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Roger Castillo

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I just discovered this guy recently and thought his teachings might be of interest/value to others here. He was a student of Ramesh Balsekar, who was in turn a student of Nisargadatta. To me his particular set of instructions are so clear and direct that they are hard to misinterpret and easy to execute. That's a problem I have with a lot of teachers (Mooji & Spira come to mind), nothing they say is practical enough for me to actually apply. I'm likely just not ready for them yet TBH. This teaching is simply "absorb these concepts, apply them in your mind, and change will start to happen", which is exactly how it has played out for me in my life so far. I know different teachers resonate with different personality type and people at different stages of development, but this one speaks to me so I hope it speaks to others here. 


The basics are: Ask yourself "what are you seeking?". His position is that we're all seeking "unbroken happiness and/or peace of mind in this lifetime". Granted, this could be debated, but it seems like a good place to start. He then argues the realization that there is "no doer" in you or anyone else that is responsible for the actions/thoughts that are happening is the way to achieve this.  I recommend you listen to him explain it though because I don't want to butcher his explanation. I also type like 10 words a minute and this is getting long now lol.




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I wanted to start a thread about Roger Castillo but then I figured I should just add to a pre-existing one. 

@ChimpBrain I'd be interested to know how you've come along with this teaching since you first posted this.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Roger Castillo, I recommend the following video as a starting point:


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