
This is the point of life.

35 posts in this topic

People often ask themselves "what's the point of life?" without getting a satisfying answer.

Or they might ask themselves "what the hell is the point of life?" but still they don't get a satisfying answer.

Or they might ask themselves "what the fuck is the point in this life???" and again they don't get a satisfying answer.

Or they might ask someone else, maybe a philosopher, maybe a scientist, maybe a religious leader or spiritual teacher: "Can you tell me the point of life?" and yet again they do not get a satisfying answer.

So now they might not just ask, they might start to take the time to contemplate those questions in order to find the answers. They start to take the time now, whether it's days, weeks, months, or years. However, even after all of that time, the answer often still eludes them.

In result, they draw conclusions such as "life has no point!" or "life is meaningless!"

"Life doesn't have a point because life is meaningless," they say (while suffering.) But in truth, they have that backwards. IN TRUTH, LIFE HAS A POINT BECAUSE LIFE IS MEANINGFUL.

What is the point, you ask?

This is it: happiness. :)

That is the point of life. Happiness.

Happiness is the point of life.

Every single action anyone has ever taken, ever in life, is to be happy or become happier, or create more happiness in some way. You can search throughout every nook and cranny in the cosmos and you will not find a single living being who wants to be unhappy. Everyone desires happiness...

...and everyone deserves it. Happiness is your birthright, period. What excuse can someone come up with for anyone to experience this miracle we call life without being happy while experiencing it? There is no excuse. If you're alive but not happy, there is something wrong right there.

Wait... Can you even be alive if you're not happy? Can you really say you're alive if you're not happy? These, I think, are the real questions we need to start asking.

So, please, whoever is reading this, become happy if you're not already. That's the whole point of life. That's the whole fucking point! That's it!!! Happiness!!!


Live happily.

Please, don't ever again ask yourself "what's the point of life?" Please, don't ever again waste your time wondering what the meaning of life is. And please, don't ever again in your fucking life claim that life is meaningless only to suffer afterwards. That's completely and utterly unacceptable. Life does have meaning. Unlike what I proved in this post, I do not have to prove that to you. You already fucking knew that, which is why you've ever been unhappy.

Happiness. This, right here, is the point of life; to live happy and die happy.

Live happy and die happy. ?

That is the point.

Happiness, happiness, happiness!!!

One more time: happiness!

This is the point of life. :D

The man who changes the world is the man who changes himself.

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The @Robert has spoken!

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Feel Good You're very welcome.

Any time you're feeling down or have a thought that comes up and demands to know the point in life, remember why you're here, remember the point: happiness. You are literally owed happiness.

The man who changes the world is the man who changes himself.

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I find it easy to hack my brain into feeling as happy as I want whenever I want. But when I try to explain this process to help depressed people stop feeling depressed, they can't grasp it, because they see their emotional reactions to their environment as deep, meaningful, and real. Denying the validity of their emotions seems like destroying their sense of self altogether, and perhaps this kind of ego death is the very means by which you stop being a victim of emotional reactiveness, and start being the author of your own reality.

If you want to be happy, then be happy for the sake of being happy. But one trap that is easy to fall into, and I have myself many times, is that when you feel happy all the time, you can fall into neglecting and self-sabotaging behavior patterns, since you could be just as happy regardless. This is why I feel it is important to feel happiness from a place of genuine unconditional self-love. Writing out this thought now, I realize this may be the key if I want to be successful in such endeavors. Teach people to become self-loving, and only then will they have a healthy psychological foundation form which to develop emotional mastery.

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@Robert The question you answered is "What is the deepest desire of the ego?" and you are right in that sense - Joy, Love; God.

However, nihilism doesn't imply misery. This only happens when the ego gets scared of the freedom it actually has because it is punched out of the view that life has a point. Fully integrating nihilism is actually really liberating.

The way to truly attain happiness is to dwell in Resistance and this implies facing the Resistance to the idea having any meaning.


Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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@Torkys No. Read what I wrote. I answered the question: "what is the point of life?"

