
I just can't learn anything

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I've had this problem forever. Whenever I want to try to learn to do something almost whatever it is, I always get stuck immediately. I would start looking for tutorials googling it for hours, but never to find one that suited me. Like one thing that frustrates me is if I'm searching how to do something and it says "Make sure you do this", or "Include this" but never shows an example, and I'm thinking "How am I supposed to make this perfect if I don't have an example?". But even when I do have an example, it doesn't suit my exact scenario now this is understandable but just leaves me frustrated not knowing what to do. How can I defeat this issue already?

I always feel like I need help and that I can't learn by my self, I hate that. I want to be self sufficient and not always relying on others to constantly help me, it just makes me feel useless.

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Yes its interesting. But it has nothing to do with the interest of the topic. I'm not doing something right but I just can't figure it out.

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I had this problem for almost 2 years. I escaped this problem by learning the following video

You're trying to construct a customized curriculum. A curriculum is a theory of course of learning.

At some point, you have to stop refining your curriculum and go with it and modify it on the run.

Believe me. Doing so is better than being stuck with a curriculum for 2 years. I had been paralyzed for 2 years.

To construct your own curriculum, you should start with fundamentals of your field or a suggested curriculum of your field.

I stuffed each fundamental of my field with videos, tutorials, and books.

Edited by CreamCat

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Are you a perfectionist? Do you think what you have is a confidence/self-esteem issue, or is it a control issue? What you described sounds like thoughts that I have at times as well, although I usually end up giving it a try (whatever the task happens to be), and that's usually enough for me to figure it out on my own. I think deep down mine comes from a confidence standpoint. If that's the root of it, it's nice to identify it as such. Shining light on a shadow makes it disappear.

Don't be hard on yourself. Show love and compassion for yourself, even the parts that you dislike. Negative talk and feelings only compound things.  

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this is toxic - wanting to be perfect, and I m talking from pure experience.

I m still in the process of letting go this mindset ( wanting everything to be perfect )

Because in reality that's an idea that you project on your work ( "I m not enough" )

  it was a real disease in my mind the want for "perfection" , sometimes you need to want perfection, sometimes let it go. It's all about "balance". Don't neglict your work aswell, but don't try to be at the top of your work, you'll never be. Even 30 years expert, still thrive to "perfection" and find their work "shitty" because it's a matter of perspective.


When you can shape all the sound, that's so much infinity that aiming perfection become a disease in the effort

It can't be attain in reality, this is only a perspective, Sometimes I feel perfection, but some people will not see it. You're the one who see perfection/or not.

It took me months to "get it" and integrate the idea, I m still not where I want to be with it. I can still have some problem with it

now this mindset become more and more  unsustainable  as I learn more and more through my practice and "self reflection"/my own "objectivity".


Edited by Strikr

We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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i recomend reading how to become a straigt a student by cal newport

3 tips from this book is

explain the concept out loud to understand it

the more intense the concentration the faster you can get it done and at a higher quiality

recall the information to remember it better without looking


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