Revolutionary Think

Trump doesn't trigger me and neither should he trigger anyone else

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@Emerald Don't worry so much his presidency seems to be imploding as @Leo Gura mentioned. Also you're right I was hoping he wasn't going to be all talk no action but, it seems like he is. I'm no fool (what else would I be doing on a forum like this) I am very disappointed in him and sick of his ego and so are people like Omarosa I think all the people who trusted him and he betrayed will be the end of him. What goes around comes around as they say. 

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21 minutes ago, Outer said:

So, there may be men who are negatively effected by his rhetoric, but they aren't negatively effected because they're men. Or there may be white people who are negatively effected by his rhetoric, but they aren't negatively effected because they're white.




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54 minutes ago, Sashaj said:

All good, have fun crusading

Wrong forum to do it on though

I didn't make the post, nor would I. I'm responding to the post, so it is relevant. It certainly relates to consciousness. 

It is also relevant because there is a lot of spiritual bypassing that goes on where there are many people trying to think their way to non-duality and decide that matters of a practical nature are to be bypassed based on insights that they've come to adopt as a belief. So, I disagree firmly with the idea that matters of a practical nature are unrelated to consciousness work. 

The fact of the matter is that this political situation we're in is a huge tell about the collective Shadow of humanity, and there are a lot of things to be learned from the situation that we are all facing. And if we hope to re-integrate our personal Shadows and our collective Shadow, we need to start looking at all the ins and outs of this political situation and the effects that it's having on ourselves and society at large.

But I think that most would rather bypass the situation because it's uncomfortable and because "it's irrelevant to consciousness work." But this is just a repression by another name. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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a floating cloud could have negative effect on you if you choose to believe that

a blade of grass could have caused a chain reaction that gave you cancer if you looked far enough 

corruption is inside every human being



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5 minutes ago, kingroboto said:

a floating cloud could have negative effect on you if you choose to believe that

a blade of grass could have caused a chain reaction that gave you cancer if you looked far enough 

corruption is inside every human being

This is true. But it is also probably not backed up by you actually abiding in a state of consciousness where this functions as more than just an empty belief. It's one thing to say these things and a totally different thing to abide in the state where this is the way of things.

It is easy to default to 'top-shelf' spiritual insights (turned beliefs) and use the truth to lie to one's self and bypass a situation... or perhaps to secretly feel a little superior to those who aren't so 'detached' and 'wise' as you are.

But if it were something that effected you negatively or that you were averse to, there would be no talk about "floating clouds" and "blades of grass" used to justify it. What if there was a candidate who was elected that was making efforts to undermine the first amendment... I'm willing to bet that  you wouldn't be all "corruption is in every human being" about it. You'd want to speak out against them and stop it, would you not? 

It's only because Trump's rhetoric doesn't effect you negatively that you can be all "blades of grass" about it. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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you're not understanding something fundementally


corruption is inside every person. 


you didn't know that person very intimately afterall

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1 hour ago, Revolutionary Think said:

@Emerald Don't worry so much his presidency seems to be imploding as @Leo Gura mentioned. Also you're right I was hoping he wasn't going to be all talk no action but, it seems like he is. I'm no fool (what else would I be doing on a forum like this) I am very disappointed in him and sick of his ego and so are people like Omarosa I think all the people who trusted him and he betrayed will be the end of him. What goes around comes around as they say. 

Unfortunately, I'm willing to bet that it won't. He's the type of person that can worm their way out of anything. Plus, even if Trump were impeached, he would still have a lot of influence over the masses. There would be many people who would interpret his impeachment as a sign of the corrupt government kicking him out of office because of politically correct Leftists and marginalized groups having so much influence in the political sphere. So, it would potentially even encourage more polarization. And more people would become more sympathetic to the extremes of the right wing.

So, this would be a difficult thing to navigate if he did wind up being impeached. It's not like the problems would go away. Pandora's box has already been opened, and none of that ugly stuff is going back in the box. It can't be swept underneath the rug. The only way out of this problem is through it. And that entails collective awareness really examining the contents of what comes out of that box and understanding more about the core emotions that are not being addressed that Trump and his rhetoric are meeting for people (albeit in a really harmful way). 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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This thread is obviously not going to end well.


"...all talk no action and pure ego. Seems like it was just a load of hot air bull shit coming out of his mouth and not a plan..."

This was obvious from the day one, even to most establishment Republicans. Trump's entire life/career is a house of cards held together with lies. From his fake hair to his fake bone spurs to his fake news to his fake university to his fake charity to his fake wife. Everything in Trump world is a cheap fake. That is Trump entire MO. Fake, fake, fake your way to the bank.

It works great until you get your hand caught in the cookie jar.

The problem with con-artists is that they never know when to quit while they're ahead.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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