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universal connection

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to be in universal connection

every moment, every action, is in connection, in sychronisation, in harmony with all of creation


take for example planet earth, more then 7 billions people

to be in universal connection means that every action in your daily life, every hour, every second, you are in complete harmony with everyone on earth

how could it be? it is not so much about the actions and the "doing" but more the being, the emotions and feelings and imagination, dreams and beliefs that you emit when you go through your daily activities, what happens inside much more infinite

and it is exactly what happens inside that helps shape this world, this reality, this collective experience, and where it is going

how you see and feel the world is shared with everyone, and it helps all


for you to be in harmony with more then 7 billion people, a harmony that is every second, every nanosecond in full harmony and synchronisation with the entire planet, infinite intelligence, it means on a level of being you know what everyone is doing, what everyone is feeling, what everyone is being every moment, you know this all the time

which is why the conscious mind will take of all this in

would you imagine for a second for you to consciously process what every human on this planet is doing and feeling? what every animal is doing and being? every insect? every tree, wave? all the other civilizations in this galaxy? all the beings in other dimensions?

yes, universal connection is connection with everything and everyone imaginable and beyond


we live our lives, yet we are in complete harmony and connection with all life

we live a life, and in the same moment we live all life, universal connection


it is ok, it is normal, to not know consciously what you're supposed to do, it is normal it is ok to not know what you are doing, or what you have done,it is fine to not have a single clue what is going on or what is happening, to not even know yourself

it is fine to not know, it is normal, trust life, trust the instincts, get joyfully lost, because we are never lost, infinite intelligence

in the unknown, all is known, all is harmony, peace life


Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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Shame that this universal connection is not manifest in overt and physical ways as lives in many parts of the world connive to be violent, painful and devoid of humanity. 

Edited by astrokeen

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This is in relation to the universal law of polarity.


In how, everything you say or action you make, has an opposite reaction somewhere in the universe.


Concision is another term used.

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