
What Level Are You On Your Path To Enlightenment?

50 posts in this topic

On 2016-03-25 at 2:56 PM, shouldnt said:

I'm a 10 moving to 11

You must be special =) Something out of this world! Share your creative work I love photography and music.

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On 2016-03-25 at 10:43 AM, Eye said:


Look at my beard <3 Where did you find this picture? Been looking for it for years! Plus. The chart is for self-improvement and can do you good on your way to enlightenment.  

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@Emerald Wilkins But if you master your psychology, wouldn't it be easier to know yourself more and what's good for you? After self-development, you  start to understand what's best for you. I found for example that music can act as meditation for me. And if you know how the mind works you will also understand that you ain't control of most stuff. Living in the now is easy when you practice it, and it's very fun as well  ^^ 

Don't know why people can get so steamy over a piece of the picture. It's interesting though :D

Edited by Skenderberg

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1 hour ago, Skenderberg said:

@Emerald Wilkins But if you master your psychology, wouldn't it be easier to know yourself more and what's good for you? After self-development, you  start to understand what's best for you. I found for example that music can act as meditation for me. And if you know how the mind works you will also understand that you ain't control of most stuff. Living in the now is easy when you practice it, and it's very fun as well  ^^ 

Don't know why people can get so steamy over a piece of the picture. It's interesting though :D

It would be good for self-knowledge and self-actualization, but not enlightenment. Now, on one hand, it's easier to transcend a strong ego that knows itself and thinks well of itself. But frameworks of any kind are antithetical and can work at cross purposes to enlightenment, and  only add to the list of assumptions and beliefs about the self  and reality that must be deconstructed for a breakthrough to occur.

But frameworks are fun, and can give you signposts along the way for many areas of psychology. They clear up confusions and simplify psychology so that it is more understandable. I really like the Jungian Framework myself. But because of the conceptual nature and simplification inherent in any framework, it will never yield enlightenment.

I think a lot of people criticized the picture for this reason. But if someone got outright mad, that's just unnecessary. :) 

Edited by Emerald Wilkins

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@Emerald Wilkins Sounds very fun to become enlightened, but if you can't become it from learning the deep psychology and if you already have good cognitive skills, what would be the starting point towards enlightenment? If we already have enlightenment within us, how can we look for it? Been meditating for a couple of years and I've noticed that I don't care so much about stuff; politics, society, fashion, and things that are superficial.

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@Isle of View it's surely in a book from Ken WIlber : I'm reading "Integral meditation" written by him and it's exactly the words he uses and the theory he defends.. Since I read it as an Ebook and I haven't finished it yet, I cannot affirn that you will find the chart in it..

On 25.3.2016 at 8:41 PM, charlie2dogs said:

Many try to rationalize this experience but few have ever acquired it

It's Wilber's case too.. Just an other attempt to conceptualyze and put a certain personal and spiritual developement in different stages..

One more ego construct ?o.O


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2 hours ago, Skenderberg said:

Look at my beard <3 Where did you find this picture? Been looking for it for years! Plus. The chart is for self-improvement and can do you good on your way to enlightenment.  

I found it on Instagram, don't remember which channel:)

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49 minutes ago, MartineF said:

@Isle of View it's surely in a book from Ken WIlber : I'm reading "Integral meditation" written by him and it's exactly the words he uses and the theory he defends.. Since I read it as an Ebook and I haven't finished it yet, I cannot affirn that you will find the chart in it..

It's Wilber's case too.. Just an other attempt to conceptualyze and put a certain personal and spiritual developement in different stages..

One more ego construct ?o.O


Great that we have experts on this forum. What can you say about his course, Superhuman OS :P They promises a lot of things but do you think it's another ego construct ? 

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1 hour ago, Skenderberg said:

@Emerald Wilkins Sounds very fun to become enlightened, but if you can't become it from learning the deep psychology and if you already have good cognitive skills, what would be the starting point towards enlightenment? If we already have enlightenment within us, how can we look for it? Been meditating for a couple of years and I've noticed that I don't care so much about stuff; politics, society, fashion, and things that are superficial.

First, Increased awareness of what your first hand experience of reality in the present moment consists of before all of our concepts, beliefs, and frameworks are applied to it. Recognize thought stories as thoughts stories. So, it is a subtraction of knowledge, not an addition. For example, when learning how to paint realistically, you must be able to perceive of visual reality as a collection of shapes imbued with colors as opposed to delineating the world based on concepts and labels for your own utility. So, if you're painting a chair, you forget your concept of what a chair looks like and forget that you're painting a chair, and simply depict the shapes and colors in your field of awareness in the present moment.  

