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How Leo's ego has been built for enlightenment work (astrology)

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I've been studying astrology (real ancient astrology not the newspaper column kind) for 16 years so far and see it primarily as a study of the ego structures. I just had a look at Leo's chart and it's pretty clear that he's built for enlightenment work.

There's a couple of of the strongest aspects in his chart:

Saturn sextile Mars [Gift of discipline and hard work]

You possess the gifts of endurance and perseverance, the willingness to work hard and seriously to achieve your objectives. Once you decide you want something or make a commitment, you'll do it "even if it takes forever". Self-discipline is natural to you and you instinctively realize that any creative achievement is "10% inspiration, 90% perspiration". You choose practical, realistic goals and pursue them step-by-step in a well-planned, orderly way. You like to concentrate on one thing at a time and do a thorough job. You enjoy working in solitude, and often feel your best work is done when you are alone. You may find that you go from one transformational situation to another, never really settling into any one thing. Yet you have the endurance necessary for the long haul. (

Mars sextile or trine Saturn: With the sextile and the trine, there is an effortless ability to labor consistently toward one’s goals and virtually never throw in the towel. Out of this group, you’re most likely to see struggle and hardships as a positive opportunity for growth. Still, your familiarity with the hard knocks does give you spells of melancholy that need working through.  (


Sun opposite Pluto [Necessary destruction of the self through enlightenment]

When Pluto aspects a planet in a birth chart, the stage is set for a style of avoiding or realizing the spiritual truth of who we really are. An element of ourselves, represented by the aspected planet, becomes the battleground between conscious and unconscious forces, between nirvana and samsara (peace and suffering), and between self-love and self-hate. A planetary function in aspect with Pluto must undergo severe experiences, but through these purifying fires the planet can become a vehicle towards enlightenment.


Pluto can be appreciated as a force which, although brutal, serves spiritual awakening. You could say that Pluto is the only planet that loves us enough to put on full-length rubber gloves, stick its hand all the way up our as-, remove the deepest causes of our suffering, and show them to us. Pluto's spiritual nature is to strip away from us every deep-seated and negative tendency--to strip away all that is false to reveal what is true. Pluto seeks to bring us to a mindful silence that can witness how we run away from our innermost freedom. The heaviness that comes with Pluto can be seen primarily as the acting out of the resistance of the ego-mind to deep peace and true healing. 


The healthy Pluto-Sun individual can be an example of overcoming a wounded self-belief through devotion to allowing the real Self to shine through oneself for the good of all. The enlightened Pluto-Sun person has chosen to let Spirit guide one's activities, rather than trying to make things work primarily on one's own power; the psychological 'I' now takes a back-seat as the humble vehicle of a higher Self, open to a plane of more perfect inspiration, love, power, and creativity. Worldly ambition has been transformed into devoted spiritual aspiration, and the weak/arrogant personality has yielded control over to the power of one's true Center. One can then be a witness to just being, and letting God do her miracles when she wishes.

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Is birth time taken for this?

Edited by Harikrishnan

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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No, the birth time is needed to determine the Ascendant and resulting houses and an accurate position of the Moon and would give more precise details on other elements of the chart. The planets involved in the aspects mentioned in this post would not change depending on the time, although they might be highlighted even more.

Edited by dlof

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Please don't speculate about me as if you know me. You have no idea who I really am, creating rumors.

If you're going to practice stuff like astrology or mind reading, have a code of ethics, so you don't turn into a gossip.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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