Nihilism is bound to make you miserable and weak. And there's a difference between integrating it and identifying with it like you're talking about. Every person I ever came across who identifies with nihilism is depressed and/or suicidal.

If you truly care about your happiness you will stop this whole nihilist act. You know darn well that life is packed with beautiful meaning, so embrace it!

The man who changes the world is the man who changes himself.

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8 hours ago, Robert said:

No. Read what I wrote. I answered the question: "what is the point of life?"

I just think what you wrote answers another question.

8 hours ago, Robert said:

Nihilism is bound to make you miserable and weak. And there's a difference between integrating it and identifying with it like you're talking about. Every person I ever came across who identifies with nihilism is depressed and/or suicidal.

How come I am not depressed then? Has Leo been hiding his suicidal thoughts for years now?

And I gave a reason why nihilism causes these things (+ existential crises).

8 hours ago, Robert said:

If you truly care about your happiness you will stop this whole nihilist act. You know darn well that life is packed with beautiful meaning, so embrace it!

Honestly, the idea that happiness is the meaning of life never appealed to me. There are much nobler, deeper things in life than maintaining the conditions for happiness. Yes, following your Joy may be a direct spiritual path but that path will turn upside down once you follow it for long enough.

And I don't see any inherent meaning in life.

Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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@Torkys You don't know what you're talking about.

Happiness is what you are fundamentally after. That's why you were born. That's why you're here. You and everyone else is here to be happy! To be happy and alive with a constant smile on your face. :D

This is it. Happiness. It's completely unacceptable for you to walk around this planet as a miserable and weak nihilist. If that's what you think spirituality is, you are doing it wrong.

Remember when you were a little kid and were pretty much always happy? You were supposed to stay like that!

I want you to be happy. Forget about your ideas about spirituality, they are holding you back, I can tell.

Claim your birthright of happiness. It's all yours. It's yours for the taking. Don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. Live a meaningful and happy life!

Take care.

The man who changes the world is the man who changes himself.

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And how you define happinness, what is It? In last post you added meaningful. What is meaningful life? Those are all subjective things, sure I agree, we should be happy and so on, but that's really basic and boring meaning. My meaning is to get the most out of this human experience and live my lfie in such way that others can benefit from It. Meaning of life is what you choose It to be, your approach is beautiful, but that's doesn't really answer the question. I don't know what you perceive as "happiness", same as you don't know what I mean by getting the most out of human experiences. What I wan't to tell is you can't present your belief as the truth, best It can do is point towards the truth. I believe there is aspects of life worth exploring where happinness is not really included. I enjoy every part of this existence.

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We must make this distinction that the type of happiness you’re after is eudaimonic and not hedonic. If you’re unsure what I’m referring to watch Leo’s video on the happiness spectrum

Edited by Cody_Atzori

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@Robert ??

Robert makes a hell of a case here, imo. If you have another perspective / understanding & intention relative to the meaning of life, just ask yourself, why? As in, whatever you think the point of life is - scrutinize that by asking, why do I want that? Why do I thin that?

Try to prove that you are not the literal center of the universe. You can’t. The universe is your illusion. Seems crazy af, I know. 

If it’s unbelievable, go ahead and spend a decade or two reading what the guru’s have to say.

But before you do that, ask yourself why you’re going to do it. 





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Meaninglessness is not a bad thing. Reality is fundamentally beyond meaning and all these human concepts most of us cling to. Striving for these concepts to align with a reality which do not hold them to be true will only create more suffering. The good news is that you can transcend them, but in order to get there you need to pursue truth, and not want you want to be true.

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Very deep post by Robert

The. Main essenes of it makes sense when looking at how enlighteed beings live. It's important to note when I say how "they live" it means how those now-"mostly empty" body/minds act/behave . And their bodies act out happiness as the higher self is seeing thru the illusion thru them.


From that point of view, happiness can be substituted by 100%surrender and acceptance of what is.


So for example an enlightened person getting raped for example would / can be fully ok/accepting of that experience.

