
in silence

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in silence we give a voice to all our beliefs

each belief holds a different perspective on reality, a different truth, we hold in ourselves different realities


when we think we give in to a certain belief, we pick a side, we claim one belief over all the others and we claim that one to be true

this creates conflict and mayhem, because it is not true, we hold multiple beliefs and realities, we are multi-dimensional beings and as such we advance by being who we are


in silence, each belief is given a voice

in silence, all perspectives come together, each belief holds a polite and civil discussion with all the other beliefs, it is a diplomatic harmony , a peaceful discussion which always leads to an united resolution

each belief learns and gives in to the other, till there is no division anymore

to get to that point, one cannot pretend to have only one belief and pretend that all the other don't exist or are false, this is the thinking mind

you may hold up to 6 or 8 different beliefs in your conscious mind and compare them and inquire them when you think, maybe even more with practice ,but it doesn't come close to silence

in silence every single belief is give a voice, even unconscious beliefs you may have had from your infancy, or beliefs you do not even wish to face consciously, in silence all comes together, in silence, real thinking is done

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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I often think about how much I'd learn about myself and others if I were absolutely silent for a year. 

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wow <3  

awe is expressed in silence 

in silence there is room for everything

thanks for sharing @Arkandeus , very beautiful <3

whatever arises, love that

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