
insight - it's all about love

31 posts in this topic

oh, shit

 it's all about love! it has always been about love! how could I be so blind? my whole world, my whole universe orbited around one or another form of love my whole could I not see that? every phantasy was to make me feel love, everything I ever did was to feel connection and love!

and for years I walked around thinking it's about success, achievement.

oh, really lies in fulfillment. and where do I find that? in feeling connection. to what? to everything. that's actually oneness in a nutshell: connection to everything. non-duality. no me, no you, no world outside of me. --> all is one. that's what I'm actually after. and I've always been after that, all along.

maybe it's just a matter of definition.. but no, for me it feels like fulfillment=happiness=connection=love=oneness

oh, wow

this just felt really heart-opening :x it actually got me watery eyes

Edited by phoenix666

whatever arises, love that

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All You Need Is Love. Love is all you need!   ?? I enjoy your positive and happy posts. On the rare days that I'm not feeling it, posts like yours help me to feel it.

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you feel it too,@PsiloPutty ? that's absolutely wonderful :x

and I'm so glad you enjoy that. yeah, it's good to have a reminder from time to time <3 sometimes we need a little input to see it shine through, planting seeds here and there 

this place is perfect for sharing love - giving and receiving <3

whatever arises, love that

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amazing let the flowers bloom!

light up the sky, the air is made of wishes coming true!

the sun joyfully shines on us on our dreams, and we shine onto the sun

a connection of many lovebugs! a circular bridge to all one of us

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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"A circular bridge to all one of us."  I really like that!    ?

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I shit you not:  As I was reading this thread, Ed Sheeran was on the radio singing, "Maybe we found love right where we are..." ;)

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Nice! Those are important insights.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@here-now Dude now you gotta be shitting me. That song is playing right now as I’m reading your post. Love is crazy f’n Love. 

@phoenix666 I so hear ya. Every problem, every duality, got nothin on love. That’s what I want on my tombstone, “Still loving you”. 



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So happy for you :)

The ego's only way to stop conflict with itself is by bathing it in Love.

I love you ❤️

Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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10 hours ago, here-now said:

As I was reading this thread, Ed Sheeran was on the radio singing, "Maybe we found love right where we are..." ;)


9 hours ago, Nahm said:

Dude now you gotta be shitting me. That song is playing right now as I’m reading your post. Love is crazy f’n Love.

haha what's happening there? it's all around us :x


9 hours ago, Nahm said:

Every problem, every duality, got nothin on love. That’s what I want on my tombstone, “Still loving you”

you're right, but everyone has to find out for themselves. it's helpful to get inspired though <3 thank you


8 hours ago, Torkys said:

The ego's only way to stop conflict with itself is by bathing it in Love.

yeah, literally loving it to death


4 hours ago, Artaemis said:

Realizing that everything within the illusion is love is also the key to manifestation.

Everything we desire is already literally here, in everything.

When we know that, it is reflected within the illusion, within duality. As our level of awareness shifts, as we wake up to what was already here.   

The duality unwanted and wanted doesn't really exist.

There is only wanted, only truth, only love.

'Unwanted' was a conceptual addition created for the journey, for the expansion.

so beautifully expressed! thanks for sharing <3 yeah, all duality is self created and doesn't really exist. the world around us may be the same, but our perception of it changes. our eyes change and peak through to see the love in everyone and everything 


3 hours ago, Outer said:

Love is fear in disguise

sometimes the masks fall off, or we can de decide to let them go to reveal what's really inside <3


thank you to all of you <3 you're all part of my journey, I feel so grateful 

whatever arises, love that

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@phoenix666 The only reason which I find to love, be compassionate and kind is because everything that is kind, compassionate and loving is more beautiful than if it weren't. And everything that is rude, angry and cold is less beautiful than it originally was. 

This is my reason. But what is your reason to think that everything is love, that it's all about love and such? What makes you think that? Can you explain it (preferibly in a logical way with logical steps)?

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@Sbilko do you think love needs a reason? 

but I can try to explain it logically, if you want. it was a sudden insight about everything I've done, said and thought about my whole life. it's very personal. I can only speak from my experience, my memories, my intentions. I thought I wanted certain things, not realizing that I was really after something else. and this something else is love. the infinite love you perceive when you feel that everything is one. that deep connection, the dissolving of every boundary. that kind of love. the one that can't be described, it has to be experienced directly. 

I realized that that's what I've been looking for all along. and that is also what everyone else is after, even if unconsciously. 

I hope it sounds plausible 

Edited by phoenix666

whatever arises, love that

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:D <3 
I Love you :x 
@phoenix666 @Sbilko @Outer @Artaemis @Torkys @Nahm @PsiloPutty @Arkandeus @here-now @aurum

All love from my heart to yours <3 Since its almost all dudes here I almost wanna say "no homo" but isnt that remark behind which dudes so often hide from emotional vulnerability? 
So All homo <3 

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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@Martin123 I'm actually a girl, my dear :DxD

but I know that feeling, I love this place and all of you guys too <3

whatever arises, love that

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Just now, Good-boy said:

It's ok bro shit happens. You can make love with me ?since she found her love elsewhere.