Also you must couple this non-conceptual awareness with unconditional acceptance and recognition of the completeness and perfection of the present moment. No shoulds or should nots. Just acceptance of your thoughts, emotions, and perceptions in the present moment. You can only wake up right now. There is no future enlightenment. There is no process or path or plan. There is only recognition of what is in your reality right now.


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The ego is a genius at triking himself to believe he is two levels above what he actually is.Maybe thi is due to the fact that it intuatively knows if he is more left or right and reprents himself idealistically. People on this forum function mostly probably around 5-6, and it's not to bad. 

Edited by Pascal Charbonneau Lacasse

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2 hours ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

First, Increased awareness of what your first hand experience of reality in the present moment consists of before all of our concepts, beliefs, and frameworks are applied to it. Recognize thought stories as thoughts stories. So, it is a subtraction of knowledge, not an addition. For example, when learning how to paint realistically, you must be able to perceive of visual reality as a collection of shapes imbued with colors as opposed to delineating the world based on concepts and labels for your own utility. So, if you're painting a chair, you forget your concept of what a chair looks like and forget that you're painting a chair, and simply depict the shapes and colors in your field of awareness in the present moment.  

Also you must couple this non-conceptual awareness with unconditional acceptance and recognition of the completeness and perfection of the present moment. No shoulds or should nots. Just acceptance of your thoughts, emotions, and perceptions in the present moment. You can only wake up right now. There is no future enlightenment. There is no process or path or plan. There is only recognition of what is in your reality right now.


Nice speech! Gave me more clarity  =) thank you

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1 minute ago, Skenderberg said:

Nice speech! Gave me more clarity  =) thank you

Thank you. :)

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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this is an interesting chart. it definitely makes sense to me and i can relate to the progressions of each stage. it is nice to have a gauge of "where i'm at" in my own eyes. i feel like i am at a 7 currently, and can begin to understand what 8 would be like (in some ways i feel like i may even already be there?)

although, i still feel like i have a great deal of personal development work to do in order to become who i want to become, accept myself, and to live a more and more fulfilling life. 

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30 minutes ago, Psychonaut said:

Here you should watch this:



Sadhguru is so right

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the transition from the fictitious identity to the real part of ourselves is self realization.  No matter how much you want to help someone else you cant take them there, there is no bridge, no road map.  It seems to happen to those who have this deep desire for something, and early on they dont even know what it is but they seek, seeking the deeper meaning of things, of life, love, and themselves, and one day a shift takes place. faith and belief has nothing to do with it, there are no levels to it, there is no path that will take you there.  Most of the paths that are taught by so called teachers take people around in a circle with no destination nor expectation of arrival.  I have spoken in groups of as many as 50 people and tried to explain this process and things that would aid them, and immediately the majority will begin to rationalize it, applying their belief to it, thinking that they are there and they dont realize that they are only speaking from the identity and ego.  Every video of Leo's tells you what it is not, and also what it is, but just hearing the information wont get you there, there is a shift that has to take place within yourself.  There are some keys that unlock that door, like, being quiet, being able to be in the moment of life in a conscious present aware state of being, as the observer only of that moment.  In the beginning its difficult to remain in that space of being for any length of moments but as time passes, it gets longer with practice and eventually becomes a way of life, where everything you do is done in this state of being and awareness, most are programed to the hilt with programing that have become a belief system and a false belief system at that, this stuff is not going to that space of being, the belief system must be dropped, making excuses why beliefs are good is nothing more than rationalizing from the identity.  Beliefs are never real, and they are never anything more than an assumption of knowledge, and if you cant see and accept that, you may as well forget this thing called self realization.  Once you get that and spend the time with the real part of yourself, your programing and belief will begin to dissolve and you will be able to see and perceive the reality of things.  There are not a million ways or paths to achieve this, you were misled about it by newagers and wannabe gurus, drop all the nonsense and be with your real self.  We are consciousness, we can function as consciousness and not the identity and ego.

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Nobody I saw on this site is second tier.

You have to be able to think integral and you all do not...:S

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great chart at-least,  but Enlightenment is general, this chart is distraction , but I like it  by the way :)

oh, Im not putting myself on those stages, maybe I should, but maybe I shouldn't...


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On 25.3.2016 at 1:06 AM, Skenderberg said:


@Isle of View

Hand picked from Area 51! It's secret :P 

Hi @Skenderberg. Sorry for my late respond, I was away for Easter Days.

Now, since you share a scrap of knowledge, it would be cool if you named the source. It's an interesting piece.

Why wouldn't you share the source if it could be of some help and support for others?

Kind regards, 

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