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Withdrawal From Meditation

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I get withdrawal symptoms when I havent meditated during the day, feeling confused and restless, with alot of monkeymind. Been meditating daily for 7 months. As soon as sit down it goes away and i feel peaceful again. Anyone feel similar?

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Rilles The practices are not adding anything, or ‘increasing consciousness’, but relinquishing filters of cognitive dissonance. Practices are periods of time spent without all of the sensory content in typical day to day living, and with attention to the “contentless / emptiness”. If general misunderstandings of duality / nonduality have not been rooted out, then after ‘practice time’, upon returning to ‘the rest of the day’,  misunderstanding is retriggered via mental reactions, the “separate I” is mentally reconstructed, and the giddy is gone. Stomach breathing can bridge the practice time into the rest of the day because attention is kept to the breath, allowing thought to come and freely go, revealing thought’s  ‘just things’ (Maya / Illusionary)  nature. 


Mental processes resolved, new ‘frequencies of observation’ (access of self) are revealed as being incomprehensible, which is why thinking was preventing access. An example would be the all too easily overlooked simplicity in the power of your attention, prior to focus, prior to thought, prior to verbalization, prior to reaction, etc.   Just, attention.  Easier to see with love first, and then literal creation of your own reality. 

So consider there is not a ‘withdrawal’ at play, but the opposite, the ‘adding of things’ (thoughts). 



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Wow...Thanks...That was an amazing explanation:oxD

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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