This is important due to:

On 24/08/2018 at 1:01 AM, XYZ said:

This is why I feel it is important to feel happiness from a place of genuine unconditional self-love. Writing out this thought now, I realize this may be the key if I want to be successful in such endeavors. Teach people to become self-loving, and only then will they have a healthy psychological foundation form which to develop emotional mastery.

And That's why this here by @XYZ is very important when it comes to how that happiness, which Robert refferrs to in his post, needs to be had at this sort of level to be fully liberated . So you work toward that and that accepting of what is only can happen when we stop taking things personaly and slowly letgo until the last thing to leggo of is "I" which somehow has to be seen thru.

Love Is The Answer

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This post makes me ?

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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19 hours ago, Robert said:

Happiness is what you are fundamentally after.

I haven't said anything that contradicts this. I am more pro-joy and anti forcing spiritual practice than you most likely imagine. I prioritize authentic desire over seeking.

However, I draw a line between the prime directive of the ego and the purpose of life. Life is in it's purest form without mental projections (because Truth is limitless Being) and purpose is one of these mental projections.

Happiness is a state where one doesn't sense Resistance - in other words, where ego doesn't encounter itself. True unconditional happiness is only possible with the death of the ego but then, the ego wants to be happy, it doesn't want to face Resistance unless it realizes it has to. It comes full circle beautifully.

Finding happiness and killing the ego (thus the entity to desire happiness) are not opposing desires - they are ultimately one.

19 hours ago, Robert said:

It's completely unacceptable for you to walk around this planet as a miserable and weak nihilist. If that's what you think spirituality is, you are doing it wrong.

Happiness is what we are all after but I don't think this makes it the purpose of life. Even a miserable and weak nihilist who identifies with nihilism is seeking happiness. :)

19 hours ago, Robert said:

Forget about your ideas about spirituality, they are holding you back, I can tell.

If after reading this post you think that something is holding me back, feel free to tell me.

19 hours ago, Robert said:

I want you to be happy. [...] Claim your birthright of happiness. It's all yours. It's yours for the taking.


May Love and Purity guide your journey ?

Edited by Torkys

Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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Only thing I would argue is that you are OWED happiness. By whom? By reality? Reality doesn't owe you anything. Often-times, when we grow and develop, it's by following our 'blisters' rather than following our bliss. Pain will teach you valuable lessons that joy doesn't know about. 

As a living being, you will receive results based on your choices and the efforts that you make. Life doesn't owe you happiness any more than it owes you anger or sadness or glory. These are all things produced by your conscious efforts. Life WILL reward you with happiness if you do the 'right' things, but it will not just award it to you if you are, for example, massively egoic, insecure, and apathetic. No - step up and you'll get what you have tried to receive. But you are not entitled to any more than you have chosen and deserved.

Extra note: and sometimes you'll get hit with things you don't deserve! It's a messy game out there. 

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@Caterpillar You want to evolve for the sake of happiness.

@Cody_Atzori You're making too many distinctions. Eudaimonia is more noble than hedonism, but at the end of the day they both produce happiness. What we need is the right balance.

@Nahm Yes! ?

@AxelK You can say meaninglessness isn't bad, but if you say meaningfulness is bad, you're setting yourself up to suffer the most in life. Reality includes meaning which make some of the happiest moments of people's lives. Denying this will bring you farther away from enlightenment and Truth, not closer.

@Solace I'm glad. ^_^

@Torkys I find it funny that you already mentioned projection yet you're doing so damn much of it. Watch this video: 

I didn't start this thread to go back and forth with anyone.

@Gorlov You owe it to yourself most of all. Your Self.

The man who changes the world is the man who changes himself.

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@Robert Please list all the projections I have made because I only see one (and I was careful with that one too):

On 2018. 08. 26. at 0:15 PM, Torkys said:

I am more pro-joy and anti forcing spiritual practice than you most likely imagine.

The ego is nothing but a projection machine.

Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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39 minutes ago, Torkys said:

Please list all the projections I have made

I'll pass.

Like I said, I'm not here to go back and forth with people.


The man who changes the world is the man who changes himself.

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