Oh thank god my knight in shining armor <3 

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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@Sbilko Thought is one thing happening in the big bubble your body and brain are happening in. Thought makes distinctions; tree, cloud, thought, finger, sky, sun. These things appear separate, but they are all consciousnesness / awareness. 

The bubble is the knower, the awareness. The ‘things’ in the bubble don’t actually split up or divide the bubble. The bubble is like the light in the refrigerator, you can never tell it’s off, cause if you look, it’s on. If you could ‘see in the fridge’ without looking, or ‘when the light is off’, you’d see infinity, or superposition. 

Awareness is the looker, and the light, and the infinity (in this sub par analogy). 

When thought is accepted and allowed, thought is seen as like any other thing in the big bubble (all that is in your awareness).

Then awareness stops believing thoughts.

Then awareness is aware of awareness.

Then thought has been exited, and there is a knowing. 

The knower, is realized to be the known. 

Being, love, awareness, consciousness, me, you, etc, all the same. 

You can’t believe the truth, because it’s not believable (thought).

But without thought, without the acquired habit / conditioning of thought, what’s not true is no longer believable. 

Thinking about this, is like looking in the fridge over and over and saying, “see! Told ya”. 

Meditation, yoga, reiki, meditative nature walks, retreats, psychadelics, nondual theory...these are not more thinking. These are un-thinking. 

You can’t just think about them, you must do them.

Thought will make 1000 attempts to trick you into not doing them.

But if you do them anyways, you will know.


Thought = Resistance. 

Resistance is found nowhere, but in thoughts.



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@Nahm Amazing! 

Thought is the last barrier to enlightenment. If we can in every moment, focus on our hearts more than the thoughts in our mind; this will awaken us, this will take us all into state of unconditional love. It's so simple. We don't need to stand in postures, or say mantras over and over again, hoping something will change

All we need is to focus on the heart more than our heads; to the zero point of our soul, where we were designed to experience this world with the knowing that we are everything we see in our perception, that we are one with life. We are perfect, we are whole, and we are complete; it's just a matter of awakening to what we already are. 

Embrace everything you see with your heart. Feel your hearts love and light in this moment. Feel your love for life, feel this love for yourself. Why wouldn't you deserve this? Every cell in your body is vibrating with love, you were created by love, and everything you see can only be because love gave itself unconditionally to form the material world; which is just love in disguise vibrating at different frequencies to give the appearance of separation.

The path is so simple, it begins and ends with love. You don't need to change anything about yourself, you don't need to do anything external because love isn't based upon the forms of this world; or any "advanced" technique. Love comes through the simple shift from head to heart. Naturally your life will change as anything in your mind that is not love will be healed, and transformed into empowering beliefs, and blissful emotions. Your experiences will change because the inner equals the outer, and so everything you perceive, and everything that comes to you could only be experienced as love; and for your highest evolution of course.

Now you know the secret nobody has been telling you. Everything that is True is simple, it's only a mind, lost in thought, that wants to use something external to change the internal focus. One moment at a time, we surrender deeper into the hearts unconditional love; thanking and blessing whatever arises as this same love, regardless of what it appears to be.

Dare to be a Care Bear ??

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Q: What is love and truth? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

 “There is a strange relationship between love and truth? If there is a competition between love and truth, it is the love that will win. It is the fear of losing love that makes someone tell lies to the most loved ones. They are afraid of losing their love if they tell the truth. So which is powerful? Love is powerful. And it should be that way. What is love? If you have not known, there is no way you will know. Even a single creature on this planet cannot say that it doesn’t know love. Because that is our second experience. Our first experience was pain. The first nine months were easy, we were fed for 9 months in a comfortable warm environment. Then suddenly you have to come through a narrow passage which was so painful, with your head getting stuck. It was very painful experience. They cry because of this pain. A baby makes so many funny gestures and faces the first few days, because they did such a great job of getting out like moving a mountain. After the pain, they look into the mother’s face and catch the love of the mother. They realize that they are love, and know that there is nothing but love. By the age of three they start to forget. That is when the intellect starts to form, asking 101 questions. They keep asking questions. Half the time they don’t even listen to the answers. So what is truth? This is the most mature question. You can know love but you cannot tell the truth. Truth is that which is unaffected by time. With this definition, all that you see is not truth, isn’t it? This building is not the truth. It didn’t exist in the past and it may not exit in the future. Same for the body. It was not there in the past and will not be there in future. Everything that is changing is not true. That which is true is not affected by time. Truth is that that existed, that exists and that will exist. The spirit of inquiry into what is that which is not affected by time, leads you to one substance that doesn’t change at all.”



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