
Supercharge Your Meditation

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Just watched a really interesting doco on the yogi's of Tibet..

Interesting take outs

  • Supposed Quote from Dalai Lama
    • "If I had stayed in Lhasa and there had been no Chinese Invasion, I may still be isolated"
    • Tibetan Buddhism may still be in its old ways..
  • I feel that their culture became attached their practice and there tradition
    • there must be some way of evolving the practising , understanding, of their research
  • Did they progress their practice and make them align to the modern  changing ways??
  • I dont see any religion as doctrine any more they are all research and as time change, so do the teachings and methods..
  • They are very cautious not to show their research to others without prior experience which I think is very relevant
  • However I found they limited them selve in tradition probably too much..
    • Im just thinking of how experimentation can lead to new discoveries.
    • I guess they knew what could be experimented with and what could not.

Got me thinking about how I meditate..

  • I like to challenge myself by meditating in areas that are loud and busy
  • Further to Leos meditation vid where you identify a sense as, see, hear, feel.. I go on to identify thoughts and break each one down to an aspect of that i.e. see...... is composed of, colour, brightness, texture, ect , thoughts are comprised of aspects like  justification, judgement, validation ect ect. My objective here is to not use any label that judges i.e. hate anger happiness.. I feel that all these lables like happiness  , up ,down are all values judgements that are not usefull because you need to compare them for them to be valid.. I feel that there is no intrinsic positive or negative, no such thing as up or down.. up down , positive , negative need some arbitrary comparison which automatically disqualifies it from being an intrinsic feature of our existence.. Did I even explain that right??

So I am in conflict between the tried and tested culture and practices of tibetan yogis.. and new methods people are creating these days..

Some how we need to keep those olds ways, and add to them with new methods..

Things I would like to see challenged..

  • how quickly you can become enlightened.
  • book of the dead
  • digital meditation. i.e. virtual reality mindfulness or exploring the realms of psychoactive drugs ( I understand these things may be distractions but they also may hold some value too)..
  • Lets face it technology is ievitably going to change the way we experience the world, expand our senses ect..


Kinda makes me think we need allot more Yogi's !! Yogi university..



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An interesting topic.

I am always annoyed with people who take something out of a tradition, change a few words, give it a different name and start making money out of it.

However everything is evolving and that`s good. But to my opinion the real knowledge really did not change, just a few `new` alleys.

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