the very precise now you are in, and I mean now. This is not a period of time, it is a very precise point. For example, reading this sentence consists of many moments; many "nows". The reason a moment cannot be changed, is because another moment is required to change it, therefore you are no longer in the first moment. If this makes sense, then perhaps you can see that you really only have two choices in any given moment: you can reject it, or you can accept it. Rejecting a moment means you consciously or unconsciously close yourself off to it; you push it away by feeling powerless, depressed, angry, etc. There is a feeling deep down that you do not have the power to respond to it. If you accept it, you open yourself up to it and see that you can respond in some way. Note the use of the word respond. Everyone can respond to anything. A response can be a very simple act to a very big act. In other words, by accepting, you acknowledge its existence and then can proceed to work with it being to being.

Here's a simplistic example: Say you are having a nice pleasant day and someone walks up to you and calls you an idiot. There is nothing you can do about that. The person's already called you an idiot. That won't change. At this point, you can either become angry and quarrel with him (rejecting the moment because it creates conflict with your inner self - mostly an unconscious reaction), or you can simply register the comment, realize the person's comment is a fiction created by them and continue to have a pleasant day (accept).

I realize this is not as easy as it sounds, but it was a big catalyst for me. Perhaps it can work for you as well.

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@Leo Gura that's a big honor to see your reply to my topic 

I'll try to be more patient and calm as you say 

When I saw  your reply I've decided to watch all your videos from the first one , and I noticed how your vids completely transformed in two years which I was doing no thing in this years 

I hope to you more and more success and I will keep going for self mastery

Thanks a lot for everything and for each second you help us with your channel and website

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