Irina Irina

To All The Women, Please Read This

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How to get over a guy: why Men cheat and disrespect women to the extreme. By Keith crawford. 

I was living in fantasy land,  the grammer is not very good but the Information is priceless. 

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Is there a likewise book for men too? Why women cheat and disrespect men to the extreme?

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Well,  this book can help anyone, male or female. It s no bullshit kind of book. It s tough,  but oh man,  so true. Even if the truth hurts.  It has valuable information, the grammer as i said is not that good, but it gets to the core problem. 

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I honestly have a very low tolerance for a guy that disrespects me or cheats. I don't really care about excuses for cheating. I will kick your ass to the curb where it belongs. If a guy disrespects you without a good reason, he's gone out of my life as well. I think we just need a no tolerance for this sort of stuff, no matter how much we say we love someone. Time is precious and way too short to deal with this crap from any guy.

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@MIA.RIVEL Amen! More people would need this attitude. I certainly have. No amount of "love" can save you from the trash can if you cheat on me. (Yeah I still love you in the spiritual sense and wish you the best in your life, for I know you are only a child of god who is exactly in the right place on their own unique path and you are doing the best you can. But anyway go fuck yourself)

No woman or man should put up with this bullshit.

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Love is two lonely people seeking in another what they do not possess themselves and come together to make a play called love. 

A good relationship requires that you take the tools with you to the relationship in order for it to be meaningful.  Most do not possess those tools and that is why they seek it in another, love is the tool in this case. 

One must be love, be able to function as love going into the relationship or it is going to fail.  Many people who are in failed relationships refuse to leave it and move on, they are addicted and will endure a lot of misery and pain for years, and yes of course you can work at it, but what are you working with, do you even know, do you understand that neither of the two possess what is necessary to carry on a meaningful relationship with children. 

Many women end up with the children to raise by herself while the man goes on his merry way generally finding another one that will produce the same results. 

A self realized being does not require, love or a relationship to be happy and enjoy life, they are happiness and they enjoy life.  If this is not you then you need to re-examine your ideas about self realization.

Most seek a relationship out of loneliness, boredom, because they have been taught to get married and have kids, many reasons and generally they have no idea what is really lurking behind the mask of that other person.

When people don't know and understand themselves, how will they know who and what that other person is, they wont, they cant.

If you are love you should be able to recognize it in another, for real not just something to satisfy the identity and ego, and it should be a good relationship, whereby both grow together, but that is rare.

The majority of people going into relationships are not ready for one.

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@charlie2dogs I agree with you. From my experience. Miserable love, like Leo called it. I wish to be at that level where I am happy with myself that I don't need another person. And the " Love" I had, it was all ego based. Feeding the ego, not the soul .......... 

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